Title : Rigveda Mandal sukta |
Author : Mr. Bhaiyya Saheb Pantha |
Read In Hindi
SAGE – ‘Budh Gavishtha Wa Atreyee’ / DEVATA – AGNI.
Discussion of SAGE:-
According to our traditional thoughts, the Sage is (Drashta) ‘fore-sighted’ or ‘on-looker’. Hence, we will assume, that, he has witnessed the incidents described in SUKTAS. He might have seen it, either with the help of Telescope, or Spectroscope, or by visiting that place, or by Spiritual Meditation, or by some other means. We hold that, a variety of Instruments, was available during Vaidic Period (Recent Current Ones, as well as, Obsolete). Hence, the On-looker used to go to the sight, and view it.
"Budh ------- Atreyau" /
These two may be on-lookers – ‘Budh’ and ‘Gavishthir’ – or they were born in ATRI dynasty. ‘Budh’ means, planet MERCURY. (the viewer lands on MERCURY, and from there, describes the early Dawn.) The traditional meaning – Awakening; Educated Scholar. "Go’ – From the Scientific view, we take the meaning of this word, as "Collection of Rays". Its traditional meaning is ‘Organ’ (Indriya) or ‘COW’.
‘Gavishthar / Gavi-Sthir’ – "One who is stable in the Congregation of Rays" (Hence, the viewe of incidents, on visiting the Atmosphere of the SUN). "Atrihi / Tasyat ----- Iti" / (NIRUKTA – 3 – 17). Therefore, ‘Atri’, because, it is not three (3).
Hence, as per the Scientific Principle :-
(1) He has completed discussion of 3 incidents, and has started, the fourth incident.
(2) It is not Solid, Liquid, or Gaseous, but, it is in the form of ‘VIDYUT’, or in the Enormous form.
(3) Not only the three speeds – Rotation, Revolution, and Forward motion (Purassaran), have been described, but even the ‘Relative Speed’, has been discussed.
(4) Not only, the 3 dimensions are discussed there, but, even the fourth dimension, is also discussed.
"Agnihi ------ Yadneshuniyate" / (NIRUKTA – 7 – 14).
Why ‘AGNI’? Because, it is the first one. In the beginning only, it is brought, in the Sacrificial Deeds.
The ‘YAGNA’ is going on, in the atmosphere, over the Earth, and in the Sky. The flames created there, come to the sight, first of all. The Light, Sound, and different currents start from these flames, and these actions, keep the YAGNA, ignited.
Description of Planet ‘MERCURY’
This planet is nearest to the Sun, than the other planets. It is the smallest of all. It takes 56 days for Rotation, and 88 days, for Revolution. As a result, at the time of Sun – rise, the SUN takes a long time, in the act of rising. From there, the Sun appears as big as a dish. As there is no air on MERCURY, the boarder of Light and shade, is just a line, similar to that of the Moon. But, as the SUN is near, due to the hitting of SUN – RAYS, many dust particles fly over the border – line.
"Abodhyagni ------------ Nakamachha" // 1 //
Agni: - The flame of fire, as stated above.
Jananam: - Incidents naturally created, and incidents that are produced.
Samidha: - From the evident incident / From exhibited incident.
Abodhi: - Came to know.
Aayatim: - The one that returns back.
Dhenumitra: -Similar to ‘DHENU’.
Dhenu: - "Vishwa ------ Ashiram" / (RIG. 1 – 136 – 6).
All those objects, which produce currents of Lustre, from the Head and Body, are known as ‘DHENU’. Therefore, any event in which, all the parts produce lustre, will be known as ‘DHENU’.
In the quotation of Rigveda, the 2 words, ‘Ashiram’ and ‘Ghrutam’ are very important. "Ashiram ----- Drawyam" / (Sa. Bha. 1 – 134 – 6).
It is evident from this, that SAYANACHARYA has taken the meaning of the word ‘Ashiram’ as ‘GHEE’, or ‘MILK’. Hence, the publishers of Dictionary, have also stated the meaning of ‘Ashiram’ as "the liquid, mingled with mil". But, ‘Ashiraha Padam’ and ‘Ashiram’ both are the sort of Similar Compounds, and the meaning of both, can be similar. The Dictionary meaning of ‘Ashiraha Padam’, is "From the foot, to the Head." So, we can take the meaning of the word ‘Ashiram’, as "the whole body, upto the Head."
"Ghrutam" :- SAYANACHARYA has given the meaning of this word, as "Diptajwalam Ityarthaha" (Sa.Bha. 1 – 1 – 43 – 7).
And, for the Scientific explanation, we have decided to consider that meaning, as correct. Hence, all the things, that throw out, the currents of Flames, from the organs of the Body, will be considered as ‘DHENU’.
Ushasam:- Means DAWN (on the planet MERCURY, the DAWN becomes brighter and brighter, at a very low speed). ‘Yatwaha Iv’ – Similar to making the movement with lustre. There is no atmosphere on MERCURY, and hence, there is no Air also. But, due to hitting of SUN – RAYS, the dust particles are spread, and they become, more and more, brighter. Hence, the picturesque scene, is observe, as if, there is a lot of movement there.
Ujjihana:- Those who push forward (the dust – particles push, one another). ‘Prati / Abodhi’ – Understood a number of times; / Minutely understood; / Lifted. ‘Prati Bar Bar Vayam’ – the might; the severity; the strength. ‘Pra / Abodhi’ – Understood beforehand. ‘Manav’ – The shining patches of the SUN.
‘Achha:- Extra Pure; Clear / ‘Nak’ – Straight Path; Continuous Path. / ‘Prasimrate’ – May be tempting for making the aggression.
‘Anvay’:- ‘Jananam ------ Prasimrate" // 1 //
The incident that took place, and was brought to light, appeared as the flame of fire. From the currents produced on the surface, similar to those, thrown out by DHENU, it was well understood, that the DAWN has taken place. The strength of pushing forward, similar to the movement with valour, could be well – judged, beforehand. The shining patches, like the round DISH, of the quite clear SUN, became ready to follow the unending path.
Bhavarth:- As the SUN is much near to the planet Mercury, the flame falling on the surface of the SUN, were well visible. Due to the presence of enormous dust – particles, on MERCURY, the DAWN appeared, similar to the currents, falling often. The sharpness of the advancing SUN, created turmoil. Due to the absence of atmosphere, on the Mercury, the dish – like, clear shining patches of the SUN, started advancing further.
"Abodhi ----- Nirmochi" // 2 //
Hota:- The one who gives offerings, to keep ignited, the Sacrifice.
Yajthay :- To keep YAGNA ignited / For worshipping.
Devan:- One remaining ignited (Dhyu – Diwa – to shine).
Abodhi:- Understood / Came to know / ‘Sumana’ – Benevolent.
Urdhwa:- Residing in the Upper Layer / ‘Agni’ – Flame of fire.
Pratar:- Illuminated time / ‘Asthat’ – Became steady or stable.
Paj:- Remaining lustrous / Radiant.
Samidhasya Rushat:- The heat of the flame.
Adarshi:- Looked / ‘Mahandev’ – Shining over the vast land.
Tamas:- Dark Part / ‘Nirmochi’ – Made free / Gave freedom.
Anvayaha:- "Hota ----- Nirmochi" // 2 //
MEANING:- The Host, who was offering the offerings, knew the one, who was lustrous, for keeping ablaze the Sacrifice. The flame, which is benevolent, and dwelling in the upper layer, became stable, at the time of illumination. The lustrous one, observed the heat of the flame. He, who was shining over the vast land, freed the dark part, from darkness.
Bhavarth:- The cloud of fire, is produced, in the middle layer, of the atmosphere of the SUN, and, it keeps ablaze, the ignited YAGNA, on the surface of the SUN, by offering Flames to it. It, also remains itself embodied by lustre. That part of the planet Mercury, which was in darkness, gradually started becoming bright.
"Yadin ------- Adhayajjuhubhihi" // 3 //
Yadim:- Truely, at the same time / ‘Agni’ – Flame of fire /
Ganasya:- Of the friends (In the atmosphere of the SUN, there are many
others, who keep inflaming the flames, and all of them, are the
friends of AGNI.)
Rashanam:- The shining bundle of Rays (Binding together).
Ajig:- Attracted / ‘Girati, Gruhapati Wa / (Sa. Bha.) – Either throws
out or attracts.
Shuchibhihi Gobhihi:- From the group of Shining Rays / From clear Rays.
(Go – Accumulation of Rays).
Shuchi:- Lustrous; / Clearness.
Adakte:- Started beautifying / ‘Anj’ – To make clean / to beautify /to plaster to paint / to exhibit.
Vajayanti:- Moving forward with speed (Vaj – Speed; valour; strength)
Dakshina:- The thing that gives success, to somebody.
Aat:- Afterwards / Like that / ‘Yujyate’ – Remain united.
Uttanam:- Incident spreading upto great height. (Every component, spreads
far off, near the atmosphere atmosphere.)
Urdhwa:- Upper layer (Agnishikha) / ‘Juhubhihi’ – With the tongues.
(The flames envelope the surface of the SUN).
Adhayat:- To make fond.
Anway:- "Yat ----- Aghayat" // 3 //.
Truely, at the same time, the fire of the Sacrifice, attracted the accumulated shining rays, of the friends, and that fire, started beautifying their shine, with more lustre. The one, moving forward fast, became successful, in the desired purpose, and remained united with the fire of YAGNA. (and therefore), the upper layer started swallowing, with the tongues of fire.
Bhavarth:- When the flames of fire, on the surface of the SUN, attracted, the group of Rays, of the incident, spreading to a great height, they became more beautiful. The flames, which became more lustrous, combined with the fire of YAGNA, and the Central layer of the Cloud of Fire, started swallowing, with the tongues of fire.
(The flames of fire, moving about, on the surface of the
SUN, are known as ‘AGNI – JIWHA’ (Agni Jiwha).)
(Gatank Se Aage)
"Agnimachha ----- Ahanma" // 4 //
‘Achha Agnim’ – The holy flame of fire / the lustrous flames of fire /
Devayatam:- One trying to become more bright. (Div – To become bright).
Manasi:- Thoughts / the vow or determination.
Surye:- On the SUN, and its atmosphere.
Chakshupi Iv:- Similar to Eyes. (The shining particles or atoms, visible on the surface of the SUN, are brighter, than the surface of the SUN. Therefore, it is known as the ‘EYE’. Or, the black wells are often created on the surface of the SUN, and they shine brightly. Hence, they appear like EYES.). ‘Sancharanti’ – Wander here and there. (These shining particles, are spread along Miles on the surface, and they are thousands of bubbles. As these bubbles are transitory, and as the explosions take place inside, the LAVA is thrown out. Or, the black wells on the surface of the SUN, are charged with Magnetic Energy, due to the agitation in the SUN).
Yadim:- Truly, at that time / Virupe:- Holding the odd forms.
(When the atmosphere of the SUN, gets agitated, these black wells are created on the surface of the SUN. As the temperature of these black wells, is much less, they appear black. These black holes are of two kinds – Some are POSITIVELY charged, (+), while, others are NEGATIVELY (-) charged. As they are oppositely charged, they attract, one another. But, they are repulsed from one another, due to the Magnetic Waves, created. Hence, their shapes become queer.). They land on the surface of the SUN. As, they are black – coloured, they are known as ‘Ughamsi’ (producing terror). The Energy comes up from these black wells, and brightens the surface.
Ushasa:- At DAWN (The poet has considered the black well as DAWN).
Suwate:- The two varieties, squeeze and come out. (As there are agitating currents, in the black wells, some incidents take place, and squeeze out.). ‘Agre Ahanma’ – On the part, lighted as the Day (Surface of the SUN). ‘Shwetaha Vaji’ – The bright and shining (Tej Jivha) / ‘Jayate’ – Are produced (Due to the agitation of the SUN, and powerful energy, this TEJ JIVHA (Tej Jivha), creates turmoil, in the atmosphere.).
Anway:- "Achha Agni ------ Jayate" // 4 //
MEANING:- The holy AGNI JWALA, gets the help of the fast – determined and experienced one, in attempting to get, more radiant. The AGNI – SHIKHAS (flames), similar to EYES, move about, on the surface of the SUN, and its atmosphere. Truly, at that time, two black wells, having odd shapes, squeeze out of the DAWN. And, the brightly shining (TEJ JIVHA), is produced, on the surface of the SUN, that is shining like the DAY.
Bhavarth:- First, TEJ JIVHAS started moving on the surface of the SUN, and then, the black wells, possessing two kinds of Charges
(Positive and Negative), were produced. Those two (2) started moving about, like the EYES.
The powerful Energy, emerged from these black wells (Known as ‘UPAMASI’), and created agitation, in the atmosphere.
"Janishta ------ Yajiyan" // 5 //
Aham Agre:- On that surface of the SUN, which is shining, like the DAY. / ‘Jenyaha Hi’ – Born in the Noble Family. /
‘Janishta’ – Was created / ‘Hiteshu Hit’ – Kept in the critical incident. / ‘Janushu Arup’ – Red – coloured, in the beautiful section. (the flames having low temperature, appear RED.). Dame Dame:- In the protected place, in the house. (There are many Vaccuum Spots, on the surface of the SUN. The powerful happenings enter into them.).
Saptaratna(ni) Dudhan – One who wears, seven kinds of coloured, and shining jewels. (SEVEN bright incidents – (1) Tejkantak – The bubbles spread miles along, on the surface of the SUN. (2) Agnijivhayen – The flames produced, due to the destruction of these bubbles. (3) Agni Megh – The Cloud created, in the atmosphere of the SUN, just like the thundering Cloud, produced in the atmosphere of the Earth. (4) The flames falling from that, on the surface of the SUN. (5) Agni Sfulling – The sparks flying upwards, due to the power, of TEJ JIVHA (Tej Jivha). (6) ‘SPHOTAK UDREK’ (Sphotak Udrek) – The flame currents, reaching the height, of many miles. (7) ‘NIYAM STHANIK UDREK’ (Niyam Sthanik Udrek) – One, who spread, here and there, the produced flames, with the force of the WIND.).
Hota Agni:- The fire, who gives offerings below, on the surface of the SUN, with the sparks. / Yajiyan Nishadas – Pressed down, the ignited flames. (When, the offerings reach, the flames of Sacrifice, they first press down the flames, and then, they shoot up again, with more intensity.).
Anvay " Aham ----- Nishsad" // 5 //
MEANING:- One, took birth, in the Noble Family, on the Surface of the SUN, that was lighted, like the DAY. He was kept, in the Critical Incidence, and was Red-coloured, in the beautiful scene. On the protected spots, he was wearing, seven kinds of various coloured, and shining jewels. The fire, who was giving the offerings, below, on the surface of the SUN, with his sparks, pressed down, the ignited flames of Sacrifice.
"Agnihota ----- Iddhaha" // 6 //
Hota Agni – The fire, throwing the offerings, to the flames of fire.
Yajiyan – The ignited flames. / Nyasidatt – Pressed and made stable.
Matu – (Maa – to exhibit / Upasthe – The place protected from four sides. / Surabhi – Beautiful spot; Pleasuresome place. /
Loke – At the beautiful place; In the honourable place. /
Yuwa Kavi – Young learned / Dharta – Supporter / Purunihishta – One having many well – protected places / Who makes the Deed, more Holy.
Rutawa – Sensational Worker; Speedy Worker.
Krushtinam – The ploughman farmer / (When, the cloudy atmosphere, is created, the farmer knows, that he has to plough the filed, because, it will definitely rain, in 2 or 4 days) /
Ut Aur Madhye – In the middle place / Idh – Shining; Ignited from 4 sides.
Anwaya:- "Surabhi ----- Iddhaha" // 6 //
MEANING:- On the beautiful and honourable place, which was well – protected, on four sides, the group of fires, who were igniting the YAGNA, pressed down, the burning AGNI – JWALA, and made them stable. The Learned young one, having variously protected place, was inspiring, and supporter of the farmer, drawing the plough, and he was shining bright, in the Central place.
Bhavarth:- When emission (Utsarj), came out, the atmosphere was much agitated. The sacrifice over the surface of the SUN, was illuminated, but, it was stable below. The flames moving about, in beautiful spots, became captive, and the young one, in the protected place, because zealous. He inspired the farmer, to drive the plough. That energy, was ignited intensely, on all the four sides, at the centre of the place.
"Pranutyam ----- Ghruten" // 7 //
Nutyam:- Truly, to him / Tyam = Tam (Sa.Bha.)
Viprabh:- To him, who is very clever. (The flames created in the atmosphere of the SUN, known everything, as, when to settled down, when to rise upwards, when to get out of the atmosphere, and produce the smoke – screen. Hence, they are known as ‘Vipra’).
Adhwareshu – In the sacrifice, in which, no slaughter takes place. ("Dhwaratihi ----- Pratishedhaha" (NIRUKTA – 1 – 8) – particularly ‘Somyag’).
Som:- This substance is produced, in the end of YAGNA, by pressing and squeezing. The incidents taking place, in the atmosphere of the SUN, also throw out the fire – currents, by squeezing, in the end. Therefore, that also is ‘SOM’, and, it is the ‘Somyag’ or ‘Adhwar’, ignited on the surface of the SUN.
Sadhum Agnim:- To the benevolent fire. /
When emission is generated, a number of reactions, take place, in the atmosphere. Due to that, the SPHOTAK UDREK, reaches the height, of lakhs of miles, and due to Gravitational Force, it descends down, as if, it is bowing down and praying. Hence, the Poet states ‘Namobhi’ – The Host giving offerings in the sacrifice, is being prayed, with eagerness, by the bowing down SPHOTAK UDREK. When, the bowing UDREK, reaches the surface of the SUN, due to attraction, the SOUND is produced, due to rubbing. The poet, takes this, as the Prayer of the fire (Agni Prapat). The SUN is only full of AIR-BALLOONS (Wayugol). Therefore, just as the Sounds produced by rubbing, come there, from the atmosphere, so also, they reach from the inner portion, of the SUN. Hence, the Poet mentions both of them, as ‘Rodasi’. (Rund – To produce big sound).
‘Yaha Rodasi’ – The surface of the SUN, and the atmosphere, over it. (The meaning of ‘Rodasi’ is the World, and atmosphere over it.).
Regarding the World, the writers of ‘NIRUKTA’,state - "Prathanat ----- Ahuhu" / (NIRUKTA – 1 – 13). The one, which is spread far off, is known as ‘WORLD’ (Pruthvi). When, one goes to the surface of the SUN, he will find, that the surface of the SUN, is also spread, far off. Therefore, ‘Rodasi = Suryaprushtha Aur Varn Mandal’ |
Ruten:- With inspiring strength. (Ru – To remain inspired).
Atatan:- Spread by pulling from long distance.
Nityam Vajinam:- Always moving with lustre. / ‘Ghruten’ – With the lighted flames. (Dhrut – Deepjwalam Ityarthaha (Sa.Bha. 1 – 143). – For the Scientific background, we have decided this meaning.).
Mrujanti:- Do the plastering, or painting.
Anvaya:- "Nutyam ----- Mruranti" // 7 //
MEANING:- Truly, that AGNI, very intelligent, and giving benevolent offerings, in the non – violent Sacrifice, is worshipped and prayed (SOUND), eagerly, by the bowing down ‘UDREK’. That UDREK, has spread far off the surface, and the atmosphere above it, by pulling with the zealous speed. And plastered with lighted flames, the one, who always moves, with Lustre.
Bhavarth:- When, the UDREK, spreads to the height of Lakhs of Miles, and descends bowing down, the YAGNA, of the surface of the SUN, gets more and more ignited. And the surface of the SUN, and VARNA – MANDAL, create enormous turmoil. The UDREK comes down, and plasters the surface of the SUN, with the flames.
(Gatank Se Aage)
"Marjasyo ----- Prasyanyan" // 8 //
After the description of the descending ‘SPHOTAK UDREK’ the poet starts the description of ‘STHANIK UDREK’ (Sthanik Udrek).
Marjasya:- The one, having the mentality of keeping Holy / One fond of remaining clean. / Swe Damunaha:- Those concerned with one’s home.
Mrujyate – Makes clean. / Girdles with holy flames. / Shivaha – Benevolent, Naha Kavihi – Our God – like Scholar / Atithihi – Respected /
Prashastaha – Was considered good / Was highly praised / .
Sahastrashrungaha – Thousands of tops of flames / (In the atmosphere of the SUN, the STHANIK UDREK, remains for months together, and thousands of top (of flames), of the heights of hundreds of miles, are there. Due to strong Winds, these tops move, here and there.) /
Vrushabhaha – Very strong / He Agne – O’, AGNI – JWALA /
Tadoja – Giving as much strength, as required, by him. /
Vishwan Anyan – All other inventions or discoveries / Prasihi: - Make occupied./
‘Preti ----- Prabhavasi’ (Sa. Bha.) / Sahasa – With your might /
Anway:- "Marjasyaha ----- Sahastraprasi" // 8 //
MEANING :- One fond of remaining clean, girdles with Holy flames, those concerned with his home. Our God-like Scholar, is considered good, respectable and benevolent. He creates, thousands of tops, of the flames, is very powerful, and gives as much strength, as is required, by anybody. O’, AGNI JWALA, you are able to occupy, all other inventions, by your strength.
Bhavarth:- The ‘SPHOTAK UDREK’, described above, is generated from ‘STHANIK UDREK’, only. The Sthanik Udrek, having thousand of tops, offers as much strength, as necessary to the invention, (due to the fast speed, of the flowing Wind). As, this UDREK creates agitation, for moths together, it is the producer of all the powerful incidents. It occupies inventions, with its tops only.
"Pra Sdhyo ------ Manushinam" // 9 //
(There is the special peculiarity of ‘SPHOTAK UDREK VARNA – MANDAL’. In the seventh (7) RUCHA, (Rucha), there is description, of its downward movement. Now, the poet describes, how it reaches far off, crossing across, all the happenings. ‘He Agne ----- Anyan’ – O’, AGNI – JWALA, just now, you, all incidents. / Pra Ati Yeshi – crossing across, you go far off. / Ashi – Before the Eyes / Charutamo Babhuth – Became more and more beautiful. (O’ Agni, how great you are.) / Ilanyehe – Worth praising / Vayushyaha – Beautiful, with odd shapes (Bodies). / Vibhawa – Existing every where / Priyaha – Beloved / ‘Manushinam ----- Suraj’ – The magics of the SUN, created by agitation, and respectable for all the happenings.
Anwayaha:- "He Agne ----- Atithihi" // 9 //
MEANING:- O’, Agni jwala, just now, you are going far off, crossing across, all the incidents. You have become more beautiful before the eyes, due to these happenings. You are existing everywhere, you are beloved, and respected by all the man-kind.
Bhavarth:- The scene of ‘Sphotak Udrek’, is unique of all. It crosses all the incidents, and goes far away. Its shape is odd, but beautiful.
It increases the beauty, of all happenings, all around, and hence, it is respected.
"Tubhyam ----- Bhadram" // 10 //
He Yavishtha Agne – O’, Agnijwala, who is created just now / (After the Sphotak Udrek, the AGNI – JIWHA (Agni Jiwha), and TEJ – JIWHA (Tej Jiwha) tried to establish self – domination, on the surface of the SUN. The TEJ JIWHA tried to hide the black wells, and AGNI JIWHA, concentrated, on the production of UTSARJA (Utsarja).
Tubhyam Bharanti:- Hold for you / Carry for you. / Kshitiyaha – Place of residence (Surface of the SUN) / Balim – To the offerings (The offerings coming down, due to Gravitation, ignite the sacrifice on the surface). / Antitaha Ut Durat – Bring very near. /
Bhandishthasya – The Roaring one / Producing the SOUND /
Sumatim – To the virtue / Achikiddhi – Pay attention minutely /
He Agne Te – O’, Agni Jwala, to you / Mahisharm – The protective big place / The ample management of protection /
Bhadram Bruhat – Is very much benevolent.
Anvay:- "He Yavishtha ----- Bruhat" // 10 //
MEANING:- O’, newly born, Agni – jwala, the place of residence, (The surface of the SUN), carries and holds you. It brings together, the flames (AGNIDHARA), falling from near, and far off. But, it is necessary, to minutely pay attention, to the virtue, of the roaring one. O’, AGNI-JWALA, the ample management of your protection, is very much benevolent.
Bhavarth:- After the Sphotak Udrek, the severe and feeble AGNI JWALA, came out, and they tried for UTSARJA. It, attempted to bring nearer, the flames falling from the vicinity, or from far off. It produced powerful Radio Sounds also. As, these Sounds were harmful, some times, and beneficial, at times, the system of protection, of all the happenings, was made more tight.
Gatank Se Aage)
"Aadhya ----- Bakshi" // 11 //
He Bhanumaha Agane :- O’, Bright Agni - jwala / Agha – Today ; Now/
Bhanumantam Ratham :- Beautiful and fast – moving Chariot /
(Ratha Rahan – Swabhav Dharmam / (Sa.Bha.) – Moving with speed).
Atishtham :- Go near, and be stable. / Go near / Go up /.
Yajtebhihi :- From the one giving offerings.
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Samantam :- " Samichin Prantopetam" (Sa.Bha.) – One who spreads the flames, far off / Taking the flames to the proper place.
He Panthinam Vidwan – Intelligent, because, it knows the safe way, on different paths / Iha Ur Antariksham – The broad and powerful space on this land. / (Antriksha --- wa / (NIRUKTA 2 –10), or ‘Antra ---- Antariksham / (Durga Tika). / -- The place, where the internal Divisions, are powerful, or, where the World and Space exist. / Dewan – To all the Illuminated Constituents. / Havirdhyaya – To eat offerings / (The offerings in the form of AGNI – DHARA, fall on the surface of the SUN ) / Aavakshi – Make powerful./
Anvay :- "He Bhanumaha – Aavakshi" //11//
Meaning :- O’, constantly illuminated Agni jwala, giving the beautiful offerings, and taking the flames, to the proper place, go near the fast – moving Chariot, and be stationary there. You are intelligent, having the knowledge of safe path, on different ways. O’, Agni, you inspire the broadly spread, and powerful Space, and other bright Constituents, to eat the offerings, (falling on the surface of the SUN).
Bhavarth :- That Agnijwala, was very beautiful, was collecting together the flames, all around, and was following the safe path, amongst the different ways. It made strengthy, all the Agni-dhara, holding the offerings.
"Avocham ---- Mashret" // 12 //
Medhyay Kavaye :- For the jubilant, and intelligent Agni – jwala.
Vachaha Avocham :- I place before you, this language (My Sounds) / "Vachaha (Stotram – Sa. Bha.) / Vrushabhay Vrushne – for the powerful, energetic incidents / Vandas – Vandanshilam (Sa. Bha.) – Respected /
‘Gavishthiraha : - Remaining stationary, in the group of Rays. /Namasa Agnau Stomam – The series of praise, of AGNIJWALA (Radio Sounds), similar to the prayer, by bowing down. / Divi Iv – As in the Shining Sky. / Uru Vyanvam - spreading far off / Rukkam – The golden ornament, that is bound / Ashret – To excite for taking possession. /
Anvay :- "Medhyay ----Ahret" // 12 //
MEANING : - I place before you, that respectable language, (Radio Sound), for the jubilant, and intelligent Agni-jwala. I keep the stationary language (Radio Sounds), in the group of Rays, for the powerful, energetic incidents. I keep the Series of Praise, of the Agni – jwala, who come bowing down, for the Prayer, and it is similar to the Sound, in the shining Sky. I excite for taking possession, the one who takes the golden ornament, to be bound, and spreads to the far off distance.
Bhavarth :- This is the last RUCHA (Rucha). Is describes how the helper AGNI, helps, the Sacrifice, that is ignited on the surface of the SUN. How, the Radio Sounds, created in different layers, make the variety of advertisements, is principally described, in that.
The above description, is based on the happenings taking place, in the atmosphere of the SUN. But, similar incidents can only take place, in the thundering and lightning Clouds, or, in Volcanoes. This kind of thoughts, can occur, only in SELF – REALISATION. Hence, it is essential, that the intellectuals, should think on this SUKTA, on various back – grounds.
Read In Hindi
SAGE – ‘Budh Gavishtha Wa Atreyee’ / DEVATA – AGNI.
Discussion of SAGE:-
According to our traditional thoughts, the Sage is (Drashta) ‘fore-sighted’ or ‘on-looker’. Hence, we will assume, that, he has witnessed the incidents described in SUKTAS. He might have seen it, either with the help of Telescope, or Spectroscope, or by visiting that place, or by Spiritual Meditation, or by some other means. We hold that, a variety of Instruments, was available during Vaidic Period (Recent Current Ones, as well as, Obsolete). Hence, the On-looker used to go to the sight, and view it.
"Budh ------- Atreyau" /
These two may be on-lookers – ‘Budh’ and ‘Gavishthir’ – or they were born in ATRI dynasty. ‘Budh’ means, planet MERCURY. (the viewer lands on MERCURY, and from there, describes the early Dawn.) The traditional meaning – Awakening; Educated Scholar. "Go’ – From the Scientific view, we take the meaning of this word, as "Collection of Rays". Its traditional meaning is ‘Organ’ (Indriya) or ‘COW’.
‘Gavishthar / Gavi-Sthir’ – "One who is stable in the Congregation of Rays" (Hence, the viewe of incidents, on visiting the Atmosphere of the SUN). "Atrihi / Tasyat ----- Iti" / (NIRUKTA – 3 – 17). Therefore, ‘Atri’, because, it is not three (3).
Hence, as per the Scientific Principle :-
(1) He has completed discussion of 3 incidents, and has started, the fourth incident.
(2) It is not Solid, Liquid, or Gaseous, but, it is in the form of ‘VIDYUT’, or in the Enormous form.
(3) Not only the three speeds – Rotation, Revolution, and Forward motion (Purassaran), have been described, but even the ‘Relative Speed’, has been discussed.
(4) Not only, the 3 dimensions are discussed there, but, even the fourth dimension, is also discussed.
"Agnihi ------ Yadneshuniyate" / (NIRUKTA – 7 – 14).
Why ‘AGNI’? Because, it is the first one. In the beginning only, it is brought, in the Sacrificial Deeds.
The ‘YAGNA’ is going on, in the atmosphere, over the Earth, and in the Sky. The flames created there, come to the sight, first of all. The Light, Sound, and different currents start from these flames, and these actions, keep the YAGNA, ignited.
Description of Planet ‘MERCURY’
This planet is nearest to the Sun, than the other planets. It is the smallest of all. It takes 56 days for Rotation, and 88 days, for Revolution. As a result, at the time of Sun – rise, the SUN takes a long time, in the act of rising. From there, the Sun appears as big as a dish. As there is no air on MERCURY, the boarder of Light and shade, is just a line, similar to that of the Moon. But, as the SUN is near, due to the hitting of SUN – RAYS, many dust particles fly over the border – line.
"Abodhyagni ------------ Nakamachha" // 1 //
Agni: - The flame of fire, as stated above.
Jananam: - Incidents naturally created, and incidents that are produced.
Samidha: - From the evident incident / From exhibited incident.
Abodhi: - Came to know.
Aayatim: - The one that returns back.
Dhenumitra: -Similar to ‘DHENU’.
Dhenu: - "Vishwa ------ Ashiram" / (RIG. 1 – 136 – 6).
All those objects, which produce currents of Lustre, from the Head and Body, are known as ‘DHENU’. Therefore, any event in which, all the parts produce lustre, will be known as ‘DHENU’.
In the quotation of Rigveda, the 2 words, ‘Ashiram’ and ‘Ghrutam’ are very important. "Ashiram ----- Drawyam" / (Sa. Bha. 1 – 134 – 6).
It is evident from this, that SAYANACHARYA has taken the meaning of the word ‘Ashiram’ as ‘GHEE’, or ‘MILK’. Hence, the publishers of Dictionary, have also stated the meaning of ‘Ashiram’ as "the liquid, mingled with mil". But, ‘Ashiraha Padam’ and ‘Ashiram’ both are the sort of Similar Compounds, and the meaning of both, can be similar. The Dictionary meaning of ‘Ashiraha Padam’, is "From the foot, to the Head." So, we can take the meaning of the word ‘Ashiram’, as "the whole body, upto the Head."
"Ghrutam" :- SAYANACHARYA has given the meaning of this word, as "Diptajwalam Ityarthaha" (Sa.Bha. 1 – 1 – 43 – 7).
And, for the Scientific explanation, we have decided to consider that meaning, as correct. Hence, all the things, that throw out, the currents of Flames, from the organs of the Body, will be considered as ‘DHENU’.
Ushasam:- Means DAWN (on the planet MERCURY, the DAWN becomes brighter and brighter, at a very low speed). ‘Yatwaha Iv’ – Similar to making the movement with lustre. There is no atmosphere on MERCURY, and hence, there is no Air also. But, due to hitting of SUN – RAYS, the dust particles are spread, and they become, more and more, brighter. Hence, the picturesque scene, is observe, as if, there is a lot of movement there.
Ujjihana:- Those who push forward (the dust – particles push, one another). ‘Prati / Abodhi’ – Understood a number of times; / Minutely understood; / Lifted. ‘Prati Bar Bar Vayam’ – the might; the severity; the strength. ‘Pra / Abodhi’ – Understood beforehand. ‘Manav’ – The shining patches of the SUN.
‘Achha:- Extra Pure; Clear / ‘Nak’ – Straight Path; Continuous Path. / ‘Prasimrate’ – May be tempting for making the aggression.
‘Anvay’:- ‘Jananam ------ Prasimrate" // 1 //
The incident that took place, and was brought to light, appeared as the flame of fire. From the currents produced on the surface, similar to those, thrown out by DHENU, it was well understood, that the DAWN has taken place. The strength of pushing forward, similar to the movement with valour, could be well – judged, beforehand. The shining patches, like the round DISH, of the quite clear SUN, became ready to follow the unending path.
Bhavarth:- As the SUN is much near to the planet Mercury, the flame falling on the surface of the SUN, were well visible. Due to the presence of enormous dust – particles, on MERCURY, the DAWN appeared, similar to the currents, falling often. The sharpness of the advancing SUN, created turmoil. Due to the absence of atmosphere, on the Mercury, the dish – like, clear shining patches of the SUN, started advancing further.
"Abodhi ----- Nirmochi" // 2 //
Hota:- The one who gives offerings, to keep ignited, the Sacrifice.
Yajthay :- To keep YAGNA ignited / For worshipping.
Devan:- One remaining ignited (Dhyu – Diwa – to shine).
Abodhi:- Understood / Came to know / ‘Sumana’ – Benevolent.
Urdhwa:- Residing in the Upper Layer / ‘Agni’ – Flame of fire.
Pratar:- Illuminated time / ‘Asthat’ – Became steady or stable.
Paj:- Remaining lustrous / Radiant.
Samidhasya Rushat:- The heat of the flame.
Adarshi:- Looked / ‘Mahandev’ – Shining over the vast land.
Tamas:- Dark Part / ‘Nirmochi’ – Made free / Gave freedom.
Anvayaha:- "Hota ----- Nirmochi" // 2 //
MEANING:- The Host, who was offering the offerings, knew the one, who was lustrous, for keeping ablaze the Sacrifice. The flame, which is benevolent, and dwelling in the upper layer, became stable, at the time of illumination. The lustrous one, observed the heat of the flame. He, who was shining over the vast land, freed the dark part, from darkness.
Bhavarth:- The cloud of fire, is produced, in the middle layer, of the atmosphere of the SUN, and, it keeps ablaze, the ignited YAGNA, on the surface of the SUN, by offering Flames to it. It, also remains itself embodied by lustre. That part of the planet Mercury, which was in darkness, gradually started becoming bright.
"Yadin ------- Adhayajjuhubhihi" // 3 //
Yadim:- Truely, at the same time / ‘Agni’ – Flame of fire /
Ganasya:- Of the friends (In the atmosphere of the SUN, there are many
others, who keep inflaming the flames, and all of them, are the
friends of AGNI.)
Rashanam:- The shining bundle of Rays (Binding together).
Ajig:- Attracted / ‘Girati, Gruhapati Wa / (Sa. Bha.) – Either throws
out or attracts.
Shuchibhihi Gobhihi:- From the group of Shining Rays / From clear Rays.
(Go – Accumulation of Rays).
Shuchi:- Lustrous; / Clearness.
Adakte:- Started beautifying / ‘Anj’ – To make clean / to beautify /to plaster to paint / to exhibit.
Vajayanti:- Moving forward with speed (Vaj – Speed; valour; strength)
Dakshina:- The thing that gives success, to somebody.
Aat:- Afterwards / Like that / ‘Yujyate’ – Remain united.
Uttanam:- Incident spreading upto great height. (Every component, spreads
far off, near the atmosphere atmosphere.)
Urdhwa:- Upper layer (Agnishikha) / ‘Juhubhihi’ – With the tongues.
(The flames envelope the surface of the SUN).
Adhayat:- To make fond.
Anway:- "Yat ----- Aghayat" // 3 //.
Truely, at the same time, the fire of the Sacrifice, attracted the accumulated shining rays, of the friends, and that fire, started beautifying their shine, with more lustre. The one, moving forward fast, became successful, in the desired purpose, and remained united with the fire of YAGNA. (and therefore), the upper layer started swallowing, with the tongues of fire.
Bhavarth:- When the flames of fire, on the surface of the SUN, attracted, the group of Rays, of the incident, spreading to a great height, they became more beautiful. The flames, which became more lustrous, combined with the fire of YAGNA, and the Central layer of the Cloud of Fire, started swallowing, with the tongues of fire.
(The flames of fire, moving about, on the surface of the
SUN, are known as ‘AGNI – JIWHA’ (Agni Jiwha).)
(Gatank Se Aage)
"Agnimachha ----- Ahanma" // 4 //
‘Achha Agnim’ – The holy flame of fire / the lustrous flames of fire /
Devayatam:- One trying to become more bright. (Div – To become bright).
Manasi:- Thoughts / the vow or determination.
Surye:- On the SUN, and its atmosphere.
Chakshupi Iv:- Similar to Eyes. (The shining particles or atoms, visible on the surface of the SUN, are brighter, than the surface of the SUN. Therefore, it is known as the ‘EYE’. Or, the black wells are often created on the surface of the SUN, and they shine brightly. Hence, they appear like EYES.). ‘Sancharanti’ – Wander here and there. (These shining particles, are spread along Miles on the surface, and they are thousands of bubbles. As these bubbles are transitory, and as the explosions take place inside, the LAVA is thrown out. Or, the black wells on the surface of the SUN, are charged with Magnetic Energy, due to the agitation in the SUN).
Yadim:- Truly, at that time / Virupe:- Holding the odd forms.
(When the atmosphere of the SUN, gets agitated, these black wells are created on the surface of the SUN. As the temperature of these black wells, is much less, they appear black. These black holes are of two kinds – Some are POSITIVELY charged, (+), while, others are NEGATIVELY (-) charged. As they are oppositely charged, they attract, one another. But, they are repulsed from one another, due to the Magnetic Waves, created. Hence, their shapes become queer.). They land on the surface of the SUN. As, they are black – coloured, they are known as ‘Ughamsi’ (producing terror). The Energy comes up from these black wells, and brightens the surface.
Ushasa:- At DAWN (The poet has considered the black well as DAWN).
Suwate:- The two varieties, squeeze and come out. (As there are agitating currents, in the black wells, some incidents take place, and squeeze out.). ‘Agre Ahanma’ – On the part, lighted as the Day (Surface of the SUN). ‘Shwetaha Vaji’ – The bright and shining (Tej Jivha) / ‘Jayate’ – Are produced (Due to the agitation of the SUN, and powerful energy, this TEJ JIVHA (Tej Jivha), creates turmoil, in the atmosphere.).
Anway:- "Achha Agni ------ Jayate" // 4 //
MEANING:- The holy AGNI JWALA, gets the help of the fast – determined and experienced one, in attempting to get, more radiant. The AGNI – SHIKHAS (flames), similar to EYES, move about, on the surface of the SUN, and its atmosphere. Truly, at that time, two black wells, having odd shapes, squeeze out of the DAWN. And, the brightly shining (TEJ JIVHA), is produced, on the surface of the SUN, that is shining like the DAY.
Bhavarth:- First, TEJ JIVHAS started moving on the surface of the SUN, and then, the black wells, possessing two kinds of Charges
(Positive and Negative), were produced. Those two (2) started moving about, like the EYES.
The powerful Energy, emerged from these black wells (Known as ‘UPAMASI’), and created agitation, in the atmosphere.
"Janishta ------ Yajiyan" // 5 //
Aham Agre:- On that surface of the SUN, which is shining, like the DAY. / ‘Jenyaha Hi’ – Born in the Noble Family. /
‘Janishta’ – Was created / ‘Hiteshu Hit’ – Kept in the critical incident. / ‘Janushu Arup’ – Red – coloured, in the beautiful section. (the flames having low temperature, appear RED.). Dame Dame:- In the protected place, in the house. (There are many Vaccuum Spots, on the surface of the SUN. The powerful happenings enter into them.).
Saptaratna(ni) Dudhan – One who wears, seven kinds of coloured, and shining jewels. (SEVEN bright incidents – (1) Tejkantak – The bubbles spread miles along, on the surface of the SUN. (2) Agnijivhayen – The flames produced, due to the destruction of these bubbles. (3) Agni Megh – The Cloud created, in the atmosphere of the SUN, just like the thundering Cloud, produced in the atmosphere of the Earth. (4) The flames falling from that, on the surface of the SUN. (5) Agni Sfulling – The sparks flying upwards, due to the power, of TEJ JIVHA (Tej Jivha). (6) ‘SPHOTAK UDREK’ (Sphotak Udrek) – The flame currents, reaching the height, of many miles. (7) ‘NIYAM STHANIK UDREK’ (Niyam Sthanik Udrek) – One, who spread, here and there, the produced flames, with the force of the WIND.).
Hota Agni:- The fire, who gives offerings below, on the surface of the SUN, with the sparks. / Yajiyan Nishadas – Pressed down, the ignited flames. (When, the offerings reach, the flames of Sacrifice, they first press down the flames, and then, they shoot up again, with more intensity.).
Anvay " Aham ----- Nishsad" // 5 //
MEANING:- One, took birth, in the Noble Family, on the Surface of the SUN, that was lighted, like the DAY. He was kept, in the Critical Incidence, and was Red-coloured, in the beautiful scene. On the protected spots, he was wearing, seven kinds of various coloured, and shining jewels. The fire, who was giving the offerings, below, on the surface of the SUN, with his sparks, pressed down, the ignited flames of Sacrifice.
"Agnihota ----- Iddhaha" // 6 //
Hota Agni – The fire, throwing the offerings, to the flames of fire.
Yajiyan – The ignited flames. / Nyasidatt – Pressed and made stable.
Matu – (Maa – to exhibit / Upasthe – The place protected from four sides. / Surabhi – Beautiful spot; Pleasuresome place. /
Loke – At the beautiful place; In the honourable place. /
Yuwa Kavi – Young learned / Dharta – Supporter / Purunihishta – One having many well – protected places / Who makes the Deed, more Holy.
Rutawa – Sensational Worker; Speedy Worker.
Krushtinam – The ploughman farmer / (When, the cloudy atmosphere, is created, the farmer knows, that he has to plough the filed, because, it will definitely rain, in 2 or 4 days) /
Ut Aur Madhye – In the middle place / Idh – Shining; Ignited from 4 sides.
Anwaya:- "Surabhi ----- Iddhaha" // 6 //
MEANING:- On the beautiful and honourable place, which was well – protected, on four sides, the group of fires, who were igniting the YAGNA, pressed down, the burning AGNI – JWALA, and made them stable. The Learned young one, having variously protected place, was inspiring, and supporter of the farmer, drawing the plough, and he was shining bright, in the Central place.
Bhavarth:- When emission (Utsarj), came out, the atmosphere was much agitated. The sacrifice over the surface of the SUN, was illuminated, but, it was stable below. The flames moving about, in beautiful spots, became captive, and the young one, in the protected place, because zealous. He inspired the farmer, to drive the plough. That energy, was ignited intensely, on all the four sides, at the centre of the place.
"Pranutyam ----- Ghruten" // 7 //
Nutyam:- Truly, to him / Tyam = Tam (Sa.Bha.)
Viprabh:- To him, who is very clever. (The flames created in the atmosphere of the SUN, known everything, as, when to settled down, when to rise upwards, when to get out of the atmosphere, and produce the smoke – screen. Hence, they are known as ‘Vipra’).
Adhwareshu – In the sacrifice, in which, no slaughter takes place. ("Dhwaratihi ----- Pratishedhaha" (NIRUKTA – 1 – 8) – particularly ‘Somyag’).
Som:- This substance is produced, in the end of YAGNA, by pressing and squeezing. The incidents taking place, in the atmosphere of the SUN, also throw out the fire – currents, by squeezing, in the end. Therefore, that also is ‘SOM’, and, it is the ‘Somyag’ or ‘Adhwar’, ignited on the surface of the SUN.
Sadhum Agnim:- To the benevolent fire. /
When emission is generated, a number of reactions, take place, in the atmosphere. Due to that, the SPHOTAK UDREK, reaches the height, of lakhs of miles, and due to Gravitational Force, it descends down, as if, it is bowing down and praying. Hence, the Poet states ‘Namobhi’ – The Host giving offerings in the sacrifice, is being prayed, with eagerness, by the bowing down SPHOTAK UDREK. When, the bowing UDREK, reaches the surface of the SUN, due to attraction, the SOUND is produced, due to rubbing. The poet, takes this, as the Prayer of the fire (Agni Prapat). The SUN is only full of AIR-BALLOONS (Wayugol). Therefore, just as the Sounds produced by rubbing, come there, from the atmosphere, so also, they reach from the inner portion, of the SUN. Hence, the Poet mentions both of them, as ‘Rodasi’. (Rund – To produce big sound).
‘Yaha Rodasi’ – The surface of the SUN, and the atmosphere, over it. (The meaning of ‘Rodasi’ is the World, and atmosphere over it.).
Regarding the World, the writers of ‘NIRUKTA’,state - "Prathanat ----- Ahuhu" / (NIRUKTA – 1 – 13). The one, which is spread far off, is known as ‘WORLD’ (Pruthvi). When, one goes to the surface of the SUN, he will find, that the surface of the SUN, is also spread, far off. Therefore, ‘Rodasi = Suryaprushtha Aur Varn Mandal’ |
Ruten:- With inspiring strength. (Ru – To remain inspired).
Atatan:- Spread by pulling from long distance.
Nityam Vajinam:- Always moving with lustre. / ‘Ghruten’ – With the lighted flames. (Dhrut – Deepjwalam Ityarthaha (Sa.Bha. 1 – 143). – For the Scientific background, we have decided this meaning.).
Mrujanti:- Do the plastering, or painting.
Anvaya:- "Nutyam ----- Mruranti" // 7 //
MEANING:- Truly, that AGNI, very intelligent, and giving benevolent offerings, in the non – violent Sacrifice, is worshipped and prayed (SOUND), eagerly, by the bowing down ‘UDREK’. That UDREK, has spread far off the surface, and the atmosphere above it, by pulling with the zealous speed. And plastered with lighted flames, the one, who always moves, with Lustre.
Bhavarth:- When, the UDREK, spreads to the height of Lakhs of Miles, and descends bowing down, the YAGNA, of the surface of the SUN, gets more and more ignited. And the surface of the SUN, and VARNA – MANDAL, create enormous turmoil. The UDREK comes down, and plasters the surface of the SUN, with the flames.
(Gatank Se Aage)
"Marjasyo ----- Prasyanyan" // 8 //
After the description of the descending ‘SPHOTAK UDREK’ the poet starts the description of ‘STHANIK UDREK’ (Sthanik Udrek).
Marjasya:- The one, having the mentality of keeping Holy / One fond of remaining clean. / Swe Damunaha:- Those concerned with one’s home.
Mrujyate – Makes clean. / Girdles with holy flames. / Shivaha – Benevolent, Naha Kavihi – Our God – like Scholar / Atithihi – Respected /
Prashastaha – Was considered good / Was highly praised / .
Sahastrashrungaha – Thousands of tops of flames / (In the atmosphere of the SUN, the STHANIK UDREK, remains for months together, and thousands of top (of flames), of the heights of hundreds of miles, are there. Due to strong Winds, these tops move, here and there.) /
Vrushabhaha – Very strong / He Agne – O’, AGNI – JWALA /
Tadoja – Giving as much strength, as required, by him. /
Vishwan Anyan – All other inventions or discoveries / Prasihi: - Make occupied./
‘Preti ----- Prabhavasi’ (Sa. Bha.) / Sahasa – With your might /
Anway:- "Marjasyaha ----- Sahastraprasi" // 8 //
MEANING :- One fond of remaining clean, girdles with Holy flames, those concerned with his home. Our God-like Scholar, is considered good, respectable and benevolent. He creates, thousands of tops, of the flames, is very powerful, and gives as much strength, as is required, by anybody. O’, AGNI JWALA, you are able to occupy, all other inventions, by your strength.
Bhavarth:- The ‘SPHOTAK UDREK’, described above, is generated from ‘STHANIK UDREK’, only. The Sthanik Udrek, having thousand of tops, offers as much strength, as necessary to the invention, (due to the fast speed, of the flowing Wind). As, this UDREK creates agitation, for moths together, it is the producer of all the powerful incidents. It occupies inventions, with its tops only.
"Pra Sdhyo ------ Manushinam" // 9 //
(There is the special peculiarity of ‘SPHOTAK UDREK VARNA – MANDAL’. In the seventh (7) RUCHA, (Rucha), there is description, of its downward movement. Now, the poet describes, how it reaches far off, crossing across, all the happenings. ‘He Agne ----- Anyan’ – O’, AGNI – JWALA, just now, you, all incidents. / Pra Ati Yeshi – crossing across, you go far off. / Ashi – Before the Eyes / Charutamo Babhuth – Became more and more beautiful. (O’ Agni, how great you are.) / Ilanyehe – Worth praising / Vayushyaha – Beautiful, with odd shapes (Bodies). / Vibhawa – Existing every where / Priyaha – Beloved / ‘Manushinam ----- Suraj’ – The magics of the SUN, created by agitation, and respectable for all the happenings.
Anwayaha:- "He Agne ----- Atithihi" // 9 //
MEANING:- O’, Agni jwala, just now, you are going far off, crossing across, all the incidents. You have become more beautiful before the eyes, due to these happenings. You are existing everywhere, you are beloved, and respected by all the man-kind.
Bhavarth:- The scene of ‘Sphotak Udrek’, is unique of all. It crosses all the incidents, and goes far away. Its shape is odd, but beautiful.
It increases the beauty, of all happenings, all around, and hence, it is respected.
"Tubhyam ----- Bhadram" // 10 //
He Yavishtha Agne – O’, Agnijwala, who is created just now / (After the Sphotak Udrek, the AGNI – JIWHA (Agni Jiwha), and TEJ – JIWHA (Tej Jiwha) tried to establish self – domination, on the surface of the SUN. The TEJ JIWHA tried to hide the black wells, and AGNI JIWHA, concentrated, on the production of UTSARJA (Utsarja).
Tubhyam Bharanti:- Hold for you / Carry for you. / Kshitiyaha – Place of residence (Surface of the SUN) / Balim – To the offerings (The offerings coming down, due to Gravitation, ignite the sacrifice on the surface). / Antitaha Ut Durat – Bring very near. /
Bhandishthasya – The Roaring one / Producing the SOUND /
Sumatim – To the virtue / Achikiddhi – Pay attention minutely /
He Agne Te – O’, Agni Jwala, to you / Mahisharm – The protective big place / The ample management of protection /
Bhadram Bruhat – Is very much benevolent.
Anvay:- "He Yavishtha ----- Bruhat" // 10 //
MEANING:- O’, newly born, Agni – jwala, the place of residence, (The surface of the SUN), carries and holds you. It brings together, the flames (AGNIDHARA), falling from near, and far off. But, it is necessary, to minutely pay attention, to the virtue, of the roaring one. O’, AGNI-JWALA, the ample management of your protection, is very much benevolent.
Bhavarth:- After the Sphotak Udrek, the severe and feeble AGNI JWALA, came out, and they tried for UTSARJA. It, attempted to bring nearer, the flames falling from the vicinity, or from far off. It produced powerful Radio Sounds also. As, these Sounds were harmful, some times, and beneficial, at times, the system of protection, of all the happenings, was made more tight.
Gatank Se Aage)
"Aadhya ----- Bakshi" // 11 //
He Bhanumaha Agane :- O’, Bright Agni - jwala / Agha – Today ; Now/
Bhanumantam Ratham :- Beautiful and fast – moving Chariot /
(Ratha Rahan – Swabhav Dharmam / (Sa.Bha.) – Moving with speed).
Atishtham :- Go near, and be stable. / Go near / Go up /.
Yajtebhihi :- From the one giving offerings.
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Samantam :- " Samichin Prantopetam" (Sa.Bha.) – One who spreads the flames, far off / Taking the flames to the proper place.
He Panthinam Vidwan – Intelligent, because, it knows the safe way, on different paths / Iha Ur Antariksham – The broad and powerful space on this land. / (Antriksha --- wa / (NIRUKTA 2 –10), or ‘Antra ---- Antariksham / (Durga Tika). / -- The place, where the internal Divisions, are powerful, or, where the World and Space exist. / Dewan – To all the Illuminated Constituents. / Havirdhyaya – To eat offerings / (The offerings in the form of AGNI – DHARA, fall on the surface of the SUN ) / Aavakshi – Make powerful./
Anvay :- "He Bhanumaha – Aavakshi" //11//
Meaning :- O’, constantly illuminated Agni jwala, giving the beautiful offerings, and taking the flames, to the proper place, go near the fast – moving Chariot, and be stationary there. You are intelligent, having the knowledge of safe path, on different ways. O’, Agni, you inspire the broadly spread, and powerful Space, and other bright Constituents, to eat the offerings, (falling on the surface of the SUN).
Bhavarth :- That Agnijwala, was very beautiful, was collecting together the flames, all around, and was following the safe path, amongst the different ways. It made strengthy, all the Agni-dhara, holding the offerings.
"Avocham ---- Mashret" // 12 //
Medhyay Kavaye :- For the jubilant, and intelligent Agni – jwala.
Vachaha Avocham :- I place before you, this language (My Sounds) / "Vachaha (Stotram – Sa. Bha.) / Vrushabhay Vrushne – for the powerful, energetic incidents / Vandas – Vandanshilam (Sa. Bha.) – Respected /
‘Gavishthiraha : - Remaining stationary, in the group of Rays. /Namasa Agnau Stomam – The series of praise, of AGNIJWALA (Radio Sounds), similar to the prayer, by bowing down. / Divi Iv – As in the Shining Sky. / Uru Vyanvam - spreading far off / Rukkam – The golden ornament, that is bound / Ashret – To excite for taking possession. /
Anvay :- "Medhyay ----Ahret" // 12 //
MEANING : - I place before you, that respectable language, (Radio Sound), for the jubilant, and intelligent Agni-jwala. I keep the stationary language (Radio Sounds), in the group of Rays, for the powerful, energetic incidents. I keep the Series of Praise, of the Agni – jwala, who come bowing down, for the Prayer, and it is similar to the Sound, in the shining Sky. I excite for taking possession, the one who takes the golden ornament, to be bound, and spreads to the far off distance.
Bhavarth :- This is the last RUCHA (Rucha). Is describes how the helper AGNI, helps, the Sacrifice, that is ignited on the surface of the SUN. How, the Radio Sounds, created in different layers, make the variety of advertisements, is principally described, in that.
The above description, is based on the happenings taking place, in the atmosphere of the SUN. But, similar incidents can only take place, in the thundering and lightning Clouds, or, in Volcanoes. This kind of thoughts, can occur, only in SELF – REALISATION. Hence, it is essential, that the intellectuals, should think on this SUKTA, on various back – grounds.
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