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OMKAR (OM) IN VEDAS [Omkar in Vedas – Vedon mein Omkar]

Gayatri itself is called ‘OMKAR’ (Omkar) means ‘Cow’ (Gay). Just as ‘GAYATRI’ is known as ‘OMKAR’ the Omkar is also known as ‘GAYATRI’ ‘MANTRA’ "Omkar --------- Udahrutah". Omkar is the supreme SOUL (Parbrahma) and Gayatri is the letter. The combination of these two is itself the manifestation of its form. It is written in ‘Gayatri Mantra’ (Gayatrich ----- Sanyutaha), Gayatri is the Veda which is the combination of ‘AKAR’, ‘UKAR’, ‘MAKAR’ (Akar, Ukar, Makar) (A.U. & M.). The Vedas are created from the mouth of Gayatri. The ‘PRANAV’ is the splendour of Gayatri and Rigu, Yajur, and Sam-ved are the ‘SAGUN’ (animate) forms of Gayatri. "Ataha ---------(Yadnyavalkayasmruti)" – All the Vaidi Literature is PRANAVA from and hence is should be studied. According to ‘MANU-SMRUTI’ – "Akar .......... Riti ........" – BRAHMA (Brahma) has created and milked, - the 3 letters Aa, Uu, Ma and 3 (Byahriti) Mystic words – Bhuhu, Bhuvaha, Swaha | "Omkar ------- Wachya Bhi Hai |" –

‘Trik siddhant’ is accepted by both Nigam (Veda) & Agam (Tantra) ‘Veda Mantra’ ‘Tistro -------Kampate Dnyaha | OM KAR is formed by three (mantras) ‘A’, ‘U’, & ‘M’. And these Mantras offer death. If it is treated by perfect methods by external, Internal and Central (Middle) systems, the genius wise man is not disturbed ‘Saisha --------Tapati’ | (Shatpath Brahman) ‘TRAI VIDYA’ is itself meditation. What is the meaning of form ‘M’ in ‘tirk’ ‘A’, ‘U’, & ‘M’? whether it is point of form ‘M’? what is the difference between them? whether they are different or the same? Just as Ja, Na, Ndha alphabets (Ru) etc. and Ref, Lakar & Hakar of the sign ‘VISARG’(:) (similar to COLON (:) in English) though pronounceable still are different from Ref etc, similarly ‘BINDU’ is different from ‘Makar’ "Hakaye ... Chhayamrut" (Tantralok). ‘BINDU’ is the shadow from of ‘MAKAR’. The above TRIO (Trik) is ‘TRAYI VIDYA’, which is exhibited in Vedas and ‘TANTRA’ SHANTRA’ The AGAM and ‘NIGAM’ both are the authentic theories and principles. In the ‘TRIK’ ‘MAKAR’ is RUDRA which is the resting place of alphabets. Our experience of pronounciation also proves that on pronouncing ‘Ma’ our mouth gets shut while uttering the word ‘RAM’ (Ram) both the lips get closed after pronouncing the letter ‘Ma’. The ‘maya’ ‘Kala Vidya’ Rag’ ‘Kal’ ‘Niyati’ and ‘Purush’ are all indicated in this ‘MAKAR’ when BINDU, the creator of the Universe takes form of NAKARATMAK Mantra and

states moving towards ‘SWASAMVIT’ (Swasamvit) it becomes ‘UKAR’ of the PRATISHTHAN KALA. This stage is known as ‘VISHNU’ form. Down, below this, dwells PARAM SHAM in the form of ‘AKAR’ where BRAHMA (Brahma) is seated. At this promit, the PRANAV (OMKAR) is produced.

Regarding this ‘Netratantra’ states. "Makaro .....Parmatmanaha". The path of ‘Akar’ is spread from the thumb or toe of the foot to the Heart’. The whole Universe (Bhuvanprapancha) exists here. The Judhyojat form ‘AKAR’ of Brahma Deity exists in all the beings, in its 8 KALAS (Kalas) namely "Riddhi", "Siddhi", "Dhruti", "Dhyuti", "Lakshmi", "Medha", "Kanti", "Swadha". All the important elements of the universe are present there, similarly ‘Moti’, ‘Kriya’, ‘Vruddhi’, ‘Maya’, ‘Nadi’, ‘Bhramani’, ‘Mohini’ are the ‘VAMDEV KALA’ (Vamdev Kala). – "UKARATMAK AGHOR KALA" are ‘Tam’, ‘Moh’, ‘Kshudha’, ‘Nidra’, ‘Mrutyu’, ‘Maya’, ‘Mama’, ‘Java’, which exist in the Rudransh (Rudransh), from the throat to the palate (Talu) of the mouth. They have the relation from ‘NIYATI’ to ‘MAYA-TATVA’ ‘The TATPURUSH KALA’ existing in the BINDU form of God, dwell in the center of the eye-brows, and their names are ‘NIVRUTTI’ Pratishtha Vidya’, and ‘Shanti’. They exist from VAYU to BINDU.

‘Taksha’, ‘Sutara’, ‘Tadani’, ‘Tarayati’, ‘Sutarini’ are the "Ishankala" (Ishan is one of the 11 Rudras). These Kala are related to ‘SADASHIV NAD-TATVA’. These five, are Brahmaswarup (Brahma).

‘JYOTSNA’, ‘Jyotsnavati’, ‘Suprabha’, ‘Vimala’ and ‘Shivaste’ are ‘Ardhachandrakala’ (Half-moon).
"Sampatti", ‘Nirodhini’, ‘Remedy’, ‘Dnyan-lodha and ‘Tamopaha’ are ‘Nirodhikakala’.

‘Indhika’, ‘Deepika’, ‘Rochika’, and ‘Mochika’ are ‘Nadkala’ (NAD-KALA), ‘Urdhwaja’ is ‘Nadantakala’, ‘Sukshma’ (Sukshma), ‘Susukshma’, ‘Amruta’, ‘Amrut’ – Sambhava’ (Amrutsambhava) and ‘Vyapini’ are ‘SHAKTI KALA’ (Shakti Kala), ‘Vyapini’, ‘Komrupa’, ‘Ananta’ and ‘Anantha’ are ‘Vyapini Kala’, ‘Sarvadnya’, ‘Sarvanga’, ‘Durga’, ‘Sabana’, ‘Spruhana’ and Samana are related Kala. The ‘Ardhachandra’ ‘to’ ‘Unmadnya’ is known as ‘DHWANI VARG’. This is Divine abode (Turiya Dham). This itself is GURU-PAD (Gurupad) and it is ‘AUM’ (Shivpad), ‘Pushpadanta’ has stated in his ‘Shiv-Mahinmastotra’ – ‘Traim ----- Padam’ | Gandharva.

'O’, blessed SHIV, there are 3 Vedas (Rig. Yajur, Samved). Three stated (Vrutti), (Jagrat, Swapna, Sushuspti), there are 3 words (Bhuvan) and 3 Deities (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv), your ‘Om Pad’ is combined with 3 alphabets A.U.M., it is void of deterioration (Vicharshunya); it is full of Atomic sounds and resides in ‘Divine’ Soul (Turiyadham) which is the fourth state of blessedness. In this figure (Om) the real mixed up form of ‘Aa,Oo,Ma’ is visible. The portion looking like the tail is ‘Brahmapuchha’ (Brahmapuchham Pratishtha). This from is similar to ‘Maharudra HANUMAN’. The RUDRA ‘Ma’ has rolled up, the whole Universe in the tail. Acharya Madhusudan Saraswati, the commentator of the above STOTRA, in his ‘Tirna Vikrutivyakhya’ has stated "Tirna Vikruti ----- Viruddham" | The Turiya Dham is constantly wide awake and void of sentiments (Vikar), in the 3 states of mind. In the Shlokaha, ‘Tava Pada Marahoho Shirihi’ :- The head of RAHU – is the Genetive case (Shashthi Vibhakti). The atomic resonances are minute. They cannot be pronounced. The Om Pad is the strong combination of these minute vibrations. The (Ardhamatra) is singular, while (Dhwanishabda) is plural, and hence, they are contrary. But, this is not the fact, because Ardhamatra continues for a long period, and thus acquires various forms. Therefore, this is not the fault.

According to Prapanchsar, OMKAR has 7 Matras
1) Akar 2) Ukar 3) Makar 4) Bindu 5) Nad 6) Shakti 7) Shant. They have the VACHYA (Vachya) as follows:-
1) Virat 2) Hiranyagarbha 3) Karan Guna 4) Samanya Guna 5) Beej 6) Gunabhav 7) Guna – Sakshi. In (Pranav Patal) of Acharya Shankar, we find serially – ‘Sthulatva’, "Sukshmatva", "Karanatva", "Samatva", "Beejatva", "Nirvisheshatva" and "Sakshitva". ‘Pranawatmika Para Wak Kundalini’ is "PRAKRUTI", and "Pashyanti" etc. are "VIKRUTI". Before pronunciation, OMKAR is situated on the "Poorna Samvidatmak".

‘Wakyapadiyahetaraj – Tika’ "states" Sanvit ...... Brahmayi Hai |" The "Brahma Tatva" is not different from ‘spiritual Shabda’.

In ‘Vivart Vad’, there are differences regarding the nature of ‘Vaikhari’. But, OMKAR is maintested without Shabdabhed. In the form of ‘JYOTIRLING’ the Pranav enters Sushumna from Muladhar, and expressing the sounds ‘AKAR’ etc, it travels upto Murdhadesh (Head).

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‘Adhyushta ...... Mupagata’ – The ‘Shakti Mahimastotra’ states that ‘PAR-PRANAV’ and ‘Kundalini’, are the same. The Kalas of Pranav, are occupied in the whole body. Hence, it is known as Pindamitra also. Though it is spread in the whole body, it particularly keeps sounding in the Heart portion. According to ‘Vijnan Bhairav’, in ‘PIND MANTRA’, SHIV himself exists in Ardhachandra Bindu and Nadant Shunyocharan. The author has stated that ‘OM-PAD’ is entangled with ‘ANAHAD’ and ‘Samant-Wangmayvarna’ in the Heart, and that itself is SHIV. First of all, SHUNYA was formed from SHUNYA. From ‘Shunya Bindu’, the OMKAR was created, SHIV, which is seen, in the form of Jyotirling, in the temple, is both the SHUNYA and ASHUNYA. From SHUNYA, the Sparch (Ka to Ma) are created. ‘Swachhandase – Grahgrantha’.

According to ‘Shakta – Mat’, (triangular points) are OMKAR only ‘Klim’ the KAM-BEEJ of ‘Ashtadashakshar Gopalmantra’ and ‘Hrim-Shri’ are all PRANAV. ‘Rudrayamal ........Muyagata’ Uma (Uma) is Pran-Swarupa Kundalini.

‘OM’ in ‘Lingpuranaha’ :-
Lord Shankar told Uma – "AKAR UKAR and MAKAR are my PRANAV AKSHAR, while UKAR, MAKAR and AKAR are your Pranav Akshar. Uma is Pranav – rupa Kundalini. The ‘AKAR RUPINI’ is full of Honey (Maddrav Madhuyukta) ‘Akar’ consists of 3 Matras Uu, Ma, Aa = Uma. In Mahavashishtha, Uma is the girl of OMKAR. This TRIO of letters, represents 3 deities (Bramha, Vishnu, and Shiv) as per ‘Swachhanda Tantra Patal – 6’, Bindu is Ishwar and ‘Nad’ is Sadashiv – These 5 are Pranav. ‘Hansaha Pranasanchar’ exists in every being. There are 5 ‘VIDHI’ – ‘Hraswa’, ‘Sukshma’, ‘Dirgha’ – (Parshiv) ‘Atisukshma’, ‘Plut’. The devotee can attain Moksha, by piercing Brahma – Randhra, if he knows these 5 Vidhi. The ‘Plut Swar’ contains 3 Mantras and the Cock pronounces that. When Muslims pray NAMAJ, they also pronounce 3 Matras. ‘Ardhamatra’ cannot be pronounced ‘Plut Swar’ the protracted sound of a vowel is also only sound, and hence cannot be pronounced. ‘Rashisutra’ stages ‘Ardhamatra ....... . Visheshtaha’ – Durga is the form of ‘Ardhamatra’. This is ‘Turiya Tatva’ as well as ‘Atiturya Tatva’. This is called (Uma) Uma. ‘Kenopanishad’ describes this ‘Shakti Uma’. This ‘Shiv–Shakti’ union is inseparable, and it does not create disturbance in the ‘Advait – Vad’ of Vedant. The ‘Ardha-Matra’ is sounded by ‘Plut’. The NAD portion, of Shunya Pranav, due to 3 Matras is called ‘UMA’ or /‘INDUKALA’, when the brain of human being is asleep, that time on the head of ‘SHIV’, The ‘Akar’ etc. remain in the form of "Anahat Nad"

‘BINDU’ and that is ‘Uma’. In the Temples of SHIV, the bell sounds over the Shiv-ling, and that is the Nad of OMKAR, which represents Uma.

Omkar is Bramha :- The word ‘OM’ is ‘Triling’ or void of all the 3 genders (Ling). This point is described in ‘Gajendramoksha’ – of Bhagwat. Bhagwat Geeta states – ‘Omityekaksharam ...... Smrutaha |’ Brahma is Trividh. ‘Om Pad’ is powerful, Supernatural, indesiribable. In ‘Bruhannaradiyapuran’ Akar, Ukar, Makar, Nad and Bindu, are 5 Pranav. Serially, Bramha, Vishnu and Rudra are Deities of these 3 Matras. The Supreme stays on Ardha Matra. Bramha is Vachya (Vachya) Pranav is Vachak (Vachak). In fact, this Vachya – Vachak relation is only symbolic.

According to Smruti, Pranav is used in every chart of Veda, otherwise the Mantra is supposed to be Headless (fruitless). Using Pranav, in the beginning of chants, represents, That it is Vishesyanirdesh and without Ling-Traya’.

All Vaidic charts, begin with Pranav, and also become 3 in it. According to SMRUTI, ‘OM’ was created from the mouth of Prajapati, and its Rishi (sage) is BRAMHA, its metre is GAYATRI, Devata is AGNI, its Varna (colour) is white. It has 3 Matras. Those who recite chants, must pronounce three and half (3 �) matras. During the meditation and pronounciation of ‘Plut’ the Devata should be contemplated. The soundless end of Pranav should be uttered, like the constant flow of oil, and long-lasting sounds of the bell. One who knows this, is the real scholar of Vedas. The first 4 letters (Aa, Uu, Ma Va Nad) are curved, while the fifth ‘Bindu’, is straight. As per SANKHYA and PASHUPAT, ‘OM’ is the instigated letter (Udgithakshar). It has 3 matras, which are Vyakta as well as Aryakt. Its ‘SUKSHMA PARA’ is Adhyatma, Adhibhut and Adhi – daiva. Veda, Vedant etc. are all included in PRANAV and it should be studied. This is the Order of SMRUTIS. ‘Nandikeshwar Krut Kashika’ – states ‘Akaro ........ Dwaitanirasaha’ (Yeo S- Sutramatham) Omkar in the form of PRANAV, is formed from ‘Akar’ and Ukar. This statement supports the ‘OMKAR’.


As per ‘Skand Puran – Yadnyakand’ PRANAV has 2 forms – PAR (Par) & APAR (Apar), The ‘PAR’ Pranav is ‘Pradnyanam Bramha’. Due to natural strength, it is ‘PARBRAMHA’. The ‘Apar Pranav’ is ‘Shabda-Bramha’. Being the most modern, in order to attain Bramha, its discussion is available in – ‘Gopath Bramhan’ regarding its nature, its root (Dhatu) and gender etc.

Meaning of OMKAR, in ‘SKAND PURAN’ :-

‘OM’ represents (Dnyat) (Known). The course of known and unknown is Om. The dubious reader, reads it as Om according to the opinion of general public. Without the words of – Akaradi substances, on the Earth, all the people pronounce ‘OM’ in that manner. As the words like (Ghada, Bhit) – are plenty, the Pranav represents ‘Akaradi’ substances. The Pranav, which is the symbol of all substances is equivalent to BRAMHA (Bramha). The one who utters this Mantra, gets the benefit of meditating the complete chant.

Pranav in ‘Bruhatparashar Smruti’ :-

Pranav is ‘Par-tatva’ (Partatva) it is 3 vedas. It represents 3 GUNAS (qualities) and 3 Deities. It is the abode of ‘AGNI’, ‘SOM’ and ‘SUN’ It is ‘Tripradnya’, ‘Antahapradnya’, ‘Bahipradnya’, ‘Ghanapradnya’. It resides in Heart, Throat and Palate (Talu). It has 3 Matras. No speech can be uttered without OMKAR.

OMKAR in ‘Ling Puran’ :-

When VISHNU was sleeping in the Sea, Bramha (Bramha) reached there, and awakened him. But when due to deep sleep, Vishnu was unable to wake up, Bramha held his hand, and awakened him. Vishnu said ‘O’ child, you are my son. I have created, this ‘Sampurna Tatva’, animate and inanimate

Universe, ‘BRAMHA said, ‘your statement is false. I have created this complete Universe. On this point, the battle started between the two. For deciding the result of this battle, One Jyotirling, sprang up and ordered, that they should quote the beginning and end of that ‘LING’, Lord VISHNU, took the form of ‘VARAH’ (Varah) and went underneath,

and BRAMHA went on its upper side. They required 1000 years for this attempt. Both of them, got tired, but were unable to reach the end. Then, by the grace of SHIV, the sound ‘Om’, ‘Om’, ‘Om’, that is 3 PLUT, NAD’ (3 Plut Nad), was treated. On hearing this ‘MAHA – SHABDA’, both – Bramha and Vishnu were astonished, and uttered ‘What is this? and they observed ‘SANATAN BRAMHA’, in the right portion of the LING. They found that beginning ‘Adya Varna’ is Akar, the Northern part is UKAR, central portion is Makar, and the ‘NAIDANT’ (End of NAD) is ‘Om’. The Lord Vishnu saw that ‘Om’ was as bright as the sun. In that, Adya Varna (Aa) was in the south portion, and in the North, there was Ukar named ‘ PAVAK (Pavak) and in the Central portion, there was Makar, similar to Chandra – Mandal (MOON), On the top, there was the supreme God, who was like pure crystal, ‘Tudhartit’ and Viskal and Nirup – drava like Netar and having no outer or inner border.

That Supreme is outside, as well as inside, It has no beginning, no centre, and no end, and it is the cause of JOY (Anand) The ‘OM’ has 3 Matras. The half Matra is ‘NAD – BRAMHA’, and ‘RUK’, ‘YADU’ and ‘SAM’ are 3 Matras, Vedas were created from this. VISHNU recognised God, through ‘Rishived’. Makar is Biji, Akar is Bija and Ukar Vishnu is YONI. The Prakruti Purush is the Lord. The ‘Biji-Bija’ and Yoni are MAHESHWAR. The Makar was created from Ling. The UKAR spread and increased by the introduction of MAKAR in YONI. And then, the Universe was created.

Meditation of Omkar :-
One should sit, on Kushasan, in the Baddhasan Pose and close both the nostrils of the Nose, with fingers. The eyes should be closed. The place should be quiet. The ‘Om’, ‘OM’ should be pronounced continuously. The process of pronounciation, should not stop. During pronuication, the breathing should take place, in the upward direction. Do not get frightened. Sometimes, a jerk may be experienced, due to which, you may fall down and hence, the pillow should be used. This should be practiced daily, minimum, for 2 hours daily. It should be continued for 6 months. It is the experienced experiment. When Omkar moves in the throat, the death chamber would be visible, which is red – coloured and it has no door. On moving a little further, the Heavenly Gods will be visible, and still higher, one crore sun-lights will be visible.

The fruit of OMKAR :-
‘Shabda-Shuddhi’ can be attained, after 9 Crore "JAP" (Jap) (Repetition of Mantra), "Siddhi" after 17 Crores JAP; Moving in the sky – after 27 Crores, and complete Salvation (Purnasiddhi), after 36 Crores JAP.

Conclusion :-

The "OMKAR BRAMNA" is the object of Sages (Yogis). The greatness of that, is not commonly possible. The description given in SHASTRAS (Shastras – Sciences) also cannot be stated by the common man. The detailed description of "OMKAR in Vedas" is available in ‘Mandukya Upanishad’ and other upanishadas, and Smruti Grantha. In the Sholoka (Shloka) ‘Omikta ........Iti’ of ‘Shishupal Vadh – Kavya’

NARADA (Narad) said to Krishna", you killed ‘Hiranya Kashyapu’ – to save ‘Pralhad’, in ‘Nrusinha Avatar’. Do you remember?" Krishna replied, only by saying ‘OM’. Then NARADA pointed out the other ‘AVTAR’ and said, "Do you remember, that you had also killed RAVAN, when he deprived Seeta? In the third life, the same RAVAN, has taken birth as ‘Shishupal’; kill him also." Krishna again replied ‘OM’. Thus, the word ‘Om’ is benevolent, beneficial for the Nation, and should be worshipped by every "common individual".


 Title : Omkar in Vedas Author : Dr Anil Athavle

Read In Hindi


OMKAR (OM) IN VEDAS [Omkar in Vedas – Vedon mein Omkar]

Gayatri itself is called ‘OMKAR’ (Omkar) means ‘Cow’ (Gay). Just as ‘GAYATRI’ is known as ‘OMKAR’ the Omkar is also known as ‘GAYATRI’ ‘MANTRA’ "Omkar --------- Udahrutah". Omkar is the supreme SOUL (Parbrahma) and Gayatri is the letter. The combination of these two is itself the manifestation of its form. It is written in ‘Gayatri Mantra’ (Gayatrich ----- Sanyutaha), Gayatri is the Veda which is the combination of ‘AKAR’, ‘UKAR’, ‘MAKAR’ (Akar, Ukar, Makar) (A.U. & M.). The Vedas are created from the mouth of Gayatri. The ‘PRANAV’ is the splendour of Gayatri and Rigu, Yajur, and Sam-ved are the ‘SAGUN’ (animate) forms of Gayatri. "Ataha ---------(Yadnyavalkayasmruti)" – All the Vaidi Literature is PRANAVA from and hence is should be studied. According to ‘MANU-SMRUTI’ – "Akar .......... Riti ........" – BRAHMA (Brahma) has created and milked, - the 3 letters Aa, Uu, Ma and 3 (Byahriti) Mystic words – Bhuhu, Bhuvaha, Swaha | "Omkar ------- Wachya Bhi Hai |" –

‘Trik siddhant’ is accepted by both Nigam (Veda) & Agam (Tantra) ‘Veda Mantra’ ‘Tistro -------Kampate Dnyaha | OM KAR is formed by three (mantras) ‘A’, ‘U’, & ‘M’. And these Mantras offer death. If it is treated by perfect methods by external, Internal and Central (Middle) systems, the genius wise man is not disturbed ‘Saisha --------Tapati’ | (Shatpath Brahman) ‘TRAI VIDYA’ is itself meditation. What is the meaning of form ‘M’ in ‘tirk’ ‘A’, ‘U’, & ‘M’? whether it is point of form ‘M’? what is the difference between them? whether they are different or the same? Just as Ja, Na, Ndha alphabets (Ru) etc. and Ref, Lakar & Hakar of the sign ‘VISARG’(:) (similar to COLON (:) in English) though pronounceable still are different from Ref etc, similarly ‘BINDU’ is different from ‘Makar’ "Hakaye ... Chhayamrut" (Tantralok). ‘BINDU’ is the shadow from of ‘MAKAR’. The above TRIO (Trik) is ‘TRAYI VIDYA’, which is exhibited in Vedas and ‘TANTRA’ SHANTRA’ The AGAM and ‘NIGAM’ both are the authentic theories and principles. In the ‘TRIK’ ‘MAKAR’ is RUDRA which is the resting place of alphabets. Our experience of pronounciation also proves that on pronouncing ‘Ma’ our mouth gets shut while uttering the word ‘RAM’ (Ram) both the lips get closed after pronouncing the letter ‘Ma’. The ‘maya’ ‘Kala Vidya’ Rag’ ‘Kal’ ‘Niyati’ and ‘Purush’ are all indicated in this ‘MAKAR’ when BINDU, the creator of the Universe takes form of NAKARATMAK Mantra and

states moving towards ‘SWASAMVIT’ (Swasamvit) it becomes ‘UKAR’ of the PRATISHTHAN KALA. This stage is known as ‘VISHNU’ form. Down, below this, dwells PARAM SHAM in the form of ‘AKAR’ where BRAHMA (Brahma) is seated. At this promit, the PRANAV (OMKAR) is produced.

Regarding this ‘Netratantra’ states. "Makaro .....Parmatmanaha". The path of ‘Akar’ is spread from the thumb or toe of the foot to the Heart’. The whole Universe (Bhuvanprapancha) exists here. The Judhyojat form ‘AKAR’ of Brahma Deity exists in all the beings, in its 8 KALAS (Kalas) namely "Riddhi", "Siddhi", "Dhruti", "Dhyuti", "Lakshmi", "Medha", "Kanti", "Swadha". All the important elements of the universe are present there, similarly ‘Moti’, ‘Kriya’, ‘Vruddhi’, ‘Maya’, ‘Nadi’, ‘Bhramani’, ‘Mohini’ are the ‘VAMDEV KALA’ (Vamdev Kala). – "UKARATMAK AGHOR KALA" are ‘Tam’, ‘Moh’, ‘Kshudha’, ‘Nidra’, ‘Mrutyu’, ‘Maya’, ‘Mama’, ‘Java’, which exist in the Rudransh (Rudransh), from the throat to the palate (Talu) of the mouth. They have the relation from ‘NIYATI’ to ‘MAYA-TATVA’ ‘The TATPURUSH KALA’ existing in the BINDU form of God, dwell in the center of the eye-brows, and their names are ‘NIVRUTTI’ Pratishtha Vidya’, and ‘Shanti’. They exist from VAYU to BINDU.

‘Taksha’, ‘Sutara’, ‘Tadani’, ‘Tarayati’, ‘Sutarini’ are the "Ishankala" (Ishan is one of the 11 Rudras). These Kala are related to ‘SADASHIV NAD-TATVA’. These five, are Brahmaswarup (Brahma).

‘JYOTSNA’, ‘Jyotsnavati’, ‘Suprabha’, ‘Vimala’ and ‘Shivaste’ are ‘Ardhachandrakala’ (Half-moon).
"Sampatti", ‘Nirodhini’, ‘Remedy’, ‘Dnyan-lodha and ‘Tamopaha’ are ‘Nirodhikakala’.

‘Indhika’, ‘Deepika’, ‘Rochika’, and ‘Mochika’ are ‘Nadkala’ (NAD-KALA), ‘Urdhwaja’ is ‘Nadantakala’, ‘Sukshma’ (Sukshma), ‘Susukshma’, ‘Amruta’, ‘Amrut’ – Sambhava’ (Amrutsambhava) and ‘Vyapini’ are ‘SHAKTI KALA’ (Shakti Kala), ‘Vyapini’, ‘Komrupa’, ‘Ananta’ and ‘Anantha’ are ‘Vyapini Kala’, ‘Sarvadnya’, ‘Sarvanga’, ‘Durga’, ‘Sabana’, ‘Spruhana’ and Samana are related Kala. The ‘Ardhachandra’ ‘to’ ‘Unmadnya’ is known as ‘DHWANI VARG’. This is Divine abode (Turiya Dham). This itself is GURU-PAD (Gurupad) and it is ‘AUM’ (Shivpad), ‘Pushpadanta’ has stated in his ‘Shiv-Mahinmastotra’ – ‘Traim ----- Padam’ | Gandharva.

'O’, blessed SHIV, there are 3 Vedas (Rig. Yajur, Samved). Three stated (Vrutti), (Jagrat, Swapna, Sushuspti), there are 3 words (Bhuvan) and 3 Deities (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv), your ‘Om Pad’ is combined with 3 alphabets A.U.M., it is void of deterioration (Vicharshunya); it is full of Atomic sounds and resides in ‘Divine’ Soul (Turiyadham) which is the fourth state of blessedness. In this figure (Om) the real mixed up form of ‘Aa,Oo,Ma’ is visible. The portion looking like the tail is ‘Brahmapuchha’ (Brahmapuchham Pratishtha). This from is similar to ‘Maharudra HANUMAN’. The RUDRA ‘Ma’ has rolled up, the whole Universe in the tail. Acharya Madhusudan Saraswati, the commentator of the above STOTRA, in his ‘Tirna Vikrutivyakhya’ has stated "Tirna Vikruti ----- Viruddham" | The Turiya Dham is constantly wide awake and void of sentiments (Vikar), in the 3 states of mind. In the Shlokaha, ‘Tava Pada Marahoho Shirihi’ :- The head of RAHU – is the Genetive case (Shashthi Vibhakti). The atomic resonances are minute. They cannot be pronounced. The Om Pad is the strong combination of these minute vibrations. The (Ardhamatra) is singular, while (Dhwanishabda) is plural, and hence, they are contrary. But, this is not the fact, because Ardhamatra continues for a long period, and thus acquires various forms. Therefore, this is not the fault.

According to Prapanchsar, OMKAR has 7 Matras
1) Akar 2) Ukar 3) Makar 4) Bindu 5) Nad 6) Shakti 7) Shant. They have the VACHYA (Vachya) as follows:-
1) Virat 2) Hiranyagarbha 3) Karan Guna 4) Samanya Guna 5) Beej 6) Gunabhav 7) Guna – Sakshi. In (Pranav Patal) of Acharya Shankar, we find serially – ‘Sthulatva’, "Sukshmatva", "Karanatva", "Samatva", "Beejatva", "Nirvisheshatva" and "Sakshitva". ‘Pranawatmika Para Wak Kundalini’ is "PRAKRUTI", and "Pashyanti" etc. are "VIKRUTI". Before pronunciation, OMKAR is situated on the "Poorna Samvidatmak".

‘Wakyapadiyahetaraj – Tika’ "states" Sanvit ...... Brahmayi Hai |" The "Brahma Tatva" is not different from ‘spiritual Shabda’.

In ‘Vivart Vad’, there are differences regarding the nature of ‘Vaikhari’. But, OMKAR is maintested without Shabdabhed. In the form of ‘JYOTIRLING’ the Pranav enters Sushumna from Muladhar, and expressing the sounds ‘AKAR’ etc, it travels upto Murdhadesh (Head).

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‘Adhyushta ...... Mupagata’ – The ‘Shakti Mahimastotra’ states that ‘PAR-PRANAV’ and ‘Kundalini’, are the same. The Kalas of Pranav, are occupied in the whole body. Hence, it is known as Pindamitra also. Though it is spread in the whole body, it particularly keeps sounding in the Heart portion. According to ‘Vijnan Bhairav’, in ‘PIND MANTRA’, SHIV himself exists in Ardhachandra Bindu and Nadant Shunyocharan. The author has stated that ‘OM-PAD’ is entangled with ‘ANAHAD’ and ‘Samant-Wangmayvarna’ in the Heart, and that itself is SHIV. First of all, SHUNYA was formed from SHUNYA. From ‘Shunya Bindu’, the OMKAR was created, SHIV, which is seen, in the form of Jyotirling, in the temple, is both the SHUNYA and ASHUNYA. From SHUNYA, the Sparch (Ka to Ma) are created. ‘Swachhandase – Grahgrantha’.

According to ‘Shakta – Mat’, (triangular points) are OMKAR only ‘Klim’ the KAM-BEEJ of ‘Ashtadashakshar Gopalmantra’ and ‘Hrim-Shri’ are all PRANAV. ‘Rudrayamal ........Muyagata’ Uma (Uma) is Pran-Swarupa Kundalini.

‘OM’ in ‘Lingpuranaha’ :-
Lord Shankar told Uma – "AKAR UKAR and MAKAR are my PRANAV AKSHAR, while UKAR, MAKAR and AKAR are your Pranav Akshar. Uma is Pranav – rupa Kundalini. The ‘AKAR RUPINI’ is full of Honey (Maddrav Madhuyukta) ‘Akar’ consists of 3 Matras Uu, Ma, Aa = Uma. In Mahavashishtha, Uma is the girl of OMKAR. This TRIO of letters, represents 3 deities (Bramha, Vishnu, and Shiv) as per ‘Swachhanda Tantra Patal – 6’, Bindu is Ishwar and ‘Nad’ is Sadashiv – These 5 are Pranav. ‘Hansaha Pranasanchar’ exists in every being. There are 5 ‘VIDHI’ – ‘Hraswa’, ‘Sukshma’, ‘Dirgha’ – (Parshiv) ‘Atisukshma’, ‘Plut’. The devotee can attain Moksha, by piercing Brahma – Randhra, if he knows these 5 Vidhi. The ‘Plut Swar’ contains 3 Mantras and the Cock pronounces that. When Muslims pray NAMAJ, they also pronounce 3 Matras. ‘Ardhamatra’ cannot be pronounced ‘Plut Swar’ the protracted sound of a vowel is also only sound, and hence cannot be pronounced. ‘Rashisutra’ stages ‘Ardhamatra ....... . Visheshtaha’ – Durga is the form of ‘Ardhamatra’. This is ‘Turiya Tatva’ as well as ‘Atiturya Tatva’. This is called (Uma) Uma. ‘Kenopanishad’ describes this ‘Shakti Uma’. This ‘Shiv–Shakti’ union is inseparable, and it does not create disturbance in the ‘Advait – Vad’ of Vedant. The ‘Ardha-Matra’ is sounded by ‘Plut’. The NAD portion, of Shunya Pranav, due to 3 Matras is called ‘UMA’ or /‘INDUKALA’, when the brain of human being is asleep, that time on the head of ‘SHIV’, The ‘Akar’ etc. remain in the form of "Anahat Nad"

‘BINDU’ and that is ‘Uma’. In the Temples of SHIV, the bell sounds over the Shiv-ling, and that is the Nad of OMKAR, which represents Uma.

Omkar is Bramha :- The word ‘OM’ is ‘Triling’ or void of all the 3 genders (Ling). This point is described in ‘Gajendramoksha’ – of Bhagwat. Bhagwat Geeta states – ‘Omityekaksharam ...... Smrutaha |’ Brahma is Trividh. ‘Om Pad’ is powerful, Supernatural, indesiribable. In ‘Bruhannaradiyapuran’ Akar, Ukar, Makar, Nad and Bindu, are 5 Pranav. Serially, Bramha, Vishnu and Rudra are Deities of these 3 Matras. The Supreme stays on Ardha Matra. Bramha is Vachya (Vachya) Pranav is Vachak (Vachak). In fact, this Vachya – Vachak relation is only symbolic.

According to Smruti, Pranav is used in every chart of Veda, otherwise the Mantra is supposed to be Headless (fruitless). Using Pranav, in the beginning of chants, represents, That it is Vishesyanirdesh and without Ling-Traya’.

All Vaidic charts, begin with Pranav, and also become 3 in it. According to SMRUTI, ‘OM’ was created from the mouth of Prajapati, and its Rishi (sage) is BRAMHA, its metre is GAYATRI, Devata is AGNI, its Varna (colour) is white. It has 3 Matras. Those who recite chants, must pronounce three and half (3 �) matras. During the meditation and pronounciation of ‘Plut’ the Devata should be contemplated. The soundless end of Pranav should be uttered, like the constant flow of oil, and long-lasting sounds of the bell. One who knows this, is the real scholar of Vedas. The first 4 letters (Aa, Uu, Ma Va Nad) are curved, while the fifth ‘Bindu’, is straight. As per SANKHYA and PASHUPAT, ‘OM’ is the instigated letter (Udgithakshar). It has 3 matras, which are Vyakta as well as Aryakt. Its ‘SUKSHMA PARA’ is Adhyatma, Adhibhut and Adhi – daiva. Veda, Vedant etc. are all included in PRANAV and it should be studied. This is the Order of SMRUTIS. ‘Nandikeshwar Krut Kashika’ – states ‘Akaro ........ Dwaitanirasaha’ (Yeo S- Sutramatham) Omkar in the form of PRANAV, is formed from ‘Akar’ and Ukar. This statement supports the ‘OMKAR’.


As per ‘Skand Puran – Yadnyakand’ PRANAV has 2 forms – PAR (Par) & APAR (Apar), The ‘PAR’ Pranav is ‘Pradnyanam Bramha’. Due to natural strength, it is ‘PARBRAMHA’. The ‘Apar Pranav’ is ‘Shabda-Bramha’. Being the most modern, in order to attain Bramha, its discussion is available in – ‘Gopath Bramhan’ regarding its nature, its root (Dhatu) and gender etc.

Meaning of OMKAR, in ‘SKAND PURAN’ :-

‘OM’ represents (Dnyat) (Known). The course of known and unknown is Om. The dubious reader, reads it as Om according to the opinion of general public. Without the words of – Akaradi substances, on the Earth, all the people pronounce ‘OM’ in that manner. As the words like (Ghada, Bhit) – are plenty, the Pranav represents ‘Akaradi’ substances. The Pranav, which is the symbol of all substances is equivalent to BRAMHA (Bramha). The one who utters this Mantra, gets the benefit of meditating the complete chant.

Pranav in ‘Bruhatparashar Smruti’ :-

Pranav is ‘Par-tatva’ (Partatva) it is 3 vedas. It represents 3 GUNAS (qualities) and 3 Deities. It is the abode of ‘AGNI’, ‘SOM’ and ‘SUN’ It is ‘Tripradnya’, ‘Antahapradnya’, ‘Bahipradnya’, ‘Ghanapradnya’. It resides in Heart, Throat and Palate (Talu). It has 3 Matras. No speech can be uttered without OMKAR.

OMKAR in ‘Ling Puran’ :-

When VISHNU was sleeping in the Sea, Bramha (Bramha) reached there, and awakened him. But when due to deep sleep, Vishnu was unable to wake up, Bramha held his hand, and awakened him. Vishnu said ‘O’ child, you are my son. I have created, this ‘Sampurna Tatva’, animate and inanimate

Universe, ‘BRAMHA said, ‘your statement is false. I have created this complete Universe. On this point, the battle started between the two. For deciding the result of this battle, One Jyotirling, sprang up and ordered, that they should quote the beginning and end of that ‘LING’, Lord VISHNU, took the form of ‘VARAH’ (Varah) and went underneath,

and BRAMHA went on its upper side. They required 1000 years for this attempt. Both of them, got tired, but were unable to reach the end. Then, by the grace of SHIV, the sound ‘Om’, ‘Om’, ‘Om’, that is 3 PLUT, NAD’ (3 Plut Nad), was treated. On hearing this ‘MAHA – SHABDA’, both – Bramha and Vishnu were astonished, and uttered ‘What is this? and they observed ‘SANATAN BRAMHA’, in the right portion of the LING. They found that beginning ‘Adya Varna’ is Akar, the Northern part is UKAR, central portion is Makar, and the ‘NAIDANT’ (End of NAD) is ‘Om’. The Lord Vishnu saw that ‘Om’ was as bright as the sun. In that, Adya Varna (Aa) was in the south portion, and in the North, there was Ukar named ‘ PAVAK (Pavak) and in the Central portion, there was Makar, similar to Chandra – Mandal (MOON), On the top, there was the supreme God, who was like pure crystal, ‘Tudhartit’ and Viskal and Nirup – drava like Netar and having no outer or inner border.

That Supreme is outside, as well as inside, It has no beginning, no centre, and no end, and it is the cause of JOY (Anand) The ‘OM’ has 3 Matras. The half Matra is ‘NAD – BRAMHA’, and ‘RUK’, ‘YADU’ and ‘SAM’ are 3 Matras, Vedas were created from this. VISHNU recognised God, through ‘Rishived’. Makar is Biji, Akar is Bija and Ukar Vishnu is YONI. The Prakruti Purush is the Lord. The ‘Biji-Bija’ and Yoni are MAHESHWAR. The Makar was created from Ling. The UKAR spread and increased by the introduction of MAKAR in YONI. And then, the Universe was created.

Meditation of Omkar :-
One should sit, on Kushasan, in the Baddhasan Pose and close both the nostrils of the Nose, with fingers. The eyes should be closed. The place should be quiet. The ‘Om’, ‘OM’ should be pronounced continuously. The process of pronounciation, should not stop. During pronuication, the breathing should take place, in the upward direction. Do not get frightened. Sometimes, a jerk may be experienced, due to which, you may fall down and hence, the pillow should be used. This should be practiced daily, minimum, for 2 hours daily. It should be continued for 6 months. It is the experienced experiment. When Omkar moves in the throat, the death chamber would be visible, which is red – coloured and it has no door. On moving a little further, the Heavenly Gods will be visible, and still higher, one crore sun-lights will be visible.

The fruit of OMKAR :-
‘Shabda-Shuddhi’ can be attained, after 9 Crore "JAP" (Jap) (Repetition of Mantra), "Siddhi" after 17 Crores JAP; Moving in the sky – after 27 Crores, and complete Salvation (Purnasiddhi), after 36 Crores JAP.

Conclusion :-

The "OMKAR BRAMNA" is the object of Sages (Yogis). The greatness of that, is not commonly possible. The description given in SHASTRAS (Shastras – Sciences) also cannot be stated by the common man. The detailed description of "OMKAR in Vedas" is available in ‘Mandukya Upanishad’ and other upanishadas, and Smruti Grantha. In the Sholoka (Shloka) ‘Omikta ........Iti’ of ‘Shishupal Vadh – Kavya’

NARADA (Narad) said to Krishna", you killed ‘Hiranya Kashyapu’ – to save ‘Pralhad’, in ‘Nrusinha Avatar’. Do you remember?" Krishna replied, only by saying ‘OM’. Then NARADA pointed out the other ‘AVTAR’ and said, "Do you remember, that you had also killed RAVAN, when he deprived Seeta? In the third life, the same RAVAN, has taken birth as ‘Shishupal’; kill him also." Krishna again replied ‘OM’. Thus, the word ‘Om’ is benevolent, beneficial for the Nation, and should be worshipped by every "common individual".


Tag Names : Puran,Upnishad,lingpuran,Skandpuran,kenopnishd
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