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Vedas are the greatest volume of the world, and there is nothing in it which can be pointed as folly. Still some scholars with prejudiced minds babble foolishly.
Here is an example, Dr. Ambedkar said, ‘Vedas are 4 futile books. There is no necessity to think of them, as holy. The Brahmins has praised Vedas as holy & certain as it had (in Purush-sukta) in the part after ‘purush sukta’ they have been said to be the masters of this earth. Nobody has questioned those books in which the God is prayed and asked for assistance to destroy one’s enemy and after looting him (enemy) the loot is distributed amongst themselves! Can this by holy? undutiful? so, now the times demand, to free the Hindu Mastishka from the folly concepts which the Brahmins have preached.

If this is not done, then there can’t be freedom for ‘Bharatvarsha’
Knowing that there is danger in doing this, I have decided to go against it. I don’t care for the results. I will be happy if I awaken the society."
(reference – ‘Hum Dalit’ Nov – 1993, page no. 14) I think Dr. Ambedkar is the modern Shukracharya. He attacks the statements in ‘Purush Sukta’ (11 Pada)

Meaning –
The world famous eminent writer of Hindutva Professor Ramdas Goud explains –
(Brahmanosya Mukh masit) According to commands, the Varna which emerges with education, truth, virtues and great deeds in Brahmin Varna, which becomes excellent by qualities and work. The God, with strength, velour, and virtues has created the Kshatriya Varna.Vaishya Varna is associated with the qualities if farming, trading, knowledge of languages of world, animal rearing (Padmayan Shudro) Just as legs are the lowest part of the body, foolishness and ill points make Shudra Varna, the lowest part of the society.

(ref – Hindutva – page – 36, 15 Kartik, 1 varnas)

This is only one meaning and not a comment. For the comment you have to read the entire veda literature. According to my knowledge & understanding, this is the description and definition of 4 Veda. But it is not based in love – hate relationship. The society is personified as human being.Each varna is its body part and is of equal importance e.g. seeing a separate, the brain commands the legs to run away and if the legs do not obey the commands then the human being will die, the head and feet serve equally, to save person.

This is the conclusion of vedas. Veda doesn’t define an individual but defines the society of individual where there is a definite system. The head and legs can’t interchange their positions, but each of them is equally important.

A person shouldn’t be a pessimist. He should find good points in everything and be an optimist. He should have a broad, balanced outlook
In Atharvaveda (16,62,1) there is hymns which means "Oh, Almighty God, please give me the love of all Brahmin, Kshatriya, Shudras. It is stand that these four varnas should be treated with equality and love. Vedas division of varnas state interdependence, helping each other and serving each other. All critic have stated this fact.

Acharya Priyavrat Vedavachaspati writes – Rishi Dayanand in his worked (volumes) had stressed on caring attitude and relations towards Shoodras. He has condemned untouchability. In his section he has also said that Shudras should be allowed to cook food in the houses of people belonging to other varnas.
In Varna 10.00, Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra have been compared to the head (mouth), hands, thorax and legs. These four contribute to form a body. In the same way 4 varnas from the society. As the body parts share happy and sad moments of each other, similarly the 4 varnas should also share the feeling with each other. When a thorn pricks in the foot, the hands, eyes reach the foot. In case if needed mouth should reach to the foot to remove the thorn with the help of the teeth.

Today the thorn of hatred has pierced in the foot of society. Brahmin (Face/Mouth) should pluck it out with the help of sharp teeth and throw away. Today Parliament’s social welfare Minister Shri Sitaram Kesari had declared a bill which declares 50% reservation in job and opportunities. This is the example of plucking the thorn by teeth.

Swami Vivekananda had correctly state that if the separate in disguise then it is the duty of the Brahmin to remove the poison.
The animals crawls/glides if it is without legs. The legs responsible for movement.

Feet of God are more important than his face, abdomen, hands. In his feet we get salvation.

The entire Vedas profess equality. In Yajurveda (18-48) there is hymn which means – " Oh Almighty ! Please create love for Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras.
With your blessings, let our mind be filled with compassion and love for all.

Shudras have right to study Vedas
The great critic stvedas Maharshi Dayanand has state that all people of all varnas have an equal right to study vedas. All can stay together in a house with equal rights. This is described in mantras of Rigveda (9.11.3)

A member of a family says I am a scupter, technician, engineer. My father is Physician. My mother upal-grinds the grain on the girding stone, and we all together live happily in a human made from cow-dund.

Next hymn in Rugveda (10-97-6)
Means this –
In this hymn it is stated that all the four different varnas doing various functions dwell in a single house. The father is physician. Physician is the profession of Brahmin.
Definition – To examine with an unselfish motive is service. This can be done by a person with Brahmin nature only. Mother rinds the grain and the son is a sculptor. These two jobs are can be carried out by Vaishya. If the sculptor is lightly qualified engineer then he is supposed to be a Brahmin. Grinding work can be Shudras function. If the artisan continuously makes baskets then he is supposed to be Shudra.

Vedas don’t discriminate on the basis of birth but on the basis of profession. Modern India also believes in Karma. i.e. the work done.
Conclusion – I think that Dr. Ambedkar has protested without reading vedas. If he would have read vedas, he wouldn’t have said so. Even his Guru, Goutam Buddha had only condemned the part of animal sacrifice. But Dr. Ambedkar has criticized Vedas. Which is incorrect.

Vedas were criticized only thrice. In Satya yug, at Daksha’s Yadna by Bhagwan Shiva when his wife Uma sacrificed herself in Yadna.

In Dwapar yug by Bhagwan Shri Krishna while encouraging Arjuna to fight battle of kurukshetra.

And by Buddha when he preached non-violence against animal sacrifice. But still all these three great men have praised vedas. Buddha it is said that ‘We bow before Buddha who is root of veda. Mystery of Veda and who is pure and with knowledge.
In ancient slokas Antyaj and vipra brothers have said

One who is not conceited and boastful about his birth, profession, varanashram is dear to the God.
If only Dr. Ambedkar had read this part of vedas, it would have been good. One sided or partial knowledge is never fruitful. It is futile to condemn anybody with such knowledge.

To lead a life based on Dharma is our Ideal, in which all human race is tiled in one string. Rudraksha, basil, tripunda, Bhasma (ashes) pilgrimage, bathing in holy rivers, ‘Home’, Jap alone never makes man pure and holy but services to living beings make him great.

Vedas were condemned for 3 times because of misunderstanding.
In satyayug, sati was harassed by futile ritual of yadna at Daksh’s place.
In Dwapar, Arjun refused to fight the war because of lack of self knowledge and without understanding the vedas.

And third time it was when Buddha saw animals sacrificed. Their blood flowed down in river Chrmanvato and in the banks were piles of animal skins. (Because of there skin piles the river got its name)
In all these incidents Vedas were misunderstood. But Dr. Ambedkar criticizing the vedas for 4th time is bad.

Now, let us discuss the point of praying the Gods to kill enemies.
In Indian culture, enemies are those who come at our borders and harass us < who invade on us. We call them Mlenchha, Daitya, Rakshas, Demons etc.

God is referred to as Hindus, and to the brave Aryans who fought the enemy and drove them away. This was the nationality of vedas. The national poet Shri Ramdhavisinha ‘Dinkar’ in his famous poem ‘Himalaya’ says to the invaders.

"It was necessary for national leaders like Dr. Ambedkar to realise and understand this. This is the Vedic tradition. It is true that see the world as your mind thinks.
His pledge, that I will not die as Hindu is false. Aren’t Buddhas also Hindu? He had also pledged that I will never worship Rama. His Guru’s Gautam Buddhas previous incarnation as Ram.
Could he abolish / remove the name ‘Ramji’ from his own name?

Rasik Bihari Manjul
c/o Fatima Raja Iyyer.
C 33 – Rids line
Vishwavidyalaya kshetra, Delhi – 110007


 Title : Brahmins Khshatriya shudra and vaishya they all are equal in vedas Author : Rasikbihari Manjul

Vedas are the greatest volume of the world, and there is nothing in it which can be pointed as folly. Still some scholars with prejudiced minds babble foolishly.
Here is an example, Dr. Ambedkar said, ‘Vedas are 4 futile books. There is no necessity to think of them, as holy. The Brahmins has praised Vedas as holy & certain as it had (in Purush-sukta) in the part after ‘purush sukta’ they have been said to be the masters of this earth. Nobody has questioned those books in which the God is prayed and asked for assistance to destroy one’s enemy and after looting him (enemy) the loot is distributed amongst themselves! Can this by holy? undutiful? so, now the times demand, to free the Hindu Mastishka from the folly concepts which the Brahmins have preached.

If this is not done, then there can’t be freedom for ‘Bharatvarsha’
Knowing that there is danger in doing this, I have decided to go against it. I don’t care for the results. I will be happy if I awaken the society."
(reference – ‘Hum Dalit’ Nov – 1993, page no. 14) I think Dr. Ambedkar is the modern Shukracharya. He attacks the statements in ‘Purush Sukta’ (11 Pada)

Meaning –
The world famous eminent writer of Hindutva Professor Ramdas Goud explains –
(Brahmanosya Mukh masit) According to commands, the Varna which emerges with education, truth, virtues and great deeds in Brahmin Varna, which becomes excellent by qualities and work. The God, with strength, velour, and virtues has created the Kshatriya Varna.Vaishya Varna is associated with the qualities if farming, trading, knowledge of languages of world, animal rearing (Padmayan Shudro) Just as legs are the lowest part of the body, foolishness and ill points make Shudra Varna, the lowest part of the society.

(ref – Hindutva – page – 36, 15 Kartik, 1 varnas)

This is only one meaning and not a comment. For the comment you have to read the entire veda literature. According to my knowledge & understanding, this is the description and definition of 4 Veda. But it is not based in love – hate relationship. The society is personified as human being.Each varna is its body part and is of equal importance e.g. seeing a separate, the brain commands the legs to run away and if the legs do not obey the commands then the human being will die, the head and feet serve equally, to save person.

This is the conclusion of vedas. Veda doesn’t define an individual but defines the society of individual where there is a definite system. The head and legs can’t interchange their positions, but each of them is equally important.

A person shouldn’t be a pessimist. He should find good points in everything and be an optimist. He should have a broad, balanced outlook
In Atharvaveda (16,62,1) there is hymns which means "Oh, Almighty God, please give me the love of all Brahmin, Kshatriya, Shudras. It is stand that these four varnas should be treated with equality and love. Vedas division of varnas state interdependence, helping each other and serving each other. All critic have stated this fact.

Acharya Priyavrat Vedavachaspati writes – Rishi Dayanand in his worked (volumes) had stressed on caring attitude and relations towards Shoodras. He has condemned untouchability. In his section he has also said that Shudras should be allowed to cook food in the houses of people belonging to other varnas.
In Varna 10.00, Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra have been compared to the head (mouth), hands, thorax and legs. These four contribute to form a body. In the same way 4 varnas from the society. As the body parts share happy and sad moments of each other, similarly the 4 varnas should also share the feeling with each other. When a thorn pricks in the foot, the hands, eyes reach the foot. In case if needed mouth should reach to the foot to remove the thorn with the help of the teeth.

Today the thorn of hatred has pierced in the foot of society. Brahmin (Face/Mouth) should pluck it out with the help of sharp teeth and throw away. Today Parliament’s social welfare Minister Shri Sitaram Kesari had declared a bill which declares 50% reservation in job and opportunities. This is the example of plucking the thorn by teeth.

Swami Vivekananda had correctly state that if the separate in disguise then it is the duty of the Brahmin to remove the poison.
The animals crawls/glides if it is without legs. The legs responsible for movement.

Feet of God are more important than his face, abdomen, hands. In his feet we get salvation.

The entire Vedas profess equality. In Yajurveda (18-48) there is hymn which means – " Oh Almighty ! Please create love for Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras.
With your blessings, let our mind be filled with compassion and love for all.

Shudras have right to study Vedas
The great critic stvedas Maharshi Dayanand has state that all people of all varnas have an equal right to study vedas. All can stay together in a house with equal rights. This is described in mantras of Rigveda (9.11.3)

A member of a family says I am a scupter, technician, engineer. My father is Physician. My mother upal-grinds the grain on the girding stone, and we all together live happily in a human made from cow-dund.

Next hymn in Rugveda (10-97-6)
Means this –
In this hymn it is stated that all the four different varnas doing various functions dwell in a single house. The father is physician. Physician is the profession of Brahmin.
Definition – To examine with an unselfish motive is service. This can be done by a person with Brahmin nature only. Mother rinds the grain and the son is a sculptor. These two jobs are can be carried out by Vaishya. If the sculptor is lightly qualified engineer then he is supposed to be a Brahmin. Grinding work can be Shudras function. If the artisan continuously makes baskets then he is supposed to be Shudra.

Vedas don’t discriminate on the basis of birth but on the basis of profession. Modern India also believes in Karma. i.e. the work done.
Conclusion – I think that Dr. Ambedkar has protested without reading vedas. If he would have read vedas, he wouldn’t have said so. Even his Guru, Goutam Buddha had only condemned the part of animal sacrifice. But Dr. Ambedkar has criticized Vedas. Which is incorrect.

Vedas were criticized only thrice. In Satya yug, at Daksha’s Yadna by Bhagwan Shiva when his wife Uma sacrificed herself in Yadna.

In Dwapar yug by Bhagwan Shri Krishna while encouraging Arjuna to fight battle of kurukshetra.

And by Buddha when he preached non-violence against animal sacrifice. But still all these three great men have praised vedas. Buddha it is said that ‘We bow before Buddha who is root of veda. Mystery of Veda and who is pure and with knowledge.
In ancient slokas Antyaj and vipra brothers have said

One who is not conceited and boastful about his birth, profession, varanashram is dear to the God.
If only Dr. Ambedkar had read this part of vedas, it would have been good. One sided or partial knowledge is never fruitful. It is futile to condemn anybody with such knowledge.

To lead a life based on Dharma is our Ideal, in which all human race is tiled in one string. Rudraksha, basil, tripunda, Bhasma (ashes) pilgrimage, bathing in holy rivers, ‘Home’, Jap alone never makes man pure and holy but services to living beings make him great.

Vedas were condemned for 3 times because of misunderstanding.
In satyayug, sati was harassed by futile ritual of yadna at Daksh’s place.
In Dwapar, Arjun refused to fight the war because of lack of self knowledge and without understanding the vedas.

And third time it was when Buddha saw animals sacrificed. Their blood flowed down in river Chrmanvato and in the banks were piles of animal skins. (Because of there skin piles the river got its name)
In all these incidents Vedas were misunderstood. But Dr. Ambedkar criticizing the vedas for 4th time is bad.

Now, let us discuss the point of praying the Gods to kill enemies.
In Indian culture, enemies are those who come at our borders and harass us < who invade on us. We call them Mlenchha, Daitya, Rakshas, Demons etc.

God is referred to as Hindus, and to the brave Aryans who fought the enemy and drove them away. This was the nationality of vedas. The national poet Shri Ramdhavisinha ‘Dinkar’ in his famous poem ‘Himalaya’ says to the invaders.

"It was necessary for national leaders like Dr. Ambedkar to realise and understand this. This is the Vedic tradition. It is true that see the world as your mind thinks.
His pledge, that I will not die as Hindu is false. Aren’t Buddhas also Hindu? He had also pledged that I will never worship Rama. His Guru’s Gautam Buddhas previous incarnation as Ram.
Could he abolish / remove the name ‘Ramji’ from his own name?

Rasik Bihari Manjul
c/o Fatima Raja Iyyer.
C 33 – Rids line
Vishwavidyalaya kshetra, Delhi – 110007


Tag Names : Rugveda,Ved
Other articles of this author :
1 Shri Radhanaam Tatva Nirupan in Vedic worldly popular literature
2 Nation and Nationalism in Regveda
3 Do the contemporary shankaracharyas know our vedas
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