Title : Do the contemporary shankaracharyas know our vedas |
Author : Mr. Rasikbihari Manjul |
Read In Hindi
Recently I came across an editorial in ‘Ved-Pradeep’ – a magazine, published in June 1994. That included Shankaracharya’s comment that, "If a pregnant woman listens to the incorrect Vedmantras, it affects the baby & it will be born with a defect and it will be unholy." I was shocked. I started thinking : Is Veda-Mantrik a Tantrik (magic) mantra? If it is used in a wrong way, will it bear defective, unholy, inauspicious fruits? Why cannot the woman have such a reference, that the shudras are prohibited to chant them? Since centuries, Vedas are proclaiming, that they are for everybody.
(Atharvaveda 19/71/1) means – Oh people, Veda is your mother, who blesses us and tries for our upliftment. According to this sentence of God, the devotees of intelligence believe, that Vedamantras treat all human beings as equal in spite of the 4 classes viz. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Shudra or Vaishya. If the Vedas are profitable and auspicious to all human beings, then why they are not useful to a woman?
Veda mantras are supporters of equality. God is the Father of all human beings and he doesn’t discriminate between them. In his creation i.e. the nature, everybody is equal. According to Dayanand, God wishes happiness and well being of all.
Dayanand has also written that God has been kind as he has also created the reason & motive for every living being. Vedas say that all are his sons (Yajurveda 11.5).
They also state at different stages, that the God, who settled everybody, has a motherly & a fatherly affection. (Rugveda 8/98/11).
Vedas & upanishads never mention any particular country, nor any particular religion. But they always refer as "Oh! Human beings, you become a virtuous and good person. In Rugved mantras 105-36, God tells to the person to become human. Galib and Gopaldas Niraj have also said,
‘If one can’t love another person, if one can’t love faith then his birth is futile.’
This is the definition of a human being in vedas.
Niraj says, ‘This is the crime I commit to love other (person) human being as I am a human being. Vedas also asks us to become human and to follow humanity. Rugveda Mantras no – 8/30/3.
Parmeshwar says that you give me the entire knowledge with the help of which I won’t derail from honor and virtuous people.
From those we can draw a conclusion that if a man wants to progress, he has to keep company of good people. Vedas don’t comment on castes, so Kabir says
In Mantras 8/45/42 of Rugveda, God says, Hey Almighty, donate the wealth which is praiseworthy and everybody wishes to have it.
This is a world-wide humanity, which is the key note of Vedas. Vedas are full of such ideas. Vedas doesn’t patronize any country and humanism. Vedas propagate humanity as the caste. In Mantras 3/30/1 of Atharvaveda, it is said you all bow with a good feeling in your heart, without any hatred amongst yourselves. May be, this is the great Mantra followed by the British who tried to rule the world and on whose empire the sun wasn’t going to set. In the 6th Mantra of above mentioned Sukta the God says, Oh, people come together, and drink and eat everything together and also work together. In 7 th mantra Atharvaveda, God says ‘Walk together with united minds and hearts, so that you can think together on different problems. Only if these things are followed this earth will be heaven.
Rugvedas 10/91 Suktas are known as SUKTAS of unity. It preaches people to walk hand in hand, with one thought & mind and with good communication, with common goals to purpose. This preaching is for the betterment of the world. The UNO should accept this Vedmantra as their motto. Currently the world requires such a motto desperately.
Sukta no 12/1 of Atharvaveda is ‘Bhomi sukta’. The narrator is a national hero, who signs the praises of progress, wealth, culture, heritage, pride of one’s nation. In this poetic version Vedas have advised that if any country wants to reach the pinacle of progress/achievement, then it should follow certain rules. The first Mantra of this Sukta narrates 7 steps. These steps are as follows:
Be Truthful – Using truth as versions, stages in society (preaching, living, practicing)
The virtues of a Kshatriya are:
1) Diksha
2) total involvement in the tasks taken in hand.
3) Penance & Simplicity.
4) Restraint, hardship for being humble.
5) Brahma, Brahmin, rituals and rites and Yajna.
Moolveda Mantra is (Atharvaveda 12/1/1) : If these are followed by the World Organisations, the earth will be heavenly. Let there be one Employer and one religion of the world.
Shudra & Vedas : The Vedas who preach such equality throughout the world, how can they be stonehearted towards shudras? Vedas are against untouchability, discrimination and differences. (In Brahmanosya Mukhamasit, the foundation of Varna system (Rugveda 20/90))
The 4 Varnas Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra are described as different parts of the body, like for example, mouth, head, arms, stomach and legs. The society is compared with a society. These are the 4 parts of the body of society. All are equal. The head and legs are equally important. In Atharvaveda Mantra 19/62/1 the hymn means – Oh Almighty! Please makes me favorite of Brahminas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. This is Ved purush.
In 18/4/8 mantras of Yajurved, it is a prayer, Oh Almighty ! Please create love and affection towards all the four Varnas. As Vedic literature preaches love in all the 4 Varnas, they also speak about the woman. Vedas accept woman as a better half of a man. Shiva is called as Ardha Nari Nateshwar.
The Vedas preached of an ideal social auspicious equality in India (Bharatvarsha). But Shankaracharya preaches poisonous casteism. People from their sect say "Women and shudras should not read the Vedas." says shruti (Vedas) But this seems contradictory to the Vedas.
Adwaitwadi, Mahavedanti Jagatguru Adi Shankaracharya stated that the Shudras should not read the Vedas. The comment which he has written on this object is really shocking. He has written, that Shudras are like a wandering cremation ground. So if he listens to Vedas, molten lead and lac should be filled in his ears. It he utters Vedas, his tongue should be cut off and if he touches the Veda – Granthas, his hands should be cut. (-Shankaracharya’s Mool Mantra)
Equality – The soul of Veda Mantra Veda is a thing for everybody to read. In Yajurveda, Parmatma has clearly stated that "I have given this Vedavani for everybody. For Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. I have given my own Vedvani to all those whom you consider your own, but also for those people whom you don’t consider your own. This is the soul of Veda-Mantras. So, if today’s Shankaracharya is saying that women and shudras are prohibited to read vedas, it is not shocking, for he is repeating his Adigurus words. These words are nothing but a falsehood. Shri Rasik Bihari Manjul, Delhi.
The contemporary Shankaracharyas should know what our Vedamantras are ! It is Manu’s fault to spread the poison of casteism Manusmruti. We can see its hideous reflection in Shankaracharya. But Manu has only written 58 shlokas in 1 st Adhyay. After that the whole writing is by Bhrugu.
Bhrugu will narrate the entire science (shastra) from beginning to end, as he has read the science very well. So the Brahmins who always read the science of humanism narrated by Bhrugu, behave with a good conduct and acquire a good place in heaven.
Shri Rajnikant Shastri in his book ‘Hindu Jati ka uttan aur patan’ says that his shloka is the last shloka of Manusmruti where it ends. So Bhrugu Rishi may have addes some spice to the original work for the profitability of his own sect. It is possible because he is the same egoistic Bhrugu who boasted of being fair. Arya kicked in the chest of dark complexioned Vishnu and gave bad names to Bhole – Shankar. He is the same Bhrugu who converted a Kshatriya emperor Vitivahi into a Brahmin because he had hidden himself from some kings in Bhrugu’s cottage. Bhrugu was so arrogant, that he said that Vishnu always takes different forms (Avataar) to protect cows and Brahmins.
Considering such Brahmins Guru Nanak says that all such Brahmins are false. This statement also applies to the contemporary Brahmins. In Manu smruti there is a Shloka for the Brahmins, which means, "The Brahmin, who does not read Vedic science etc. and doesn’t penance, accepts donation as stone the boat drowns." I don’t need to explain whether the contemporary Shankaracharyas are donation, hunters or demanders.
But the Brahmins, who perform rituals are the donation accepters. They run behind it and hardly find time to read the Vedas or learn science. A Brahmin is a person of sympathy.
The Vedic literature symbolises the body as the great critic of the Vedic literature Maharshi Yask. says Atheist is not person who doesn’t believe in God but is a person who doesn’t believe in Vedas. So the religions like Jain & Buddhism are referred to as atheists, as they don’t believe in Vedas. Thus they belong to the class of Charuvak. Veda is at the apex of Indian culture. Criticising it is unacceptable. So the pure and ancient culture and heritage calls Shankaracharya as concealed Buddha. This is stated by Maha Pandit Rahul Sankrutyayan in his world famous book ‘Darshan – didarshan’ (Pages no – 280-821).
Concealed or hidden Buddha : We understand that he accepts Brahmavad and values the philosophical knowledge of upanishdas. But if we penetrate in him then we find the change of name of nihilism of Nagarjun to Yamvad. Shri Hardha, who wrote Mangalacharana of Ram and Sita in his ‘Khandan Khandakhadya’. It differs him from being called Nishism. Parankush sas ‘Vtas’ says – (From Ramanuj’s vedant – Bhashya Teeka Shruta Prakashi).
Oh the followers of Shankar,
for you the vedas are false. Similarly for the tenets of Buddhism – nihism.
Buddha preaching false. so far you, to have vedas & for them
having Buddhas arrival is in a wrong proposition.
For us Buddha is false, similarly intelligence, fruits salvation is false. So in a sense you and Buddhists are brothers or belong to the same sect.
So Shankar is known as a Concealed Buddha.
(Reference – ‘Darshan Digdarshan’ Published at kitab mahal, Illahbad. Author - Rahul Sankrutyayan in 1847)
If original Shankaracharya was like this then their modern mathadhipati will not be anything different. They are behaving as Buddha Bikkhus.
Read In Hindi
Recently I came across an editorial in ‘Ved-Pradeep’ – a magazine, published in June 1994. That included Shankaracharya’s comment that, "If a pregnant woman listens to the incorrect Vedmantras, it affects the baby & it will be born with a defect and it will be unholy." I was shocked. I started thinking : Is Veda-Mantrik a Tantrik (magic) mantra? If it is used in a wrong way, will it bear defective, unholy, inauspicious fruits? Why cannot the woman have such a reference, that the shudras are prohibited to chant them? Since centuries, Vedas are proclaiming, that they are for everybody.
(Atharvaveda 19/71/1) means – Oh people, Veda is your mother, who blesses us and tries for our upliftment. According to this sentence of God, the devotees of intelligence believe, that Vedamantras treat all human beings as equal in spite of the 4 classes viz. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Shudra or Vaishya. If the Vedas are profitable and auspicious to all human beings, then why they are not useful to a woman?
Veda mantras are supporters of equality. God is the Father of all human beings and he doesn’t discriminate between them. In his creation i.e. the nature, everybody is equal. According to Dayanand, God wishes happiness and well being of all.
Dayanand has also written that God has been kind as he has also created the reason & motive for every living being. Vedas say that all are his sons (Yajurveda 11.5).
They also state at different stages, that the God, who settled everybody, has a motherly & a fatherly affection. (Rugveda 8/98/11).
Vedas & upanishads never mention any particular country, nor any particular religion. But they always refer as "Oh! Human beings, you become a virtuous and good person. In Rugved mantras 105-36, God tells to the person to become human. Galib and Gopaldas Niraj have also said,
‘If one can’t love another person, if one can’t love faith then his birth is futile.’
This is the definition of a human being in vedas.
Niraj says, ‘This is the crime I commit to love other (person) human being as I am a human being. Vedas also asks us to become human and to follow humanity. Rugveda Mantras no – 8/30/3.
Parmeshwar says that you give me the entire knowledge with the help of which I won’t derail from honor and virtuous people.
From those we can draw a conclusion that if a man wants to progress, he has to keep company of good people. Vedas don’t comment on castes, so Kabir says
In Mantras 8/45/42 of Rugveda, God says, Hey Almighty, donate the wealth which is praiseworthy and everybody wishes to have it.
This is a world-wide humanity, which is the key note of Vedas. Vedas are full of such ideas. Vedas doesn’t patronize any country and humanism. Vedas propagate humanity as the caste. In Mantras 3/30/1 of Atharvaveda, it is said you all bow with a good feeling in your heart, without any hatred amongst yourselves. May be, this is the great Mantra followed by the British who tried to rule the world and on whose empire the sun wasn’t going to set. In the 6th Mantra of above mentioned Sukta the God says, Oh, people come together, and drink and eat everything together and also work together. In 7 th mantra Atharvaveda, God says ‘Walk together with united minds and hearts, so that you can think together on different problems. Only if these things are followed this earth will be heaven.
Rugvedas 10/91 Suktas are known as SUKTAS of unity. It preaches people to walk hand in hand, with one thought & mind and with good communication, with common goals to purpose. This preaching is for the betterment of the world. The UNO should accept this Vedmantra as their motto. Currently the world requires such a motto desperately.
Sukta no 12/1 of Atharvaveda is ‘Bhomi sukta’. The narrator is a national hero, who signs the praises of progress, wealth, culture, heritage, pride of one’s nation. In this poetic version Vedas have advised that if any country wants to reach the pinacle of progress/achievement, then it should follow certain rules. The first Mantra of this Sukta narrates 7 steps. These steps are as follows:
Be Truthful – Using truth as versions, stages in society (preaching, living, practicing)
The virtues of a Kshatriya are:
1) Diksha
2) total involvement in the tasks taken in hand.
3) Penance & Simplicity.
4) Restraint, hardship for being humble.
5) Brahma, Brahmin, rituals and rites and Yajna.
Moolveda Mantra is (Atharvaveda 12/1/1) : If these are followed by the World Organisations, the earth will be heavenly. Let there be one Employer and one religion of the world.
Shudra & Vedas : The Vedas who preach such equality throughout the world, how can they be stonehearted towards shudras? Vedas are against untouchability, discrimination and differences. (In Brahmanosya Mukhamasit, the foundation of Varna system (Rugveda 20/90))
The 4 Varnas Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra are described as different parts of the body, like for example, mouth, head, arms, stomach and legs. The society is compared with a society. These are the 4 parts of the body of society. All are equal. The head and legs are equally important. In Atharvaveda Mantra 19/62/1 the hymn means – Oh Almighty! Please makes me favorite of Brahminas, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. This is Ved purush.
In 18/4/8 mantras of Yajurved, it is a prayer, Oh Almighty ! Please create love and affection towards all the four Varnas. As Vedic literature preaches love in all the 4 Varnas, they also speak about the woman. Vedas accept woman as a better half of a man. Shiva is called as Ardha Nari Nateshwar.
The Vedas preached of an ideal social auspicious equality in India (Bharatvarsha). But Shankaracharya preaches poisonous casteism. People from their sect say "Women and shudras should not read the Vedas." says shruti (Vedas) But this seems contradictory to the Vedas.
Adwaitwadi, Mahavedanti Jagatguru Adi Shankaracharya stated that the Shudras should not read the Vedas. The comment which he has written on this object is really shocking. He has written, that Shudras are like a wandering cremation ground. So if he listens to Vedas, molten lead and lac should be filled in his ears. It he utters Vedas, his tongue should be cut off and if he touches the Veda – Granthas, his hands should be cut. (-Shankaracharya’s Mool Mantra)
Equality – The soul of Veda Mantra Veda is a thing for everybody to read. In Yajurveda, Parmatma has clearly stated that "I have given this Vedavani for everybody. For Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. I have given my own Vedvani to all those whom you consider your own, but also for those people whom you don’t consider your own. This is the soul of Veda-Mantras. So, if today’s Shankaracharya is saying that women and shudras are prohibited to read vedas, it is not shocking, for he is repeating his Adigurus words. These words are nothing but a falsehood. Shri Rasik Bihari Manjul, Delhi.
The contemporary Shankaracharyas should know what our Vedamantras are ! It is Manu’s fault to spread the poison of casteism Manusmruti. We can see its hideous reflection in Shankaracharya. But Manu has only written 58 shlokas in 1 st Adhyay. After that the whole writing is by Bhrugu.
Bhrugu will narrate the entire science (shastra) from beginning to end, as he has read the science very well. So the Brahmins who always read the science of humanism narrated by Bhrugu, behave with a good conduct and acquire a good place in heaven.
Shri Rajnikant Shastri in his book ‘Hindu Jati ka uttan aur patan’ says that his shloka is the last shloka of Manusmruti where it ends. So Bhrugu Rishi may have addes some spice to the original work for the profitability of his own sect. It is possible because he is the same egoistic Bhrugu who boasted of being fair. Arya kicked in the chest of dark complexioned Vishnu and gave bad names to Bhole – Shankar. He is the same Bhrugu who converted a Kshatriya emperor Vitivahi into a Brahmin because he had hidden himself from some kings in Bhrugu’s cottage. Bhrugu was so arrogant, that he said that Vishnu always takes different forms (Avataar) to protect cows and Brahmins.
Considering such Brahmins Guru Nanak says that all such Brahmins are false. This statement also applies to the contemporary Brahmins. In Manu smruti there is a Shloka for the Brahmins, which means, "The Brahmin, who does not read Vedic science etc. and doesn’t penance, accepts donation as stone the boat drowns." I don’t need to explain whether the contemporary Shankaracharyas are donation, hunters or demanders.
But the Brahmins, who perform rituals are the donation accepters. They run behind it and hardly find time to read the Vedas or learn science. A Brahmin is a person of sympathy.
The Vedic literature symbolises the body as the great critic of the Vedic literature Maharshi Yask. says Atheist is not person who doesn’t believe in God but is a person who doesn’t believe in Vedas. So the religions like Jain & Buddhism are referred to as atheists, as they don’t believe in Vedas. Thus they belong to the class of Charuvak. Veda is at the apex of Indian culture. Criticising it is unacceptable. So the pure and ancient culture and heritage calls Shankaracharya as concealed Buddha. This is stated by Maha Pandit Rahul Sankrutyayan in his world famous book ‘Darshan – didarshan’ (Pages no – 280-821).
Concealed or hidden Buddha : We understand that he accepts Brahmavad and values the philosophical knowledge of upanishdas. But if we penetrate in him then we find the change of name of nihilism of Nagarjun to Yamvad. Shri Hardha, who wrote Mangalacharana of Ram and Sita in his ‘Khandan Khandakhadya’. It differs him from being called Nishism. Parankush sas ‘Vtas’ says – (From Ramanuj’s vedant – Bhashya Teeka Shruta Prakashi).
Oh the followers of Shankar,
for you the vedas are false. Similarly for the tenets of Buddhism – nihism.
Buddha preaching false. so far you, to have vedas & for them
having Buddhas arrival is in a wrong proposition.
For us Buddha is false, similarly intelligence, fruits salvation is false. So in a sense you and Buddhists are brothers or belong to the same sect.
So Shankar is known as a Concealed Buddha.
(Reference – ‘Darshan Digdarshan’ Published at kitab mahal, Illahbad. Author - Rahul Sankrutyayan in 1847)
If original Shankaracharya was like this then their modern mathadhipati will not be anything different. They are behaving as Buddha Bikkhus.
Tag Names : Athrvaved,Yajurved,Rugveda,Ved |