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Air pollution is increasing at a rapid rate due to the blind material progress. On one hand industrialization is bringing about an economic revolution in the nation but on the other hand it is also increasing unemployment and in addition to it the air pollution.

The word pollution means fault in the normal form of nature or universe. Pollution causes a strange change in atmosphere. A change in water, air or atmosphere means pollution. Pollution causes an imbalance in the nature. This imbalance is not favourable to the mankind. This is a flow or defect which affect not only the mankind but also all the living beings and animals present in nature. This pollution gets manifested in many different forms for example – water pollution, noise pollution, air pollution, etc.

The air pollution has put an end to good and pure air. The smoke emitted from the chimneys of many factories contains carbon-dioxide and nitrogen-oxide. The new revolution in the industrialization is causing all the air pollution. Many fine particulars are mixed into air because of this air pollution. The particles moving in the lower part of the air zone are dangerous for the oxygen levels in air.

The atmospheric pollution can be classified into two parts: local pollution and universal pollution. The water pollution and noise pollution are types of local pollution. The effects of pollution is seen in many different forms like for example changes in the water and air, natural imbalance, creating harm to health, mental pollution, etc.

Water is made of two parts – water and air. The pollution in atmosphere causes a temperature rise in the air, which in turn leads to heavy rainfall. It satisfies the farmers, but the mankind and animal kingdom suffer due to that. So heavy rainfall and total lack of rainfall are both dangerous for the earth because they increase the heat of the earth. This also caused natural imbalance. There is a wonderful balance between each and every substances of this universe. The mankind has been disturbing this beautiful balance because of atomic explosions and industrial development. The seasons also show an irregular appearance now, which affect the flora and fauna of this universe. It has also affected the food production. The presence of harmful gases in the oxygen are causing a danger to the human health.

The reason behind this pollution is the oblivion of the Vedic path. Vedic literature propagates a theory that in order to make the human life and animal life a fruitful one the mankind should resort to performance of ‘Yadnyas’ or sacrifice. The word ‘Yadnya’ is derived from the verb ‘Yaja’ which means sacrifice. Vedic literature propagates many kinds of Yadnyas-
Soma Yadnya: This yadnya is performed to male life immortal.
Vajapeya Yadnya: It is performed to purify the nature through offerings like food and clarified butter.
Vishwajita: This is performed after conquering the world.
Agnishtoma: This is performed to create a balance in nature by burning scented things in fire.
Jyotishtoma: It is a symbol of knowledge.
Rudra Yadnya: It is performed for the destruction of the evil.
Rajasu Yadnya: It is one in which some sacrifice is done.
Ashwamedha Yadnya: it is performed to follow the orders of the god by offering ghee.

Many other Yadnyas like the Gomedha (performed to maintain the purity of food, language, earth), Naramedha and Savavedasa are also performed. There are 5 kinds of Yadnyas which are to be routinely performed: They are Swadhaya, Praise, Worship, Agnihotra, Valivaishwadeva, Atiti Yadnya and Pitruyadnya.

The regular performance of Yadnyas does not only have a spiritual significance but also talks about the purification and cleanliness of the material life as a whole. Because of the Yadnya air is purified. If the water and air are clean only then can it yield good food production; which will in turn give a sound economy. The external atmosphere has a tremendous influence of the human mind. Creativity is at its highest in a nation where peace and co-existence prevail. The strong will power in the human being activates human efficiency, but to a certain limit cleaner and purer environment influences the human mind and body.

Many hymns are found in the Vedas, which talk about the prevention of air pollution: Shra. 2/30/9. I am not saying that do not grind the soma.
Yaju. 18/6 One must sacrifice the ‘Sacrifice’. Duties are done by ‘Yajut’ hymns. The Karmapradhana Vedas have started from inspiration from work. Yaju 1/1 Yadnya must be performed to attain power.
Sa.Pu. 1/1/1. Lord, you are the saviour and light of all of us, do guide us with your thoughts. God is always with us, but due to ignorance we are not able to see him. We request him to remove the darkness in the form of pollution, so that we can see his light. Ta. Pushaswa.Shra.2/102/19/20.

Fire is the giver of all happiness. We ignite fire and pray for 100 year age for our body. Many substances are needed for the Agnihotra Yadnya like fuel used in sacrifice, the attar, sacrificial vessel, etc. The ‘Samidha’ or wood used for these sacrifices has to be form the mango free, wood-apple tree or from the khadir tree. If this wood is not available, then wood fallen on the ground in the jungle is to be collected and only then sacrifice is to be performed. The Vedic religion is totally based on Yadnya or sacrifice, worship. A person who can perform Yadnya should be the one who has restrained himself from passions, he should have complete control over his senses, he should have patience towards others. The Yadnya also takes away mental pollution.

Today the human race is facing two kinds of pollution, one is mental and other is that of the environment. That is the reason why the human being today is mentally, physically and financially ill. If he is yearning for mental peace and stability, then he should develop the feeling of Yadnya and also try to purify the environment through the performance of Yadnya. There is lace of peace in the whole universe today. Mother earth is witnessing a bloodshed immoral behaviour. The main reason causing thus instability is that the human being has completely forgotten to follow the Vedic path. He has ignored to learn, understand and assimilate the Vedic hymns which always proclaim the goodness of mankind and religion. The hymns always talk about peace for the universe. The ‘Shantipath’ contains hymns which are sung to attain peace in the skies, in the flora and fauna, in the medicinal plants, etc.

in addition to other scientific methods and solutions the importance of Yadnya should be understood by each family, only then, can we totally take away pollution and enjoy a beautiful, clean and pure nature. The human race and also the environment will be saved if and only if it follows the Vedic path.

 Title : THE DISCUSSION OF AIR POLLUTION IN THE VEDIC HYMNS Author : Smt Mahashweta Chaturvedi

Read In Hindi

Air pollution is increasing at a rapid rate due to the blind material progress. On one hand industrialization is bringing about an economic revolution in the nation but on the other hand it is also increasing unemployment and in addition to it the air pollution.

The word pollution means fault in the normal form of nature or universe. Pollution causes a strange change in atmosphere. A change in water, air or atmosphere means pollution. Pollution causes an imbalance in the nature. This imbalance is not favourable to the mankind. This is a flow or defect which affect not only the mankind but also all the living beings and animals present in nature. This pollution gets manifested in many different forms for example – water pollution, noise pollution, air pollution, etc.

The air pollution has put an end to good and pure air. The smoke emitted from the chimneys of many factories contains carbon-dioxide and nitrogen-oxide. The new revolution in the industrialization is causing all the air pollution. Many fine particulars are mixed into air because of this air pollution. The particles moving in the lower part of the air zone are dangerous for the oxygen levels in air.

The atmospheric pollution can be classified into two parts: local pollution and universal pollution. The water pollution and noise pollution are types of local pollution. The effects of pollution is seen in many different forms like for example changes in the water and air, natural imbalance, creating harm to health, mental pollution, etc.

Water is made of two parts – water and air. The pollution in atmosphere causes a temperature rise in the air, which in turn leads to heavy rainfall. It satisfies the farmers, but the mankind and animal kingdom suffer due to that. So heavy rainfall and total lack of rainfall are both dangerous for the earth because they increase the heat of the earth. This also caused natural imbalance. There is a wonderful balance between each and every substances of this universe. The mankind has been disturbing this beautiful balance because of atomic explosions and industrial development. The seasons also show an irregular appearance now, which affect the flora and fauna of this universe. It has also affected the food production. The presence of harmful gases in the oxygen are causing a danger to the human health.

The reason behind this pollution is the oblivion of the Vedic path. Vedic literature propagates a theory that in order to make the human life and animal life a fruitful one the mankind should resort to performance of ‘Yadnyas’ or sacrifice. The word ‘Yadnya’ is derived from the verb ‘Yaja’ which means sacrifice. Vedic literature propagates many kinds of Yadnyas-
Soma Yadnya: This yadnya is performed to male life immortal.
Vajapeya Yadnya: It is performed to purify the nature through offerings like food and clarified butter.
Vishwajita: This is performed after conquering the world.
Agnishtoma: This is performed to create a balance in nature by burning scented things in fire.
Jyotishtoma: It is a symbol of knowledge.
Rudra Yadnya: It is performed for the destruction of the evil.
Rajasu Yadnya: It is one in which some sacrifice is done.
Ashwamedha Yadnya: it is performed to follow the orders of the god by offering ghee.

Many other Yadnyas like the Gomedha (performed to maintain the purity of food, language, earth), Naramedha and Savavedasa are also performed. There are 5 kinds of Yadnyas which are to be routinely performed: They are Swadhaya, Praise, Worship, Agnihotra, Valivaishwadeva, Atiti Yadnya and Pitruyadnya.

The regular performance of Yadnyas does not only have a spiritual significance but also talks about the purification and cleanliness of the material life as a whole. Because of the Yadnya air is purified. If the water and air are clean only then can it yield good food production; which will in turn give a sound economy. The external atmosphere has a tremendous influence of the human mind. Creativity is at its highest in a nation where peace and co-existence prevail. The strong will power in the human being activates human efficiency, but to a certain limit cleaner and purer environment influences the human mind and body.

Many hymns are found in the Vedas, which talk about the prevention of air pollution: Shra. 2/30/9. I am not saying that do not grind the soma.
Yaju. 18/6 One must sacrifice the ‘Sacrifice’. Duties are done by ‘Yajut’ hymns. The Karmapradhana Vedas have started from inspiration from work. Yaju 1/1 Yadnya must be performed to attain power.
Sa.Pu. 1/1/1. Lord, you are the saviour and light of all of us, do guide us with your thoughts. God is always with us, but due to ignorance we are not able to see him. We request him to remove the darkness in the form of pollution, so that we can see his light. Ta. Pushaswa.Shra.2/102/19/20.

Fire is the giver of all happiness. We ignite fire and pray for 100 year age for our body. Many substances are needed for the Agnihotra Yadnya like fuel used in sacrifice, the attar, sacrificial vessel, etc. The ‘Samidha’ or wood used for these sacrifices has to be form the mango free, wood-apple tree or from the khadir tree. If this wood is not available, then wood fallen on the ground in the jungle is to be collected and only then sacrifice is to be performed. The Vedic religion is totally based on Yadnya or sacrifice, worship. A person who can perform Yadnya should be the one who has restrained himself from passions, he should have complete control over his senses, he should have patience towards others. The Yadnya also takes away mental pollution.

Today the human race is facing two kinds of pollution, one is mental and other is that of the environment. That is the reason why the human being today is mentally, physically and financially ill. If he is yearning for mental peace and stability, then he should develop the feeling of Yadnya and also try to purify the environment through the performance of Yadnya. There is lace of peace in the whole universe today. Mother earth is witnessing a bloodshed immoral behaviour. The main reason causing thus instability is that the human being has completely forgotten to follow the Vedic path. He has ignored to learn, understand and assimilate the Vedic hymns which always proclaim the goodness of mankind and religion. The hymns always talk about peace for the universe. The ‘Shantipath’ contains hymns which are sung to attain peace in the skies, in the flora and fauna, in the medicinal plants, etc.

in addition to other scientific methods and solutions the importance of Yadnya should be understood by each family, only then, can we totally take away pollution and enjoy a beautiful, clean and pure nature. The human race and also the environment will be saved if and only if it follows the Vedic path.

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