Title : Shri Radhanaam Tatva Nirupan in Vedic worldly popular literature |
Author : Mr Rasikbihari Manjul |
Read In Hindi
Shri Radha – the word finds its origin in the proved root ‘Radha’.
Shri Radha Bagwan is the spiritual power of Shri Krishna. It’s appearance is like a ‘white champak’.
Her idol is shining like the moon. She is decorated with diamond ornaments. Her age is twelve years.
As there dwells whiteness (fairness) in milk, the burning in fire, fragrance in Earth, coolness in water likewise Shrikrishna dwells in Shri Radha. And Shri Radha and Shri Krishna are inseparable.
In Brahmanpurana’s VII chapter we find about the origin of Radha.
In the month of Bhadrapada, in the waning fortnight period of the moon, on the eighth day, Radha appeared in Vrushabhanu’s ‘Yadnyabhumi’. Vrushabhanu was searching for a land for performing yadna (sacrifice), he found Radha. He gave this child to his wife who looked after her, as of her own.
Vrindavan is placed above Brahmand, Brahma Sukh (Eternal happiness) and prosperity dwells there. Immortal people live there. Richness dwells with cows and in Gokul is the richness of Vaikuntha. In Dwaraka there is Vrindavan. In Mathura dwells earthly beauty. The Gokul (place of cows) is Radha’s home. Here she sits on the ruby throne. Radha is the first nature and wife of Krishna. The goddesses which hold the ‘triunes’ (Raja, satwa, tama) like Durga forms the one croreth part of Radha’s art. By mere touch of soil of Radha’s feet crores of Vishnus are produced.
Shri Radha is knowledge, (Para) the supreme knowledge of self, strength, spirituality, the mother of three Gods. She is Vrundavaneshwari.
Padmapuranas say there is no lady as Radha and no man like Krishna. Shrimad devi Bhagwat Puran narrates the procedure of worshiping Shri Radha.
The Manta is Shri Radhae swaha.
The original mantra is V Radhayae Swaha.
If we say this our desires are fulfilled. ‘Shri Radhavchha Chintamani Mantra’.
One won’t get the results of krishna worship if Radha is not worshipped.
‘Vaisthav vidhan’ tells Vaishnav that before worshipping Krishna, worshipping Radha is compulsory.
The whole, Eternal Krishna is always in tune with Radha.
In Bralmavaivatta puran, there is description of rituals of marriage of Radha and Krishna, Ra means Vishnu and Dha means Earth.
Radha is also supposed to be the mother of Vishnu or the mother nature of the God.
In Vedic literature, Radhoupanishad and Rashiktapnioupanishad we get Radha’s description.
Radha is the very much inner happiness power of Radhakrishna.
Radha and (sentimental ocean) or Krishna oceans of sentiments though are physically 2 personalities but spiritually they are one. There are 28 names of Radha.
The love and respect of Shri krishna is because of Radha. In this upnishad we read that in privacy, emotional Shrikrishna bows down and takes the soil from Radha’s feet and wears it in his own forehead. The Krishna is engrossed in love of Radha. The flute falls down from his hand, the ringlets of curly hair remain dishevelled and he has become the slave of Radha’s love. We bow down to such Radha.
In both of Upanishads.
Im Kridanath Dwi-dhad bhoot –
In critics Neelkantha on Vedic hymn, ‘Mantrabhagvat’ many hymns of Rigveda are discussed. According to Neelkantha, Rigveda 3/33/12 mantras say about shri Radha.
But Vyas has never mentioned name of Radha in Bhagwat. Shri Sanatan Goswami says that whenever Sukhdeo, described and sang the love songs and the games of ‘Gopis’, his heart became overfull with the sadness of separation. He forgot himself. In this condition he didn’t utter Radha’s name.
The book ‘Vishudwiras Deepika Grantha’ accepts the Barahtantra. According to Barahtantra, Bhagwan Hari is known as Govind in Vrindavan. The gopis with their piousness have won the God Govind and have become Vrindavaneshwari.
The Critic Shri Nimbark Matacharya, Shri shuladeo in their ‘Sidhant Pradeep’ has explained. Radhika as united with Radha i.e. Krishna along with Radha.
The Great poet Jaidev in his works, Geet Govind, Zeelashuk Bilwamangal in his Krishna Karnamrut, Trivikram Bhatt in his Nalachampu, Vallabhdeo in his Shishupalvadha Anand Vardhan’s Dhwanyalok, Mahakavi Bhas’s Balcharit, Hal Kavi pakrit composition ‘Gatha Sapatashati’ we find the mention of Radha.
An incident is seen in Granth Saptashati
which means – Hey Krishna, you blow away the particles of sand from Radha’s face. You did it with great love, which has honoured all the Gopis.
According to Baldeva’s definition the words Radha or Radha have originated from Rashavudou. By joining prefix Aa it becomes the root Aradhana. The meaning of both the words is same. Aradhana is worship. Radha is a holy name and a symbol of worship. The greatness of worship lies in love in worshipping. When selfless love accompanies worship. The worshipping becomes Great. The worship associated with the name of Radha is real worship.
Love is piousness. This relationship was associated with the name of relationship with Radha. It has found place of importance and respect in literature and religion.
Read In Hindi
Shri Radha – the word finds its origin in the proved root ‘Radha’.
Shri Radha Bagwan is the spiritual power of Shri Krishna. It’s appearance is like a ‘white champak’.
Her idol is shining like the moon. She is decorated with diamond ornaments. Her age is twelve years.
As there dwells whiteness (fairness) in milk, the burning in fire, fragrance in Earth, coolness in water likewise Shrikrishna dwells in Shri Radha. And Shri Radha and Shri Krishna are inseparable.
In Brahmanpurana’s VII chapter we find about the origin of Radha.
In the month of Bhadrapada, in the waning fortnight period of the moon, on the eighth day, Radha appeared in Vrushabhanu’s ‘Yadnyabhumi’. Vrushabhanu was searching for a land for performing yadna (sacrifice), he found Radha. He gave this child to his wife who looked after her, as of her own.
Vrindavan is placed above Brahmand, Brahma Sukh (Eternal happiness) and prosperity dwells there. Immortal people live there. Richness dwells with cows and in Gokul is the richness of Vaikuntha. In Dwaraka there is Vrindavan. In Mathura dwells earthly beauty. The Gokul (place of cows) is Radha’s home. Here she sits on the ruby throne. Radha is the first nature and wife of Krishna. The goddesses which hold the ‘triunes’ (Raja, satwa, tama) like Durga forms the one croreth part of Radha’s art. By mere touch of soil of Radha’s feet crores of Vishnus are produced.
Shri Radha is knowledge, (Para) the supreme knowledge of self, strength, spirituality, the mother of three Gods. She is Vrundavaneshwari.
Padmapuranas say there is no lady as Radha and no man like Krishna. Shrimad devi Bhagwat Puran narrates the procedure of worshiping Shri Radha.
The Manta is Shri Radhae swaha.
The original mantra is V Radhayae Swaha.
If we say this our desires are fulfilled. ‘Shri Radhavchha Chintamani Mantra’.
One won’t get the results of krishna worship if Radha is not worshipped.
‘Vaisthav vidhan’ tells Vaishnav that before worshipping Krishna, worshipping Radha is compulsory.
The whole, Eternal Krishna is always in tune with Radha.
In Bralmavaivatta puran, there is description of rituals of marriage of Radha and Krishna, Ra means Vishnu and Dha means Earth.
Radha is also supposed to be the mother of Vishnu or the mother nature of the God.
In Vedic literature, Radhoupanishad and Rashiktapnioupanishad we get Radha’s description.
Radha is the very much inner happiness power of Radhakrishna.
Radha and (sentimental ocean) or Krishna oceans of sentiments though are physically 2 personalities but spiritually they are one. There are 28 names of Radha.
The love and respect of Shri krishna is because of Radha. In this upnishad we read that in privacy, emotional Shrikrishna bows down and takes the soil from Radha’s feet and wears it in his own forehead. The Krishna is engrossed in love of Radha. The flute falls down from his hand, the ringlets of curly hair remain dishevelled and he has become the slave of Radha’s love. We bow down to such Radha.
In both of Upanishads.
Im Kridanath Dwi-dhad bhoot –
In critics Neelkantha on Vedic hymn, ‘Mantrabhagvat’ many hymns of Rigveda are discussed. According to Neelkantha, Rigveda 3/33/12 mantras say about shri Radha.
But Vyas has never mentioned name of Radha in Bhagwat. Shri Sanatan Goswami says that whenever Sukhdeo, described and sang the love songs and the games of ‘Gopis’, his heart became overfull with the sadness of separation. He forgot himself. In this condition he didn’t utter Radha’s name.
The book ‘Vishudwiras Deepika Grantha’ accepts the Barahtantra. According to Barahtantra, Bhagwan Hari is known as Govind in Vrindavan. The gopis with their piousness have won the God Govind and have become Vrindavaneshwari.
The Critic Shri Nimbark Matacharya, Shri shuladeo in their ‘Sidhant Pradeep’ has explained. Radhika as united with Radha i.e. Krishna along with Radha.
The Great poet Jaidev in his works, Geet Govind, Zeelashuk Bilwamangal in his Krishna Karnamrut, Trivikram Bhatt in his Nalachampu, Vallabhdeo in his Shishupalvadha Anand Vardhan’s Dhwanyalok, Mahakavi Bhas’s Balcharit, Hal Kavi pakrit composition ‘Gatha Sapatashati’ we find the mention of Radha.
An incident is seen in Granth Saptashati
which means – Hey Krishna, you blow away the particles of sand from Radha’s face. You did it with great love, which has honoured all the Gopis.
According to Baldeva’s definition the words Radha or Radha have originated from Rashavudou. By joining prefix Aa it becomes the root Aradhana. The meaning of both the words is same. Aradhana is worship. Radha is a holy name and a symbol of worship. The greatness of worship lies in love in worshipping. When selfless love accompanies worship. The worshipping becomes Great. The worship associated with the name of Radha is real worship.
Love is piousness. This relationship was associated with the name of relationship with Radha. It has found place of importance and respect in literature and religion.
Tag Names : Rugveda,Bramh puran,Bramh puran,kathopnishd,kathopnishd |