Title : The Science of chariot and Vehicles in vedas |
Author : Shri Chailbiharilal Goel |
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Many vehicles have been described in the Vedas under the title ''Ratha'' meaning chariot. All the vehicles used in air, earth and space are describe� as chariots.The early scholaras called Sayalacharya, Maharshi Dayananda have done the annotations on the Vedic scriptures. Untiol that time the concept� of vehicle in the air did not exist.The descriptions of the vehicles can be found under the title 'Parmaratha'. We get an idea from this description about the span of these arts (Rigveda Vg/1) In this class of hymns we find the discription of machines made with the help of electricity and wind, with which people were to betranspoted to places. We also find references of vehicles made of gold. These references are also found in Atharveda 20/26/5, 20/41/21/,20/69/10. The same hymn is found in all three places. This art of vehicle is further elaborated in the Yajurveda 23/5 to 12.
Taiteriya Samhita 1/4/20/1 joins the other vedic references. Description of chariot made with the help of electrical science used by the warriors is found in Rigveda 1/9/8. In this class is also found the descrpton of the substances used in the vehicles of chariots which are obtained after the worship of Lord Indra. These vehivles are operated with the help of electricity. In Rigveda 1/11/1 to 8 there is description of vehicles used in the war which are operated in the sky or the sea.
In Rigveda 1/13/4 there is reference of aeroplanes which are launched with the help of 'Indita' fire. These vehicles are made on the basis of theorems of 'Megha Tithi Kanva Rishi' In Rigveda 114/1 to 12 in 'Viswedeva Dewata' there is description of the use of horse power called 'Rohit' which is used in vehicles used for transportation on the earth, in the sea and in the sky.
In the 'Kandavo Meghatithi Rishi' theorem, Rigveda 1/16/1 to 5 there is reference of aeroplanes operated using the science of electricity.
In Rigveda 1/20/1 to 5 in the 'Ibhavo Devata' there is a description of all chariot vehicles operated with the help of fire and water. In this class there are found theorems of the fundamental sculpture regarding the making of aeroplanes, etc. There are also reference of electrical and ray sciences.
In Rigveda 1/22/1 to 5 in the 'Ashwini' science there is reference of the art and education of the making of chariots and vehicles with the help of fire and water. In the hymns of this class there are scientific instructions given to common man by Sage Meghatithi about the making of machines and the function of fire and water in their operation.
In the fifth hymn the usage of gold in this art is suggested. This clearly indicates that our ancestors had good knowledge of metals. This chapter also finds reference in the ninth assembly of Yajurveda, in the 11th hymn and in the 5th Anuvak. This chapter joins the art with other Vedas through hymns 1/4/6/1 and 1/1 of the Taiteriya Samhita. There are also references of the same in the Aiteriya Brahmana.
In Rigveda 1/46/3 in 'Ashwino' science there are instructions given to the operator of the aeroplane, who are going to drive the machine. In the second assembly of the Samveda Poorvachika, in the seventh Dasati, the ten hymns are joined to the other class of hymns - 10/153/1, 10/134/1, 1/46/1, 1/84/13, 1/9/1, 4/32/1, 8/6/5, 1/30/4, 10/186/1. This proves clearly that Vedas are the most ancient scientific sages on this universe. It gives us knowledge about our glorious past. In the Vedas we get to know a variety of aeroplanes, which cannot be known even from the epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata. This goes on further to prove that in the times of Ramayana and Mahabharata there was nobody, who could understand the Vedas properly.
In the hymns of Rigveda 1/41/3 there are instructions about such aeroplanes or vehicles which have a three dimensional function. That is these vehicles can move on earth, in the sky and also in the periphery of other planets. These vehicles were supposed to be made of gold. In the next class there are instructions about the use of rays.
In Rigveda 1/49/7 and 1/50/1 to 23 different theorems are described about the use of sunrays in the chariot aeroplanes.
Thus, our Vedic scholars are not getting over the old theories and are not willing to take a fresh look at the Vedas. If they look at the Vedic scriptures with an unbiased and open mind and try to study the same, then this will result into an undying wish of reading the Vedic literature in the universe. One can find solution to the most critical and complicated problems and thus make progress.
Read In Hindi
Many vehicles have been described in the Vedas under the title ''Ratha'' meaning chariot. All the vehicles used in air, earth and space are describe� as chariots.The early scholaras called Sayalacharya, Maharshi Dayananda have done the annotations on the Vedic scriptures. Untiol that time the concept� of vehicle in the air did not exist.The descriptions of the vehicles can be found under the title 'Parmaratha'. We get an idea from this description about the span of these arts (Rigveda Vg/1) In this class of hymns we find the discription of machines made with the help of electricity and wind, with which people were to betranspoted to places. We also find references of vehicles made of gold. These references are also found in Atharveda 20/26/5, 20/41/21/,20/69/10. The same hymn is found in all three places. This art of vehicle is further elaborated in the Yajurveda 23/5 to 12.
Taiteriya Samhita 1/4/20/1 joins the other vedic references. Description of chariot made with the help of electrical science used by the warriors is found in Rigveda 1/9/8. In this class is also found the descrpton of the substances used in the vehicles of chariots which are obtained after the worship of Lord Indra. These vehivles are operated with the help of electricity. In Rigveda 1/11/1 to 8 there is description of vehicles used in the war which are operated in the sky or the sea.
In Rigveda 1/13/4 there is reference of aeroplanes which are launched with the help of 'Indita' fire. These vehicles are made on the basis of theorems of 'Megha Tithi Kanva Rishi' In Rigveda 114/1 to 12 in 'Viswedeva Dewata' there is description of the use of horse power called 'Rohit' which is used in vehicles used for transportation on the earth, in the sea and in the sky.
In the 'Kandavo Meghatithi Rishi' theorem, Rigveda 1/16/1 to 5 there is reference of aeroplanes operated using the science of electricity.
In Rigveda 1/20/1 to 5 in the 'Ibhavo Devata' there is a description of all chariot vehicles operated with the help of fire and water. In this class there are found theorems of the fundamental sculpture regarding the making of aeroplanes, etc. There are also reference of electrical and ray sciences.
In Rigveda 1/22/1 to 5 in the 'Ashwini' science there is reference of the art and education of the making of chariots and vehicles with the help of fire and water. In the hymns of this class there are scientific instructions given to common man by Sage Meghatithi about the making of machines and the function of fire and water in their operation.
In the fifth hymn the usage of gold in this art is suggested. This clearly indicates that our ancestors had good knowledge of metals. This chapter also finds reference in the ninth assembly of Yajurveda, in the 11th hymn and in the 5th Anuvak. This chapter joins the art with other Vedas through hymns 1/4/6/1 and 1/1 of the Taiteriya Samhita. There are also references of the same in the Aiteriya Brahmana.
In Rigveda 1/46/3 in 'Ashwino' science there are instructions given to the operator of the aeroplane, who are going to drive the machine. In the second assembly of the Samveda Poorvachika, in the seventh Dasati, the ten hymns are joined to the other class of hymns - 10/153/1, 10/134/1, 1/46/1, 1/84/13, 1/9/1, 4/32/1, 8/6/5, 1/30/4, 10/186/1. This proves clearly that Vedas are the most ancient scientific sages on this universe. It gives us knowledge about our glorious past. In the Vedas we get to know a variety of aeroplanes, which cannot be known even from the epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata. This goes on further to prove that in the times of Ramayana and Mahabharata there was nobody, who could understand the Vedas properly.
In the hymns of Rigveda 1/41/3 there are instructions about such aeroplanes or vehicles which have a three dimensional function. That is these vehicles can move on earth, in the sky and also in the periphery of other planets. These vehicles were supposed to be made of gold. In the next class there are instructions about the use of rays.
In Rigveda 1/49/7 and 1/50/1 to 23 different theorems are described about the use of sunrays in the chariot aeroplanes.
Thus, our Vedic scholars are not getting over the old theories and are not willing to take a fresh look at the Vedas. If they look at the Vedic scriptures with an unbiased and open mind and try to study the same, then this will result into an undying wish of reading the Vedic literature in the universe. One can find solution to the most critical and complicated problems and thus make progress.
Tag Names : Rugveda,Ved |