Title : The self Existed manu and the vedas |
Author : Dr. S.J. Diwakar |
This thing is accepted by mostly all the scholars, in one tone [voice], that, the first creator of the universe, [Nature] is the self-existed [primal man] manu. And the manu-Smruti is the collection of thous creation (Predications – transactions). According to the historical traditions of India, the self-existed manu was [ existed] in the beginning of the world. At the time, when the manu wrote his book, there was no other book on this Earth except the Vedas. So the Manu has to create all his creation, on the basis of the Vedas. From this point of view, there should be reference of Vedas on [from] place to place. In the words of manu, the Vedas are the books of all the real/true Sciences'. So, we collect all the shlokas of Manu with the translated language, in which Manu has written some things about the Vedas.
prior to the existence of the Universe, the Brahma kept the names with the words of the Vedas to all the things & created their karmas with the Vaidic sentences. Gave them proper form also and established their different [other] authority.
The basic [original] stream/flow of the religion is the total vedas [Rugveda, Samveda, Atharvaveda, Yajurveda] & the Indological Science made by the people, having the knowledge of the Vedas & their follow up. On the basis of all this one should also, follow according to his own knowledge of thinking in the decision [duties] of the religion. The justice has to give the authorised decision according to the streams of the laws. In the modern systems, there is value of the personal genius [talent/knowledge]. The blind faith is to be given.
By realising / understanding all those above referred supports/base of the religion by the soul & the brain, the human being should follow the religion, which is [established by proof] a measure of authentic scripture, but against the vedas.
The man becomes the partner of the success in this world, by following the path of the told [teached] religion of Vedas & Smrutis. And gets the very fine pleasures/path/state/ stage after the death, by the Form of Salvation/absolution or by taking the birth in any particular/special home.
The name shruti [designation] is of the Vedas. The Smruti's are called the Science of the Religion- Indology. We should not suspect regarding its reality of creation, because due to them we get the knowledge of the Religion. We should make the gains/profit from them by thinking & not by the help of the blind faith.
The brahmans [priest] who blames, [dishonours] these basic books as an instigator or an inducer, they are supposed to be rejected by the saints. He is the uncreditable, atheist [heretic] genius, who dishonours/ blames the Vedas.
The Vedas, the smrutis, the behaviour of the good people & to be the best of own understanding are the four sources, which are proper in the decision of the religion.
The weak person [in active] knows realises his duties by the collection & gains. That is the last measure/remedy for the religious man. The person who has the perfect rituals, according to the Vedas from the birth [conception] to the death, he can be able to understand the Vedas properly. It is difficult for others to understand the Vedas perfectly. The brahmanas should be followed by the Vaidic rituals, like the [rendering] [Sacrifice] establishment of the embryo [conception], these rituals should be carried out for the body & soul, which gives,the holiness / auspiciousness. These rituals are helpful for progress, in this life also. And after death also, they are helpful get the origion of the best birth & the meditation.
The soul becomes capable/efficient to get the blessing of the god by observing the studies of vedas to obey the rules & regulations sacrifices in the [Yagnya] fire [karma-rituals] & achieving the knowledge Yagnyas of the full moon & performing the panch [Five] Maha Yagnayas [for birth of the son-or appointment of the next authority etc.].
The brahmian's Mundan ritual [cutting sacrifice of hairs] should be performed, by thinking the good/profit & bad/loss, by the Vaidic methods, in the first third year of life.
The man who has bad/impure mentality/soul, never gets benefit/good profit, from the vaidic knowledge, following the laws, of Bhagwat karmas rituals & hard work.
In the studies of the vaidic branches & the daily vaidic studies, there is not requirement of the cessation form work & if required, you can perform the sacrifices along with it.
In the daily routine/rituals there is no break/rest or interruption. Like the God's authority of working, the vaidic studies should be followed up. In the time/period of the cessation form work. if the sacrifices are done with vaidic mantras/chants, purifies the soul.
In between those two, one who gives the gift of the body the other who is the donor of vedas, the father who donates the vedas is the great.
The qualities got from the knowledge of the vedas, gives always pleasures in the present life & the next life, for ever to the brahman dharmatama.
The progressive brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya & Shudra i.e. those who expects own prosperity, should follow pure/clean, behaviour, and should be always busy in learning & teaching vedas. The brahman, interested in knowing the real true religion i.e. the efforts of brahman castes [dwijati] in vedas, are the best in this world.
After the rituals of the scared thread [Up-nayan] it is better to keep the limits of the religion And it is correct to get the lows binder knowledge of vedas properly, for teaching & learning.
The pure/clean behavioured bachelors, making no short cuts-lack in teaching & learning the vedas & the expert in the own rituals of castes or race, should bring the begged food form the houses.
He should be always busy in the studies of the vedas, either inspired or not inspired by the priest/tutor.
The non-interrupte [contineous] bachelor should enter into the family life, by studying the four, three, two or one vedas form start to end.
He should get shine of the knowledge by the studies of the vedas & the mantra japa [chants] of the savitri. He should purify the air/ atmosphere by burning- lighting the Yagnya fire. And he should honour the animals, devotees & the people like the father [fore-fathers] by the food preparations available by the many good works done always with faith & love.
The person should not do such a work in this world for the life's survival, which will bring him back in the family life, after death. He should follow the vedas oriented pure life, with out cruelty & destructive determination.
The man should go on doing his duties, favourable to vedas, without laziness, because doing it according to the own favourable efficiency [capacity] he can achieve the state of freedom [free-ness] He should stop all the other works, which would be harmful in learning the veda studies & should go on teaching the vedas.
He should follow the shath path Brahman as a definition of the daily chanting veda mantras, which develops the soul & the body & those which progresses the knowledge very fast.
The saints [Rushi's] did very long time thinking/analysis/ meditation of Brahma and, by the experience of uniformity of soul's with the Brahma, they achieved the more power, developed soul & the strength to work promptly with praise / honour & got the knowledge of the vedas.
The Brahman, kshatriya, Vaishye should follow the veda studies, by concentration, leaving all other work apart, by starting them with the, proper rituals in the months of shravan & Bhadrapada, because it protects the soul.
The Brahmas [Dwijas] should follow, celebrate, perform the remaining last part of the vaidic studies rituals in the form of some festival, which they have mostly started at the end of the month pousha or on the first day of the month of maghah, of the descending moon.
After that they should follow, the vedas, in the descending fortnight with rules & other parts & sub-parts in the ascending fortnight.
But still, the person should follow strictly two cessation from work, when the land area of the classroom would be impure [un auspicious or the reader would have impurity form inner & outer state.
By neglecting the laziness, he should study the vedas daily on the right time. It is called the human's prime duty, other all works are secondary.
The parson can remind his [old] previous prior, birth by the continuous [constant] studies of the vedas, by achieving the auspiciousness & hard work and by treating the animals with sympathy.
By remembering/re-minding the works done in the prior/old/previous life,goes on studying the vedas. By the continued veda studies, un-ending/eternal pleasures are achieved.
The person should follow the good practical & spiritual/moral behaviour, by engaged in his own authorized cast works, given in the shruti's & veda's favoured smruti's by leaving the laziness.
He should sacrifice/leave/omit the following things: Not to keep faith on the God & not to get pleasure/Joy in God's meditation, to blame the vedas, to dishonour/ neglect the things which guide light or shine, to compare as inferior or criticize/hate with ego, hard - hearted, anger in the mind & behaviour.
The sacrifices/donation of vaidic [vedas] knowledge, is most important/valuable than all the other things donation like water, food, cows, earth [land], clothes, dil gold or ghee.
The person who expects to learn vedas, or to take food [dinner] should follow the rituals of drinking water three times & sacrifice of one, and touch the head, hands & other parts of the body after doing urine & excretion.
The person who lives in the forest, should also give the proper time for the vedas studies, & he should be soft minded with control on all parts/organs of the body. He should read the God's / religious books of meditation-prayers. He should be free in giving & not in taking, He should show sympathy/pity for all animals creatures.
The person living in the forest should concentrate on the final liberation, by doing the vedas studies with the systematic rituals & by giving, birth to children according rules/legal aspects and by doing the practical/familiar & religious/spiritual works dedicated to the god, according own efficiency.
The monk who always performs the behaviour according to the veads, clean/pure & away from sexual pleasure & who performs his duties with hard/strict discipline, achieves the God in this life only.
According to the management systems of vedas & Indology, the Family man is on the top level of the other three Ashrama's with the view, that all the other three Ashram systems are derived from the familiar man. And the person who lives with the family, only fulfills/ satisfied their physical requirements.
The king should get up early in the morning, to perform prayers/meditation work i.e. knowledgeable work, by sitting with respect along with the genius brahmans having expert in Rugved, Yajurveda Samveda & should follow the government work according to their orders.
By knowing these thee vidyas, they should learn Atma-vidya [soul-knowledge], Brahma – vidya, the legal science (Rules & regulation's) the moral techniques of fines/punishment, which gives the satisfaction-happiness to the community – society - public & knowledge, karma & meditation from the Brahmans. And they-should get the knowledge of business & finance from the expert people in the familiar works.
The brahman - dwijas returning from the guru - kul should be fully honoured. Thous brahmans are the eternal store/assets of the veda - viday, of the kings [apart from keeping the cultural wealth].
Neither this veda - knowledge is robbed/theft, nor the enemy can destroy it. so it is correct for the king, that he should establish the wealth in the form of the veda - viday in the brahmans which always goes on increasing more & more.
This is order of the vedas, that the soldiers should give the 6% of the wind property to the king should give the proper amount of wind, collected wealth to all the soldiers.
The following merits/credits are found in the people, who have pure mentality/behaviour:- The studies of vedas, hardship, the
knowledge of gratitude to wared the god & the family/own birth in this universe, auspiciousness - cleanliness-purity, religiousness, control on the body/organs, meditation/prayers.
The following things are best help in getting the freedom/absolution/final liberation :- the learning & teaching of vedas, the knowledge of everything, amenity, sacrifice, to obey the tutor/guru & give pleasure/happiness to him, great, to obey the tutor/ guru & to give pleasure/happiness to him, great hard long travels, separation of sex desire from the body organs.
The studies of the vedas, devotion/meditation/prayers, control on the body organs, non-violence serving the Guru all these six are supposed to be inferior/low, if compared to the vaidic traditional follow up & which gives the pleasures in this life & the next life.
The reason of this is that, by keeping the concept of vaidic view to the rituals/ traditions, all these six karmas gets involved in that view.
From the start/origin of this universe/nature, the vaidic eye is going on working, of the genius people, who follow according their own brain, light & sacrifices / donation. It is definite/ sure that, 'the vedas are not created by the man, & they are full of serious knowledge.
Those smruti's which are not favourable [for] to the vedas, and having errors/wrong things/discussions are all harmful. Though this impure knowledge may not harm in this life / birth, but it will be proved harmful, in the next life/birth, because the writings/articles will lead to the dark/ruin.
Brahman, Kshatriya, Vishya & Shudra's concept, their duties, three entities/ phenonmenon - lokas - i.e. god-creature & nature, four ashramas - Brahmacharya, family man, vanprastha & the monk, present- past & future prediction/forecasting analysis & co - ordinating knowledge all these things are possible in the vaidic studies.
The knowledge of eternal/ traditional vaidic sciences is going on protecting all the creatures from the time, before the creation of this universe. So it should be regarded as the best knowledge encyclopedia, because it gives/guides/shows the sources of happiness/ pleasures to all the creatures.
The person knowing vedas can only understand the merits/duties of the king, the justice, the Commander of the army, & the universal governing authority. Like the roaring/fierce to werning fire, burns wet trees, the person knowing the vedas, doesn't gives any importance/statue/place/value to his own desires & own authority while in the family / universe. By doing this, he remains away from all the responsibilities, & tensions in the future.
The person knowing the secrets of vaidic principles, by living, in any asharam, becomes the liable to the sensual perception of the Brahma, in this life.
The person who tries to understand, the knowledge of the saints/Rushi's favourable to the vedas, he can only understand the religious [Religions] rising/progressive, welfare secrets/puzzle/knots- entanglement, & there is no other way to understand the indological knowledge/religions knowledge.
Those educated gentle people who actually experience the vaidic knowledge, are called best saint because they study the vedas & their supplementary books, education, kalp grammar, niruktas, chandas, jyotish sub-parts [purva - mimansa, Vaisheshishik [Naya, Yoga, Sankhaya & Vedant], Brahman Granthas [Aiateraya, Shathapatha, Samagopath] Upvedas [Ayurveda, Dhnurveda, Ghandharvavrda & Atharve Veda], Manu smruti teachings/talks/speeches form time to time like Shrimat Bhagwat Gita, Vidur Niti etc.
There is Dashavara seminar/Conference of the ten different type of experts knowing Rugveda, Yajurveda, Samveda, the justice/lawyer knowing the work & reasons behind it, the bachelor knowing the indological- religious rituals of Nighantu & Niruktas, family man & Vanprashti's. If there are any doubts [suspects] about the Religion/ Indological things acceptance, they can be solved by the conference/seminar of Rugvedas, Yajurveda, Samveda etc.
what is the value of the management/work done by the crores of fool people these indological religious opinions, decisions, orders should be followed to be the best with the honour, given by the single person who have learned the vedas & born in the Brahman family.
The hundred gathered people, callings self as brahmans, without the good moral character/ behaviour without the knowledge of vedas, is not called the meeting.
For getting the proper knowledge of the religious/ indological good & bad things, there should be good study of vaidic science, having many vidyas & actually available resources.
The person form the every religious branch can have profit / progress by reading it. If there is honour / value of the Manu's Smruti' in our soul, then the importance of the vedas, is not less, as they are the original flows [streams] of the original knowledge.
This thing is accepted by mostly all the scholars, in one tone [voice], that, the first creator of the universe, [Nature] is the self-existed [primal man] manu. And the manu-Smruti is the collection of thous creation (Predications – transactions). According to the historical traditions of India, the self-existed manu was [ existed] in the beginning of the world. At the time, when the manu wrote his book, there was no other book on this Earth except the Vedas. So the Manu has to create all his creation, on the basis of the Vedas. From this point of view, there should be reference of Vedas on [from] place to place. In the words of manu, the Vedas are the books of all the real/true Sciences'. So, we collect all the shlokas of Manu with the translated language, in which Manu has written some things about the Vedas.
prior to the existence of the Universe, the Brahma kept the names with the words of the Vedas to all the things & created their karmas with the Vaidic sentences. Gave them proper form also and established their different [other] authority.
The basic [original] stream/flow of the religion is the total vedas [Rugveda, Samveda, Atharvaveda, Yajurveda] & the Indological Science made by the people, having the knowledge of the Vedas & their follow up. On the basis of all this one should also, follow according to his own knowledge of thinking in the decision [duties] of the religion. The justice has to give the authorised decision according to the streams of the laws. In the modern systems, there is value of the personal genius [talent/knowledge]. The blind faith is to be given.
By realising / understanding all those above referred supports/base of the religion by the soul & the brain, the human being should follow the religion, which is [established by proof] a measure of authentic scripture, but against the vedas.
The man becomes the partner of the success in this world, by following the path of the told [teached] religion of Vedas & Smrutis. And gets the very fine pleasures/path/state/ stage after the death, by the Form of Salvation/absolution or by taking the birth in any particular/special home.
The name shruti [designation] is of the Vedas. The Smruti's are called the Science of the Religion- Indology. We should not suspect regarding its reality of creation, because due to them we get the knowledge of the Religion. We should make the gains/profit from them by thinking & not by the help of the blind faith.
The brahmans [priest] who blames, [dishonours] these basic books as an instigator or an inducer, they are supposed to be rejected by the saints. He is the uncreditable, atheist [heretic] genius, who dishonours/ blames the Vedas.
The Vedas, the smrutis, the behaviour of the good people & to be the best of own understanding are the four sources, which are proper in the decision of the religion.
The weak person [in active] knows realises his duties by the collection & gains. That is the last measure/remedy for the religious man. The person who has the perfect rituals, according to the Vedas from the birth [conception] to the death, he can be able to understand the Vedas properly. It is difficult for others to understand the Vedas perfectly. The brahmanas should be followed by the Vaidic rituals, like the [rendering] [Sacrifice] establishment of the embryo [conception], these rituals should be carried out for the body & soul, which gives,the holiness / auspiciousness. These rituals are helpful for progress, in this life also. And after death also, they are helpful get the origion of the best birth & the meditation.
The soul becomes capable/efficient to get the blessing of the god by observing the studies of vedas to obey the rules & regulations sacrifices in the [Yagnya] fire [karma-rituals] & achieving the knowledge Yagnyas of the full moon & performing the panch [Five] Maha Yagnayas [for birth of the son-or appointment of the next authority etc.].
The brahmian's Mundan ritual [cutting sacrifice of hairs] should be performed, by thinking the good/profit & bad/loss, by the Vaidic methods, in the first third year of life.
The man who has bad/impure mentality/soul, never gets benefit/good profit, from the vaidic knowledge, following the laws, of Bhagwat karmas rituals & hard work.
In the studies of the vaidic branches & the daily vaidic studies, there is not requirement of the cessation form work & if required, you can perform the sacrifices along with it.
In the daily routine/rituals there is no break/rest or interruption. Like the God's authority of working, the vaidic studies should be followed up. In the time/period of the cessation form work. if the sacrifices are done with vaidic mantras/chants, purifies the soul.
In between those two, one who gives the gift of the body the other who is the donor of vedas, the father who donates the vedas is the great.
The qualities got from the knowledge of the vedas, gives always pleasures in the present life & the next life, for ever to the brahman dharmatama.
The progressive brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya & Shudra i.e. those who expects own prosperity, should follow pure/clean, behaviour, and should be always busy in learning & teaching vedas. The brahman, interested in knowing the real true religion i.e. the efforts of brahman castes [dwijati] in vedas, are the best in this world.
After the rituals of the scared thread [Up-nayan] it is better to keep the limits of the religion And it is correct to get the lows binder knowledge of vedas properly, for teaching & learning.
The pure/clean behavioured bachelors, making no short cuts-lack in teaching & learning the vedas & the expert in the own rituals of castes or race, should bring the begged food form the houses.
He should be always busy in the studies of the vedas, either inspired or not inspired by the priest/tutor.
The non-interrupte [contineous] bachelor should enter into the family life, by studying the four, three, two or one vedas form start to end.
He should get shine of the knowledge by the studies of the vedas & the mantra japa [chants] of the savitri. He should purify the air/ atmosphere by burning- lighting the Yagnya fire. And he should honour the animals, devotees & the people like the father [fore-fathers] by the food preparations available by the many good works done always with faith & love.
The person should not do such a work in this world for the life's survival, which will bring him back in the family life, after death. He should follow the vedas oriented pure life, with out cruelty & destructive determination.
The man should go on doing his duties, favourable to vedas, without laziness, because doing it according to the own favourable efficiency [capacity] he can achieve the state of freedom [free-ness] He should stop all the other works, which would be harmful in learning the veda studies & should go on teaching the vedas.
He should follow the shath path Brahman as a definition of the daily chanting veda mantras, which develops the soul & the body & those which progresses the knowledge very fast.
The saints [Rushi's] did very long time thinking/analysis/ meditation of Brahma and, by the experience of uniformity of soul's with the Brahma, they achieved the more power, developed soul & the strength to work promptly with praise / honour & got the knowledge of the vedas.
The Brahman, kshatriya, Vaishye should follow the veda studies, by concentration, leaving all other work apart, by starting them with the, proper rituals in the months of shravan & Bhadrapada, because it protects the soul.
The Brahmas [Dwijas] should follow, celebrate, perform the remaining last part of the vaidic studies rituals in the form of some festival, which they have mostly started at the end of the month pousha or on the first day of the month of maghah, of the descending moon.
After that they should follow, the vedas, in the descending fortnight with rules & other parts & sub-parts in the ascending fortnight.
But still, the person should follow strictly two cessation from work, when the land area of the classroom would be impure [un auspicious or the reader would have impurity form inner & outer state.
By neglecting the laziness, he should study the vedas daily on the right time. It is called the human's prime duty, other all works are secondary.
The parson can remind his [old] previous prior, birth by the continuous [constant] studies of the vedas, by achieving the auspiciousness & hard work and by treating the animals with sympathy.
By remembering/re-minding the works done in the prior/old/previous life,goes on studying the vedas. By the continued veda studies, un-ending/eternal pleasures are achieved.
The person should follow the good practical & spiritual/moral behaviour, by engaged in his own authorized cast works, given in the shruti's & veda's favoured smruti's by leaving the laziness.
He should sacrifice/leave/omit the following things: Not to keep faith on the God & not to get pleasure/Joy in God's meditation, to blame the vedas, to dishonour/ neglect the things which guide light or shine, to compare as inferior or criticize/hate with ego, hard - hearted, anger in the mind & behaviour.
The sacrifices/donation of vaidic [vedas] knowledge, is most important/valuable than all the other things donation like water, food, cows, earth [land], clothes, dil gold or ghee.
The person who expects to learn vedas, or to take food [dinner] should follow the rituals of drinking water three times & sacrifice of one, and touch the head, hands & other parts of the body after doing urine & excretion.
The person who lives in the forest, should also give the proper time for the vedas studies, & he should be soft minded with control on all parts/organs of the body. He should read the God's / religious books of meditation-prayers. He should be free in giving & not in taking, He should show sympathy/pity for all animals creatures.
The person living in the forest should concentrate on the final liberation, by doing the vedas studies with the systematic rituals & by giving, birth to children according rules/legal aspects and by doing the practical/familiar & religious/spiritual works dedicated to the god, according own efficiency.
The monk who always performs the behaviour according to the veads, clean/pure & away from sexual pleasure & who performs his duties with hard/strict discipline, achieves the God in this life only.
According to the management systems of vedas & Indology, the Family man is on the top level of the other three Ashrama's with the view, that all the other three Ashram systems are derived from the familiar man. And the person who lives with the family, only fulfills/ satisfied their physical requirements.
The king should get up early in the morning, to perform prayers/meditation work i.e. knowledgeable work, by sitting with respect along with the genius brahmans having expert in Rugved, Yajurveda Samveda & should follow the government work according to their orders.
By knowing these thee vidyas, they should learn Atma-vidya [soul-knowledge], Brahma – vidya, the legal science (Rules & regulation's) the moral techniques of fines/punishment, which gives the satisfaction-happiness to the community – society - public & knowledge, karma & meditation from the Brahmans. And they-should get the knowledge of business & finance from the expert people in the familiar works.
The brahman - dwijas returning from the guru - kul should be fully honoured. Thous brahmans are the eternal store/assets of the veda - viday, of the kings [apart from keeping the cultural wealth].
Neither this veda - knowledge is robbed/theft, nor the enemy can destroy it. so it is correct for the king, that he should establish the wealth in the form of the veda - viday in the brahmans which always goes on increasing more & more.
This is order of the vedas, that the soldiers should give the 6% of the wind property to the king should give the proper amount of wind, collected wealth to all the soldiers.
The following merits/credits are found in the people, who have pure mentality/behaviour:- The studies of vedas, hardship, the
knowledge of gratitude to wared the god & the family/own birth in this universe, auspiciousness - cleanliness-purity, religiousness, control on the body/organs, meditation/prayers.
The following things are best help in getting the freedom/absolution/final liberation :- the learning & teaching of vedas, the knowledge of everything, amenity, sacrifice, to obey the tutor/guru & give pleasure/happiness to him, great, to obey the tutor/ guru & to give pleasure/happiness to him, great hard long travels, separation of sex desire from the body organs.
The studies of the vedas, devotion/meditation/prayers, control on the body organs, non-violence serving the Guru all these six are supposed to be inferior/low, if compared to the vaidic traditional follow up & which gives the pleasures in this life & the next life.
The reason of this is that, by keeping the concept of vaidic view to the rituals/ traditions, all these six karmas gets involved in that view.
From the start/origin of this universe/nature, the vaidic eye is going on working, of the genius people, who follow according their own brain, light & sacrifices / donation. It is definite/ sure that, 'the vedas are not created by the man, & they are full of serious knowledge.
Those smruti's which are not favourable [for] to the vedas, and having errors/wrong things/discussions are all harmful. Though this impure knowledge may not harm in this life / birth, but it will be proved harmful, in the next life/birth, because the writings/articles will lead to the dark/ruin.
Brahman, Kshatriya, Vishya & Shudra's concept, their duties, three entities/ phenonmenon - lokas - i.e. god-creature & nature, four ashramas - Brahmacharya, family man, vanprastha & the monk, present- past & future prediction/forecasting analysis & co - ordinating knowledge all these things are possible in the vaidic studies.
The knowledge of eternal/ traditional vaidic sciences is going on protecting all the creatures from the time, before the creation of this universe. So it should be regarded as the best knowledge encyclopedia, because it gives/guides/shows the sources of happiness/ pleasures to all the creatures.
The person knowing vedas can only understand the merits/duties of the king, the justice, the Commander of the army, & the universal governing authority. Like the roaring/fierce to werning fire, burns wet trees, the person knowing the vedas, doesn't gives any importance/statue/place/value to his own desires & own authority while in the family / universe. By doing this, he remains away from all the responsibilities, & tensions in the future.
The person knowing the secrets of vaidic principles, by living, in any asharam, becomes the liable to the sensual perception of the Brahma, in this life.
The person who tries to understand, the knowledge of the saints/Rushi's favourable to the vedas, he can only understand the religious [Religions] rising/progressive, welfare secrets/puzzle/knots- entanglement, & there is no other way to understand the indological knowledge/religions knowledge.
Those educated gentle people who actually experience the vaidic knowledge, are called best saint because they study the vedas & their supplementary books, education, kalp grammar, niruktas, chandas, jyotish sub-parts [purva - mimansa, Vaisheshishik [Naya, Yoga, Sankhaya & Vedant], Brahman Granthas [Aiateraya, Shathapatha, Samagopath] Upvedas [Ayurveda, Dhnurveda, Ghandharvavrda & Atharve Veda], Manu smruti teachings/talks/speeches form time to time like Shrimat Bhagwat Gita, Vidur Niti etc.
There is Dashavara seminar/Conference of the ten different type of experts knowing Rugveda, Yajurveda, Samveda, the justice/lawyer knowing the work & reasons behind it, the bachelor knowing the indological- religious rituals of Nighantu & Niruktas, family man & Vanprashti's. If there are any doubts [suspects] about the Religion/ Indological things acceptance, they can be solved by the conference/seminar of Rugvedas, Yajurveda, Samveda etc.
what is the value of the management/work done by the crores of fool people these indological religious opinions, decisions, orders should be followed to be the best with the honour, given by the single person who have learned the vedas & born in the Brahman family.
The hundred gathered people, callings self as brahmans, without the good moral character/ behaviour without the knowledge of vedas, is not called the meeting.
For getting the proper knowledge of the religious/ indological good & bad things, there should be good study of vaidic science, having many vidyas & actually available resources.
The person form the every religious branch can have profit / progress by reading it. If there is honour / value of the Manu's Smruti' in our soul, then the importance of the vedas, is not less, as they are the original flows [streams] of the original knowledge. |
Tag Names : Ved |
About Translator:Dr. Anil Athavale |