Title : The extreme peace by the Vedas and vaidic knowledge |
Author : Dr. S.J. Diwakar |
Read In Hindi
The modern sciences have tried to establish/ confirm the time of the creation of Vedas. And they made the conclusion taht , ' the Rug-vedas is the oldest of all. But the purush - sukta from Rug-vedas is having references of yajurved & Samved, So it is not true to say that, 'particular Veda was written before others. Accordimg to the vadic traditions Vedas are old and eternal. The other religious book writers were those people who were either the founder of those Religions, or the religious priest worked after them. But the Vedas are supposed to be unmanly ie. They are not made by any person, but by the Per-Brahma him self. The Rushi's only discovered the veda Mantras. Beacase of that, they were called the person's who were having the knowledge of Mantra's but, not the creator/ originator/writer of those Mantra's. Most of the part of Vedas is poetic or in Chanda's So the Vedas are also called Chanda's also. Bhagwan Shri Krishna says in Gita “ NUnkfl ;L; i.kkZfua^^ Means, Vedas are the leafs/Leaves of that (Nature). The language of Vedas is also called 'Chanda's' Which is the mother of the sanskrit language. That is the most complicated and brief than Sanskrit.
The word 'Veda' is derived from the Sanskrit's root 'Vid', whose meaning is to know. The main subject of Vedas is God/ Ishwar, soul-which has the same meaning. Because of that Bhagwan Shrikrishna says in Gita, ^^osns'o losZjgesUu os|%^^ Means, I am thew knowledge of all the Vedas. The knowledge of "BRAHMA" is that. after which there is not necessary any other knowledge. The purpose of both "karma-Kanda" and "Dnyan-Kanda" knowledge kanda and that is to get the knowledge of God, to human. It is said about Vedas, that, they are uncountable / infinite ^^vuUrk oS osnk^^ Means only one small part of the God , made end less Vedas which was achieved by Rushi's. Many branches were disappeared;' with the time span, due to tradition of giving small parts or branches verbally committed to memory, and handed over from father to son or from Guru to the devotee. There are two important parts of the Vedas- Karma kanda (Rituals) and Jnaynya (knowledge) kand. In Ritual, system of Yagnaya (Fire Rituals), Building Science, Birth-scared thread ceremony, Death -gratifiacation etc. traditionas, Goverance, methods, Puja's, fasting, devotion, work of social wellfare is described. Adi Shankara Charya has said ^^osnksa fuR;a v/kh;ark ynqfny dk;Z Louq"Bk;rk^^ means every day Vedas should be studied , and the systematic works arranged in Vedas to be observed. but the many religious ritual performers, specially genuius vaidic success. They have the option, that their Scholars have blamed vaidic karmas & their fruits are achived in the form of pleasures, which are obsticles/ breaks in the path of the divine. The heavenly pleasures got from the success, are also transitory for the soul. The Bhagwan Krishna says in Gita, ^^ =Sxq.; fo"k;k osnk% fuL=xq.; ;oktqZu^^ Means Arjuna, they are full of ( Virtuous /eminent / eternal), three constitutent qualities of living beings, which produce worldly desires and passions of love and pleasure, which causes the vice, the qualities - incident to humanity, the property of darkness, so avoid all those qualities. But the vaidic rituals & Yagnayas ( Fireritual) are specially very important in human life. Still, for an " ascetic" follower of the knowledge, it is not necessary. Yagnayas, devotion, fasting, pujas all these rituals are sources of internals and external purity of the human being. By these rituals, the mental behaviour becomes powerful, while, by doing the wrong deeds, the attraction towards the sex and worldly life increases. By following the vaidic rituals, mind becomes matured. And one time comes, when all the attachment of the family gets released and by the way of knowledge man becomes ready for the final salvation.
It is said that, by the announcement of Veda, one and only one Brahma, divided himself in many gods when, we expect, knowledge from that Brahma, we pray him, in the form of Saraswati, for the demand of wealth, we pray him, in the form of Laxmi. and When rain is required. we pray him, in the form of Indra, when, we give the oblation in yagnaya, by the medium of fire, for the Gods- Rudra, Vishnu, Varun, Indira, Vayu etc. Then we pray that param Brahma, In different forms. Yagnaya – is derived form root “yag” , which means to pray. When we give the offerings, at that time, we say ^^bna u ;e^^ means ‘ it is not mine ‘, and like this , we have to learn the sacrified life form yagnaya, i.e. yag. Form this , the fellings of my/mine selfishness and ego, are burned in the fire of yagnaya and the person goes on the path of good work/ deeds by doing the rituals of yagnya Karma. You take it granted that, the rituals of vedas are the laws of Gods . When the person, realises the real extreme truth, by the medium of those Karmas /deeds, then it is not necessary for the man, to perform any Karma/ Work/Deeds. The Vedas are four, there are many translated forms and versions. According to those different versions, vedas have many branches. Every Branch has three parts - Samhita, Brahma and Aranayak. The meaning of ‘Veda- Patha’ is the study- reading of samhita part. The ‘samhita’ means collected or complied. In that the veda- mantras are collected in very good planned manner. The Brhma part of Vedas explain, about the different Vaidic Karmas / rituals , and the method/ systems of doing them. Mostly, the Brahman part is the path-finder, book of the Vadic religion. ‘Aranayka’ word is created from ‘Aranaya’ which means forest or Jungle. But it is not said in the Samhita or Brahma, that , ‘Man have to leave the village or City and required to go to the forest and to do the Vaidic rituals. But after the purification of mind, from the Vaidic rituals, man should go into the silent forest , and concentrate into the gods meditation. The Aranayaka part teaches the mystic meanings of the vedas. They teaches the secretes of the Mantras form the Samhita and the rituals of the Brahmas. And teaches what they went to show/express.
Nearly about five thousand years before, in the end of Dwapar Yug, the Bhagwan Krishna and Krishna Dwipayan Vyas- two god father came on this earth. They were having the knowledge of all the one hundred branches of Vedas, which came on this earth, by the medium of Maha – Rushi’s. it seems like that at that time , all the branches were divided into three Vedas, the Bhagwan Shrikrishna says in Gita, “ os|a ifo=eksdkj _Dlke ;tajosn p% ^^ Means I am the super knowledge ‘OM’ and Rug . Sam and Yajurveda. Maharshi Vyas saw that, the branches of Veads were scatterded evry where unconnected. He divided those branches of Vedas ,into Rugveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Athervaveda according to their subject matter. The meaning of Vyasa is to divided. He saw that , one person can learn only one branch, in good manner. So he divided one/ one different branch to his different devotees. So that according to the tradition of Race , those branches should remain safe, in those Vedas learning families. But by unfate / sadly , most of the branches, of Vedas were finished with the time. And today only seven or eight Veda branches are available.
Total Rugveda, Samhita, is in the poetic form . the meaning of Rug is – bhajan or Stotra. In the Samhita part of the Rugveda , there is praise/ honour of different Gods. Every ‘Rug’ is one Mantra and the group of many mantras is called ‘Sukta’ . In Rugvedas- Samhita, there are more than ten thousand Mantras, which are divided into one thousand and twenty eight suktas.
The meaning of ‘Yag’ is to ‘do puja’ ‘yag’ means to perform Puja. In the yajurveda it is stated that how use the Rugved , Mantras for the Yagnaya- Krama (Fire-ritual).apart from that , it also states the methods/rituals of Yagnayas ,in the new form. The yajurveda, has two main branches - Shukla yajurveda and Krishna yajurveda. Shukla Yajurveda is also called Bajasneyi ( Vajasneyi) samhita. The knowledge of this was acieved by the 'Yagnaya – Valkya' Rushi, from the Bhagwan Surya (Sun). One name of the Sun is also 'Bajsni'
The meaning of Sum is silent / peace. Many Mantras of Rugveda are sweet to hear, which are written in the samved, composed in musical form. 'Sam-Gan' is the base of seven (Voices) tones of Indian classical music. Though, the Mantras in Sam-Veda are derived (taken) from the Rugveda- only. But , they spread spirituality in the atmosphere, because they are musical, (composed in Music). Due to this speciality of sam Veda, the Bhagwan Krishna says in Gita, “osnkauk lkeos nksMfLe^^ Means I am the Sam ved in vedas. The meaning of “Atharva” is Purohit, (a family priest). The Rushi named “Atharva”, enlighted to this veda, (brought into the light/shine/existance). The mantras of Atharva vedas are concerned with the nature/ world. The Gayatri is supposed to be the extract of, Ruk (Rug) , (Yaja) ans sam these three vedas. The Atharva (is) (has) one of the seperate/ different Mantra of vedas. So before stating the studies of Atharva-veda, there is one method/ tradition of one new ceremony of “Up-Nayan” Scared thread rituals. At the end of Aranyaka part of the vedas comes the Vedant or “Up-Nished”. If the 'Samhita' is supposed to be tree, “Brahman” are its flower. “Aranyaka” its raw fruits and “Up- Nishad” are its ready/riped fruits.
With the medium of knowledge- path' Up-Nishad's teels that Brahma & Soul are one and the same. In comparision with the 'Karma-Kanda', Gnyana-Kanda's 'Up-Nishad' Part is very inferior/small. Maharshi veda vyasa has written “Brahma-Sutras” as the extract of “Up-Nishad's. That is difficult to understand for common man, so its “Bhashaya”, Commentrary/translation is written by the Adi Shankacharya. Threr are four super/prime sentences in Up-Nishada's which are extract of Vedant's message. They are “ izKkua czEg^^ Means, Brahma is pure, it is Buddha “ “ Means this soul is the Brahma “ rRoefl^^ means, you are the only brahma and “vga czEgkfLe^^ means, I am the Brahma.
The woedly meaning of Up-Nishad is to sit near/ along with. Because by sitting near the teacher/ Guru then studies or teaching is done, so they were called “Up-Nishad's. Vedas final message, 'Soul' is the Brahma is found in the “Up-Nishad's and that comes at the end of the vedas, so Up-Nishada's are also called Vedant. There are more than hundred Up-Nishada's The Shankaracharya found ten inportant, out of them and written Commentry/ Bhashaya on them. They are
01 bZ'kkokL;ksifu"kn 02 dsuksifu"kn 03 dBksifu"kn 04 iz'uksifu"kn 05 ek.M~D;ksifu"kn 06 rSRrjh;ksifu"kn
07 lsrjs;ksifu"kn 08 NkUnksX; mifu"kn 09 c`gnkj.;d mifu"kn
In the system of studies fn'kk bZ'kkokL;ksifu"kn is the first Up-Nishad. It comes at the end of the shukla Yajurveda Samhita. This is the only one Up-Nishad which comes in the Samhita, otherwise Up-Nishada's are the part of the Aranyaka. This Up-Nishad tells us that, all the world is full of God. To get/ achieve that Param (Super/extreme) Brahma, we have to hand over/ surrender/sacrifice follow up our fruits of deeds/karmas to the God. The selfless (work-deed)karma's firm foundation was established in the “ bZ'kkokL;ksifu"kn^^. On the base/ basis of this we can see, the very well planned/pre-planned creation/ formation, in Gita, in the form of karma-Yoga. “ dsuksifu"kn” comes in the Samveda's Jaimeni branched 'Talavkar Brahman'. So its other name is “Talavkar Up-Nishad”. Regarding Brahma, this Up-Nishad says that, the eyes cann't see (him) it. The (tongue/words) verbally it cann't be described. The mind cann't imagine it (him) so, how one can teach it to any one ?
In this Up-Nishad, “ ijko`f� ^^ Ambika tells to the Gods, that, God is the stream/source of all our powers. “ dBksifu"kn “ comes in the Krishna Yajurveds's Katha branch. In this the Brahmankumar named Nachiketa takes education of Brahma knowledge from yama.
Prashna, Mandak & Mundukya Up-Nishad's comes in the Athrva-veda. In prashna', Rushi pipplad's devotes asks them, that , how this Universe was created? Who are the Gods & Goddesses? How the pran-Shakti came in the human body? What are the fruits of OM (Pranav)s meditation ? Etc. Pipplad answers their questions.
The meaning of Mundak is the head whose hairs have been cut. Mundak Up-Nishad is good for bachelors/Monks who sacrifice the life and ready for the achivement of brahma by their maruted knowledge. In this Up-Nishad there is famous symbolic concopt, in which, two birds Jivatma & Pramatma sitson the Ashwattha (Pimpal) tree's branches, as the representing form of body. The symbolic Jivatma bird is eating , trees fruits of the destiny-Karma. But parmatma bird, is sitting by becoming the proof/observer of it. The subject matter of this Up-Nishad is AKSHAR (Word) BRAHMA. This Up-Nishad says That, Soul in the symbolic form of arrow should be bowed on the OM as the symbolic concept of 'Bow” and to be aimed on the Brahma as the symbol of target.
Mandukya Up-Nishad, is created from the word Manduk (FROG). Like the frog Climbes so many long steps in one jump, instead of climbing a single step, like that by travelling/crossing the Jagruti , swapna & sushupti Position/condition, the fourth state of blessedness ( turiya state) can be achieved by the medium of OM. This is the message of this Up-Nishad. It is only twelve mantras. Up-Nishad, which is smallest of all.
The taittaria Upnishad is the most studied and taught upnishad. This is the Krishna – Yajurved's Up-Nishad. “lR;a on /keZpj] ekr`nsoksa Hkoa] vkpk;Z nsoks Hkoa^^ these Mantras comes in the educational/series of this up-Nishad. The series named Anand valli's volume, says that how the pleasure of achieving ogd, which is called Brahmanand pleasure which is on the top level's joy of all, than Gandhara Anand, Dev Anand, Prajapati Anand, which are hundred percent more than the first to the next other. It is stated in the Aitareya Up-Nishad, that how the body/living being takes birth in different Yoni's acording to his sin and good/auspicious deeds/work. The person/human gets the knowledge of god. “ NkUnksX;^^ and “ c`gnkj.;d^^ are two very large/big Up-Nishad's. There are more than total eight Up-Nishad's if combines together.
Samved is having “ NkUnksX;^^ Up-Nishad. The meaning of “ NkUnksX;^^ is he who sings the sam-gan just like that the support/base of the Brahma sutras, written by the veda vyasa is supposed to be “NkUnksX;^^ Up-Nishad. In this Up-Nishad comes the story of a boy named 'Satyakam' who believes himself from the higher Race/cast. His mother tells him, that in her young stage she has served many masters/ husband's/lords, so it was very difficult to tell him, that who was his father ? from them. Still, he wishes to go in to the ashram of Rushi, named 'Haridrubhav Gautam' to become bachelor . When the rushi asks him his Gotra (origin/race) then he tells about his unknown race/cast/origin. The Gautam becomes impressed/satisfied by his real/truth talk and makes him, his devotee.
Though/yet, according to merit/credit “ c`gnkj.;d^^ is the biggest/large Up-Nishad of all. Generally, Up-Nishad's come at the end of Aranyaka, but the total Aranyaka of the shukla Yajurveda's is the “ c`gnkj.;d^^ Up-Nishad. It is stated in this Up-Nishad that, it is difficult to describe the soul, so it is called and described as 'Nati-Naiti'
This Up-Nishad also states us that, king Janak and King Ajat Shatru, were having knowledge of Brahma, though they lived in pleasure and luxuious. But the Gargi woman (lady) was also 'Brahma-Vadini' and she was doing a debate in a king. Janak's Court, along with the other Rushi's. In this Up-Nishad, it is also stated that immortality is not achieved by the physical things ( matter) but, it should be in the discovery of the self knowledge.
The Vedas by a one self are infinite. So their branches must be infinity of Up-Nishadas is also proved. Many branches of the vedas are disappeared now, and many Up-Nishad's which kept the Co-Ordination with them are not available now.
At this time one hundred eight Up-Nishada's are published out of them, these ten Up-Nishada's only proof the meaning on the profound level. The acharya's have standardized them for the Brahma-Vidya. By the unlimited stored knowledge of those Up-Nishada's today, india is on top level of all the Nations. This is accepted by all the impartial knowledge holding, foreign scholars.
Today, the rates of the physical disputes and infidelity are increased in the world. Today and in future, if the real total peace is expected in the world, then it is right correct, to accept the sources described when our Nation stared blindly following the physical disputes & infidelity like the foreign nations by neglecting the teaching of Up-Nishada's still now if the people realises and accepts the way shown by our ancestor Rushi's & obeys Vedas and Vedant, there would be surely extreme peace.
Read In Hindi
The modern sciences have tried to establish/ confirm the time of the creation of Vedas. And they made the conclusion taht , ' the Rug-vedas is the oldest of all. But the purush - sukta from Rug-vedas is having references of yajurved & Samved, So it is not true to say that, 'particular Veda was written before others. Accordimg to the vadic traditions Vedas are old and eternal. The other religious book writers were those people who were either the founder of those Religions, or the religious priest worked after them. But the Vedas are supposed to be unmanly ie. They are not made by any person, but by the Per-Brahma him self. The Rushi's only discovered the veda Mantras. Beacase of that, they were called the person's who were having the knowledge of Mantra's but, not the creator/ originator/writer of those Mantra's. Most of the part of Vedas is poetic or in Chanda's So the Vedas are also called Chanda's also. Bhagwan Shri Krishna says in Gita “ NUnkfl ;L; i.kkZfua^^ Means, Vedas are the leafs/Leaves of that (Nature). The language of Vedas is also called 'Chanda's' Which is the mother of the sanskrit language. That is the most complicated and brief than Sanskrit.
The word 'Veda' is derived from the Sanskrit's root 'Vid', whose meaning is to know. The main subject of Vedas is God/ Ishwar, soul-which has the same meaning. Because of that Bhagwan Shrikrishna says in Gita, ^^osns'o losZjgesUu os|%^^ Means, I am thew knowledge of all the Vedas. The knowledge of "BRAHMA" is that. after which there is not necessary any other knowledge. The purpose of both "karma-Kanda" and "Dnyan-Kanda" knowledge kanda and that is to get the knowledge of God, to human. It is said about Vedas, that, they are uncountable / infinite ^^vuUrk oS osnk^^ Means only one small part of the God , made end less Vedas which was achieved by Rushi's. Many branches were disappeared;' with the time span, due to tradition of giving small parts or branches verbally committed to memory, and handed over from father to son or from Guru to the devotee. There are two important parts of the Vedas- Karma kanda (Rituals) and Jnaynya (knowledge) kand. In Ritual, system of Yagnaya (Fire Rituals), Building Science, Birth-scared thread ceremony, Death -gratifiacation etc. traditionas, Goverance, methods, Puja's, fasting, devotion, work of social wellfare is described. Adi Shankara Charya has said ^^osnksa fuR;a v/kh;ark ynqfny dk;Z Louq"Bk;rk^^ means every day Vedas should be studied , and the systematic works arranged in Vedas to be observed. but the many religious ritual performers, specially genuius vaidic success. They have the option, that their Scholars have blamed vaidic karmas & their fruits are achived in the form of pleasures, which are obsticles/ breaks in the path of the divine. The heavenly pleasures got from the success, are also transitory for the soul. The Bhagwan Krishna says in Gita, ^^ =Sxq.; fo"k;k osnk% fuL=xq.; ;oktqZu^^ Means Arjuna, they are full of ( Virtuous /eminent / eternal), three constitutent qualities of living beings, which produce worldly desires and passions of love and pleasure, which causes the vice, the qualities - incident to humanity, the property of darkness, so avoid all those qualities. But the vaidic rituals & Yagnayas ( Fireritual) are specially very important in human life. Still, for an " ascetic" follower of the knowledge, it is not necessary. Yagnayas, devotion, fasting, pujas all these rituals are sources of internals and external purity of the human being. By these rituals, the mental behaviour becomes powerful, while, by doing the wrong deeds, the attraction towards the sex and worldly life increases. By following the vaidic rituals, mind becomes matured. And one time comes, when all the attachment of the family gets released and by the way of knowledge man becomes ready for the final salvation.
It is said that, by the announcement of Veda, one and only one Brahma, divided himself in many gods when, we expect, knowledge from that Brahma, we pray him, in the form of Saraswati, for the demand of wealth, we pray him, in the form of Laxmi. and When rain is required. we pray him, in the form of Indra, when, we give the oblation in yagnaya, by the medium of fire, for the Gods- Rudra, Vishnu, Varun, Indira, Vayu etc. Then we pray that param Brahma, In different forms. Yagnaya – is derived form root “yag” , which means to pray. When we give the offerings, at that time, we say ^^bna u ;e^^ means ‘ it is not mine ‘, and like this , we have to learn the sacrified life form yagnaya, i.e. yag. Form this , the fellings of my/mine selfishness and ego, are burned in the fire of yagnaya and the person goes on the path of good work/ deeds by doing the rituals of yagnya Karma. You take it granted that, the rituals of vedas are the laws of Gods . When the person, realises the real extreme truth, by the medium of those Karmas /deeds, then it is not necessary for the man, to perform any Karma/ Work/Deeds. The Vedas are four, there are many translated forms and versions. According to those different versions, vedas have many branches. Every Branch has three parts - Samhita, Brahma and Aranayak. The meaning of ‘Veda- Patha’ is the study- reading of samhita part. The ‘samhita’ means collected or complied. In that the veda- mantras are collected in very good planned manner. The Brhma part of Vedas explain, about the different Vaidic Karmas / rituals , and the method/ systems of doing them. Mostly, the Brahman part is the path-finder, book of the Vadic religion. ‘Aranayka’ word is created from ‘Aranaya’ which means forest or Jungle. But it is not said in the Samhita or Brahma, that , ‘Man have to leave the village or City and required to go to the forest and to do the Vaidic rituals. But after the purification of mind, from the Vaidic rituals, man should go into the silent forest , and concentrate into the gods meditation. The Aranayaka part teaches the mystic meanings of the vedas. They teaches the secretes of the Mantras form the Samhita and the rituals of the Brahmas. And teaches what they went to show/express.
Nearly about five thousand years before, in the end of Dwapar Yug, the Bhagwan Krishna and Krishna Dwipayan Vyas- two god father came on this earth. They were having the knowledge of all the one hundred branches of Vedas, which came on this earth, by the medium of Maha – Rushi’s. it seems like that at that time , all the branches were divided into three Vedas, the Bhagwan Shrikrishna says in Gita, “ os|a ifo=eksdkj _Dlke ;tajosn p% ^^ Means I am the super knowledge ‘OM’ and Rug . Sam and Yajurveda. Maharshi Vyas saw that, the branches of Veads were scatterded evry where unconnected. He divided those branches of Vedas ,into Rugveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Athervaveda according to their subject matter. The meaning of Vyasa is to divided. He saw that , one person can learn only one branch, in good manner. So he divided one/ one different branch to his different devotees. So that according to the tradition of Race , those branches should remain safe, in those Vedas learning families. But by unfate / sadly , most of the branches, of Vedas were finished with the time. And today only seven or eight Veda branches are available.
Total Rugveda, Samhita, is in the poetic form . the meaning of Rug is – bhajan or Stotra. In the Samhita part of the Rugveda , there is praise/ honour of different Gods. Every ‘Rug’ is one Mantra and the group of many mantras is called ‘Sukta’ . In Rugvedas- Samhita, there are more than ten thousand Mantras, which are divided into one thousand and twenty eight suktas.
The meaning of ‘Yag’ is to ‘do puja’ ‘yag’ means to perform Puja. In the yajurveda it is stated that how use the Rugved , Mantras for the Yagnaya- Krama (Fire-ritual).apart from that , it also states the methods/rituals of Yagnayas ,in the new form. The yajurveda, has two main branches - Shukla yajurveda and Krishna yajurveda. Shukla Yajurveda is also called Bajasneyi ( Vajasneyi) samhita. The knowledge of this was acieved by the 'Yagnaya – Valkya' Rushi, from the Bhagwan Surya (Sun). One name of the Sun is also 'Bajsni'
The meaning of Sum is silent / peace. Many Mantras of Rugveda are sweet to hear, which are written in the samved, composed in musical form. 'Sam-Gan' is the base of seven (Voices) tones of Indian classical music. Though, the Mantras in Sam-Veda are derived (taken) from the Rugveda- only. But , they spread spirituality in the atmosphere, because they are musical, (composed in Music). Due to this speciality of sam Veda, the Bhagwan Krishna says in Gita, “osnkauk lkeos nksMfLe^^ Means I am the Sam ved in vedas. The meaning of “Atharva” is Purohit, (a family priest). The Rushi named “Atharva”, enlighted to this veda, (brought into the light/shine/existance). The mantras of Atharva vedas are concerned with the nature/ world. The Gayatri is supposed to be the extract of, Ruk (Rug) , (Yaja) ans sam these three vedas. The Atharva (is) (has) one of the seperate/ different Mantra of vedas. So before stating the studies of Atharva-veda, there is one method/ tradition of one new ceremony of “Up-Nayan” Scared thread rituals. At the end of Aranyaka part of the vedas comes the Vedant or “Up-Nished”. If the 'Samhita' is supposed to be tree, “Brahman” are its flower. “Aranyaka” its raw fruits and “Up- Nishad” are its ready/riped fruits.
With the medium of knowledge- path' Up-Nishad's teels that Brahma & Soul are one and the same. In comparision with the 'Karma-Kanda', Gnyana-Kanda's 'Up-Nishad' Part is very inferior/small. Maharshi veda vyasa has written “Brahma-Sutras” as the extract of “Up-Nishad's. That is difficult to understand for common man, so its “Bhashaya”, Commentrary/translation is written by the Adi Shankacharya. Threr are four super/prime sentences in Up-Nishada's which are extract of Vedant's message. They are “ izKkua czEg^^ Means, Brahma is pure, it is Buddha “ “ Means this soul is the Brahma “ rRoefl^^ means, you are the only brahma and “vga czEgkfLe^^ means, I am the Brahma.
The woedly meaning of Up-Nishad is to sit near/ along with. Because by sitting near the teacher/ Guru then studies or teaching is done, so they were called “Up-Nishad's. Vedas final message, 'Soul' is the Brahma is found in the “Up-Nishad's and that comes at the end of the vedas, so Up-Nishada's are also called Vedant. There are more than hundred Up-Nishada's The Shankaracharya found ten inportant, out of them and written Commentry/ Bhashaya on them. They are
01 bZ'kkokL;ksifu"kn 02 dsuksifu"kn 03 dBksifu"kn 04 iz'uksifu"kn 05 ek.M~D;ksifu"kn 06 rSRrjh;ksifu"kn
07 lsrjs;ksifu"kn 08 NkUnksX; mifu"kn 09 c`gnkj.;d mifu"kn
In the system of studies fn'kk bZ'kkokL;ksifu"kn is the first Up-Nishad. It comes at the end of the shukla Yajurveda Samhita. This is the only one Up-Nishad which comes in the Samhita, otherwise Up-Nishada's are the part of the Aranyaka. This Up-Nishad tells us that, all the world is full of God. To get/ achieve that Param (Super/extreme) Brahma, we have to hand over/ surrender/sacrifice follow up our fruits of deeds/karmas to the God. The selfless (work-deed)karma's firm foundation was established in the “ bZ'kkokL;ksifu"kn^^. On the base/ basis of this we can see, the very well planned/pre-planned creation/ formation, in Gita, in the form of karma-Yoga. “ dsuksifu"kn” comes in the Samveda's Jaimeni branched 'Talavkar Brahman'. So its other name is “Talavkar Up-Nishad”. Regarding Brahma, this Up-Nishad says that, the eyes cann't see (him) it. The (tongue/words) verbally it cann't be described. The mind cann't imagine it (him) so, how one can teach it to any one ?
In this Up-Nishad, “ ijko`f� ^^ Ambika tells to the Gods, that, God is the stream/source of all our powers. “ dBksifu"kn “ comes in the Krishna Yajurveds's Katha branch. In this the Brahmankumar named Nachiketa takes education of Brahma knowledge from yama.
Prashna, Mandak & Mundukya Up-Nishad's comes in the Athrva-veda. In prashna', Rushi pipplad's devotes asks them, that , how this Universe was created? Who are the Gods & Goddesses? How the pran-Shakti came in the human body? What are the fruits of OM (Pranav)s meditation ? Etc. Pipplad answers their questions.
The meaning of Mundak is the head whose hairs have been cut. Mundak Up-Nishad is good for bachelors/Monks who sacrifice the life and ready for the achivement of brahma by their maruted knowledge. In this Up-Nishad there is famous symbolic concopt, in which, two birds Jivatma & Pramatma sitson the Ashwattha (Pimpal) tree's branches, as the representing form of body. The symbolic Jivatma bird is eating , trees fruits of the destiny-Karma. But parmatma bird, is sitting by becoming the proof/observer of it. The subject matter of this Up-Nishad is AKSHAR (Word) BRAHMA. This Up-Nishad says That, Soul in the symbolic form of arrow should be bowed on the OM as the symbolic concept of 'Bow” and to be aimed on the Brahma as the symbol of target.
Mandukya Up-Nishad, is created from the word Manduk (FROG). Like the frog Climbes so many long steps in one jump, instead of climbing a single step, like that by travelling/crossing the Jagruti , swapna & sushupti Position/condition, the fourth state of blessedness ( turiya state) can be achieved by the medium of OM. This is the message of this Up-Nishad. It is only twelve mantras. Up-Nishad, which is smallest of all.
The taittaria Upnishad is the most studied and taught upnishad. This is the Krishna – Yajurved's Up-Nishad. “lR;a on /keZpj] ekr`nsoksa Hkoa] vkpk;Z nsoks Hkoa^^ these Mantras comes in the educational/series of this up-Nishad. The series named Anand valli's volume, says that how the pleasure of achieving ogd, which is called Brahmanand pleasure which is on the top level's joy of all, than Gandhara Anand, Dev Anand, Prajapati Anand, which are hundred percent more than the first to the next other. It is stated in the Aitareya Up-Nishad, that how the body/living being takes birth in different Yoni's acording to his sin and good/auspicious deeds/work. The person/human gets the knowledge of god. “ NkUnksX;^^ and “ c`gnkj.;d^^ are two very large/big Up-Nishad's. There are more than total eight Up-Nishad's if combines together.
Samved is having “ NkUnksX;^^ Up-Nishad. The meaning of “ NkUnksX;^^ is he who sings the sam-gan just like that the support/base of the Brahma sutras, written by the veda vyasa is supposed to be “NkUnksX;^^ Up-Nishad. In this Up-Nishad comes the story of a boy named 'Satyakam' who believes himself from the higher Race/cast. His mother tells him, that in her young stage she has served many masters/ husband's/lords, so it was very difficult to tell him, that who was his father ? from them. Still, he wishes to go in to the ashram of Rushi, named 'Haridrubhav Gautam' to become bachelor . When the rushi asks him his Gotra (origin/race) then he tells about his unknown race/cast/origin. The Gautam becomes impressed/satisfied by his real/truth talk and makes him, his devotee.
Though/yet, according to merit/credit “ c`gnkj.;d^^ is the biggest/large Up-Nishad of all. Generally, Up-Nishad's come at the end of Aranyaka, but the total Aranyaka of the shukla Yajurveda's is the “ c`gnkj.;d^^ Up-Nishad. It is stated in this Up-Nishad that, it is difficult to describe the soul, so it is called and described as 'Nati-Naiti'
This Up-Nishad also states us that, king Janak and King Ajat Shatru, were having knowledge of Brahma, though they lived in pleasure and luxuious. But the Gargi woman (lady) was also 'Brahma-Vadini' and she was doing a debate in a king. Janak's Court, along with the other Rushi's. In this Up-Nishad, it is also stated that immortality is not achieved by the physical things ( matter) but, it should be in the discovery of the self knowledge.
The Vedas by a one self are infinite. So their branches must be infinity of Up-Nishadas is also proved. Many branches of the vedas are disappeared now, and many Up-Nishad's which kept the Co-Ordination with them are not available now.
At this time one hundred eight Up-Nishada's are published out of them, these ten Up-Nishada's only proof the meaning on the profound level. The acharya's have standardized them for the Brahma-Vidya. By the unlimited stored knowledge of those Up-Nishada's today, india is on top level of all the Nations. This is accepted by all the impartial knowledge holding, foreign scholars.
Today, the rates of the physical disputes and infidelity are increased in the world. Today and in future, if the real total peace is expected in the world, then it is right correct, to accept the sources described when our Nation stared blindly following the physical disputes & infidelity like the foreign nations by neglecting the teaching of Up-Nishada's still now if the people realises and accepts the way shown by our ancestor Rushi's & obeys Vedas and Vedant, there would be surely extreme peace.
Tag Names : Athrvaved,Samveda,Yajurved,Rugveda,Ved |
About Translator:Dr Anil Athavle
1244, Sadashiv Peth,
Pune 411 030 |