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(1) The two Kingdom governing authorities meet in the palace made by many pillars on the best place.

jktkukoufenqzgk /kqzos lnL;qRresA lgL=LFkw.ks vklkrs AA _Xosn 2 & 41 & 5

  1. Grutsamada 2) Mitravaruni 3) Gayatri.

Meaning:- Like the day & night inter – related with each other the king (authority) of the pinda & the brahmanda. The life (creature/human) & the brahma without doing the any hate/ enemity or killing, with each other site in front of each other in the sahashatrashtrar chakra which is always the talented/genius best place, which keeps the information of thousand million news/ things. There is no other such a place, where ;life gets experience of the brahma.

Meaning:- Supplementary ^^fe=ko:.kkS vgfnZokS ¼rk 25 & 10 & 90½

shatpata Brahman ^^o:.kksoS nsokuka ,tkA shatpata Brahman 12 – 8 – 3 – 10 o:.k% lezkV lezkV~ ifr%A ¼rS 2& 5 & 1 & 3½

  1. They wear (do) the action ritual of donation one by taking it with out any shame & the other by giving it without any expectation

^^vdz fogLrkS lqd`rs ijLij ;a =klkFks o:.ksykLoUrk%A

jktkuk {k=eâ.kh;ekuk lgL=LFkw.ka fcHk`Fk% lg }kSAA ¼_ 5 & 62 & 6½

Shrutvidatraya – Mitravaruni – Trishttup

Meaning :- Ganerous, skillful handed with luminous- glittering becoming helpful to each other one asking with out any hesitation and the other giving without any passion both Mitra-Varun soul (spirit) & brahma, in the role of Yoga meditation (for) in the freedom of non expected Karma's expectations for the devotee one who expects to wear/accept the wealth in the form of union ( meeting) in the Sahashatrashtrar Chakra & the other who expects to give that free wealth both accepts (wear) it together

Meaning:- (support supplementary) - The soul (spirit) (creature) expects to get the actual experience & the brahma expects to hold (accept/wear) in it. The creature (soul) goes on asking (expecting) with out any shame & the brahma tries to (expects) push him forward with out becoming angry on his faulte & crimes. The wealth which – makes the great which is achived from (in) the S. Chaka ( the thousand Petaled chakra)

  1. Where is our old friendship ? Where it is (vanished) missed ? Why your palace has become (unknown) impassable ?

d`R;kfu ukS l[;k cHkwoa% lpkogs ;no`da iqjk fpr~A

c`gUra ekua o:.k Lo|ko% lgL=}kja txek x`ga rsAA (Ruk 1-88-5)

Vasishastha – Varun - Tristthup.

Meaning :- O' all mighty god, where our those old friendship relations have been disappeared ? When both of us were wandering together with our any shame & when I was always coming & going in your big house made of hundred doors

Thinking :- In the body of the man the place or house of meeting the God is the hundred petals (thousand) chakra situated in the head (brain) or the Duloka. Though the God is present everywhere but he can be realised in the hundreds chakra or Aditya situated in the head. The Yajurveda's last mantra is the proof of it. The hundred's chakra is it self called the Aditya because the sun (Aditya) is called hundred rays form. The devotees doing meditation can meet that Brahma, in the great cave sahastra doored house S. Chakra only. ^^osuLrRi';Rijea xqgk ;|= fo'oa HkoR;sduhMe~A vFkoZ 2 &1 &1 By saying Anand Swaroop som has supported this thing (form /by) in Rug. 50/44/14 ^^rokgefLel[;sU;ksdk%^^ The Sahasatrar Chakra or the hundred doored gate house and the NI are both same one.

(4) Make Your chariot proper & then come then we will meet.

^^vk rw lqf'kiz nairs jFka fr"Bk fgj.;;e~A

v/k |q{ka lpsofg lgL=ikne:"ka LofLrxkeusgle~AA _d~ 8&6916

Priyamegh (medha)/angiras/ Indra-shakti/

Meaning :- the answer to the question asked in the previous mantra – you have stopped coming. Hay 'O' beautiful headed & having self controlled organs, devotee &owner of the house you do the meditation, by living in the body which is profitable & beautiful. After the completion of your Meditation due to the end of the loving & bright sin, having the thousand (hundred) rays like the sun, which are helpful (fruitful), will wander travel again together in the S. Chakra & they will live there.

Meaning – Supplement – having the beautiful face head & cheeks.

  1. The amazing honour/praie is also accepted of the devotee who reaches at (in) the S. Chakra

vfi cRd nzqo% lqrfeUnz% lgL=ckâs A v=knsfn"V ikSL;e~ ¼_ 9@45@26½

Trishokaha – Kannawahal Indrahal Gayatri.

The mighty god parmatma accepts, less powerful fruitless devotion of the devotee, which reaches in the S.Chakra which is having hundred rays. And boost of manlyness in that devotee who has reached there & makes him his friend.

That parmatma says that he becomes the friend of him & (NI) who reaches in the S. Chakra ^^rokgefLe l[;s U;ksdk%^^ ¼_ 5@44@14½ Pandit Harisharanji gives the meaning of this mantra in the Samveda as follows -

Meaning:- The devotee who becomes own-self -organ controlled & defeats/eats/ends-drinks the bad/work-revengeful-deeds-emotions which are like the female snakes, small child, in this war possible after the hundred attempts. At that time the same God, gives the fourth manlyhood the manlyness. By giving him also all the wealth richness, becomes his friend. And that devotee becomes, very brillint-genius child by the lustre/shine of all the three body, mind & the brain. This friendlyness mixing together becomes the symbolic god Indra.

Meaning Supplement:- There is not possible the Brahma's conception unless & until the S.Chaka house is fulfilled with the lustre/shine, in the spiritual meditation, which points out the many/bad things.

(6) izkphua cfgZjkstlk lgL=ohjeLr`.ku~A

;=kfnR;k fojktFkAA ¼_ 1@188@4½

vxLR;ks eS=ko:f.k%A vkizhlwDre~ & cfgZ%A xk;=hA

Meaning:- The Aditya is bachelor destiny oriented, but progressive covers, the S.Chakra which is situated in the brain, with hundreds spiritual braveries not having any (sexual) emotions, due to he who take outs his semen from the S.Chkra of the brain/head & due to its lusture/shine or the Japa chanting of OM which goes on continuous/ever lasting, non stop. In this emotionless brain remains the S.(hundredth)Chakra, in which the Aditya remains/sits bachelor.

  1. lgL=/kkj 'kr/kkj eqRlef{kra okP;ekua lfyyL; i`"BsA

vtZ nqgkueuiLQqjUreqiklrs firj% Lo/kkfHkAA vFkoZ 18@4@16

vFkokZA ;e~%A eU=ksDrk% firj%A Hkqfjd~ f="Vqi~A

Meaning:- The people who expects, to get see/achieve/become the God, by reaching in the S. Chakra, which is supposed to be on the surface of the water in the brain, remaining stable (unmoving/fix) without any expectations and doing the duties bonded by the controller of the world, the Yama, by experience of the Karmas of the destiny goes on (mixing) bringing together meditation & spirituality by giving the cosmic energy to the world, the speaker of the many vedas and he who never becomes weak the stream of knowledge & light.

Meaning Supplement :- firj%A m'kUrks fg firj%A dk< 36&12 nsok ok ,rs firj%A dkS- 5&6

eR;kZ% firj%A ek'k 2@1@3@4 lgL=a 'kra cgqukekfu 3&1 /kkjk okM~-ukeA fu 1&11

Clues : Conclusion – The meeting with the God or its experience happens only in the S.Chakra in the brain. Those who belive the meeting in the heart. That heart is also cave, or extreme secret, situated in the brain



 Title : The Place Of Unity Of Soul and Brahma Author : Manohar Vidyalankar

(1) The two Kingdom governing authorities meet in the palace made by many pillars on the best place.

jktkukoufenqzgk /kqzos lnL;qRresA lgL=LFkw.ks vklkrs AA _Xosn 2 & 41 & 5

  1. Grutsamada 2) Mitravaruni 3) Gayatri.

Meaning:- Like the day & night inter – related with each other the king (authority) of the pinda & the brahmanda. The life (creature/human) & the brahma without doing the any hate/ enemity or killing, with each other site in front of each other in the sahashatrashtrar chakra which is always the talented/genius best place, which keeps the information of thousand million news/ things. There is no other such a place, where ;life gets experience of the brahma.

Meaning:- Supplementary ^^fe=ko:.kkS vgfnZokS ¼rk 25 & 10 & 90½

shatpata Brahman ^^o:.kksoS nsokuka ,tkA shatpata Brahman 12 – 8 – 3 – 10 o:.k% lezkV lezkV~ ifr%A ¼rS 2& 5 & 1 & 3½

  1. They wear (do) the action ritual of donation one by taking it with out any shame & the other by giving it without any expectation

^^vdz fogLrkS lqd`rs ijLij ;a =klkFks o:.ksykLoUrk%A

jktkuk {k=eâ.kh;ekuk lgL=LFkw.ka fcHk`Fk% lg }kSAA ¼_ 5 & 62 & 6½

Shrutvidatraya – Mitravaruni – Trishttup

Meaning :- Ganerous, skillful handed with luminous- glittering becoming helpful to each other one asking with out any hesitation and the other giving without any passion both Mitra-Varun soul (spirit) & brahma, in the role of Yoga meditation (for) in the freedom of non expected Karma's expectations for the devotee one who expects to wear/accept the wealth in the form of union ( meeting) in the Sahashatrashtrar Chakra & the other who expects to give that free wealth both accepts (wear) it together

Meaning:- (support supplementary) - The soul (spirit) (creature) expects to get the actual experience & the brahma expects to hold (accept/wear) in it. The creature (soul) goes on asking (expecting) with out any shame & the brahma tries to (expects) push him forward with out becoming angry on his faulte & crimes. The wealth which – makes the great which is achived from (in) the S. Chaka ( the thousand Petaled chakra)

  1. Where is our old friendship ? Where it is (vanished) missed ? Why your palace has become (unknown) impassable ?

d`R;kfu ukS l[;k cHkwoa% lpkogs ;no`da iqjk fpr~A

c`gUra ekua o:.k Lo|ko% lgL=}kja txek x`ga rsAA (Ruk 1-88-5)

Vasishastha – Varun - Tristthup.

Meaning :- O' all mighty god, where our those old friendship relations have been disappeared ? When both of us were wandering together with our any shame & when I was always coming & going in your big house made of hundred doors

Thinking :- In the body of the man the place or house of meeting the God is the hundred petals (thousand) chakra situated in the head (brain) or the Duloka. Though the God is present everywhere but he can be realised in the hundreds chakra or Aditya situated in the head. The Yajurveda's last mantra is the proof of it. The hundred's chakra is it self called the Aditya because the sun (Aditya) is called hundred rays form. The devotees doing meditation can meet that Brahma, in the great cave sahastra doored house S. Chakra only. ^^osuLrRi';Rijea xqgk ;|= fo'oa HkoR;sduhMe~A vFkoZ 2 &1 &1 By saying Anand Swaroop som has supported this thing (form /by) in Rug. 50/44/14 ^^rokgefLel[;sU;ksdk%^^ The Sahasatrar Chakra or the hundred doored gate house and the NI are both same one.

(4) Make Your chariot proper & then come then we will meet.

^^vk rw lqf'kiz nairs jFka fr"Bk fgj.;;e~A

v/k |q{ka lpsofg lgL=ikne:"ka LofLrxkeusgle~AA _d~ 8&6916

Priyamegh (medha)/angiras/ Indra-shakti/

Meaning :- the answer to the question asked in the previous mantra – you have stopped coming. Hay 'O' beautiful headed & having self controlled organs, devotee &owner of the house you do the meditation, by living in the body which is profitable & beautiful. After the completion of your Meditation due to the end of the loving & bright sin, having the thousand (hundred) rays like the sun, which are helpful (fruitful), will wander travel again together in the S. Chakra & they will live there.

Meaning – Supplement – having the beautiful face head & cheeks.

  1. The amazing honour/praie is also accepted of the devotee who reaches at (in) the S. Chakra

vfi cRd nzqo% lqrfeUnz% lgL=ckâs A v=knsfn"V ikSL;e~ ¼_ 9@45@26½

Trishokaha – Kannawahal Indrahal Gayatri.

The mighty god parmatma accepts, less powerful fruitless devotion of the devotee, which reaches in the S.Chakra which is having hundred rays. And boost of manlyness in that devotee who has reached there & makes him his friend.

That parmatma says that he becomes the friend of him & (NI) who reaches in the S. Chakra ^^rokgefLe l[;s U;ksdk%^^ ¼_ 5@44@14½ Pandit Harisharanji gives the meaning of this mantra in the Samveda as follows -

Meaning:- The devotee who becomes own-self -organ controlled & defeats/eats/ends-drinks the bad/work-revengeful-deeds-emotions which are like the female snakes, small child, in this war possible after the hundred attempts. At that time the same God, gives the fourth manlyhood the manlyness. By giving him also all the wealth richness, becomes his friend. And that devotee becomes, very brillint-genius child by the lustre/shine of all the three body, mind & the brain. This friendlyness mixing together becomes the symbolic god Indra.

Meaning Supplement:- There is not possible the Brahma's conception unless & until the S.Chaka house is fulfilled with the lustre/shine, in the spiritual meditation, which points out the many/bad things.

(6) izkphua cfgZjkstlk lgL=ohjeLr`.ku~A

;=kfnR;k fojktFkAA ¼_ 1@188@4½

vxLR;ks eS=ko:f.k%A vkizhlwDre~ & cfgZ%A xk;=hA

Meaning:- The Aditya is bachelor destiny oriented, but progressive covers, the S.Chakra which is situated in the brain, with hundreds spiritual braveries not having any (sexual) emotions, due to he who take outs his semen from the S.Chkra of the brain/head & due to its lusture/shine or the Japa chanting of OM which goes on continuous/ever lasting, non stop. In this emotionless brain remains the S.(hundredth)Chakra, in which the Aditya remains/sits bachelor.

  1. lgL=/kkj 'kr/kkj eqRlef{kra okP;ekua lfyyL; i`"BsA

vtZ nqgkueuiLQqjUreqiklrs firj% Lo/kkfHkAA vFkoZ 18@4@16

vFkokZA ;e~%A eU=ksDrk% firj%A Hkqfjd~ f="Vqi~A

Meaning:- The people who expects, to get see/achieve/become the God, by reaching in the S. Chakra, which is supposed to be on the surface of the water in the brain, remaining stable (unmoving/fix) without any expectations and doing the duties bonded by the controller of the world, the Yama, by experience of the Karmas of the destiny goes on (mixing) bringing together meditation & spirituality by giving the cosmic energy to the world, the speaker of the many vedas and he who never becomes weak the stream of knowledge & light.

Meaning Supplement :- firj%A m'kUrks fg firj%A dk< 36&12 nsok ok ,rs firj%A dkS- 5&6

eR;kZ% firj%A ek'k 2@1@3@4 lgL=a 'kra cgqukekfu 3&1 /kkjk okM~-ukeA fu 1&11

Clues : Conclusion – The meeting with the God or its experience happens only in the S.Chakra in the brain. Those who belive the meeting in the heart. That heart is also cave, or extreme secret, situated in the brain



Tag Names : Athrvaved,Rugveda,Ved
About Translator:Dr Anil Athvle Pune
Other articles of this author :
1 Ved me Vishwas Or Sharddha
2 Vedon Me Gruhsthon ke Liye Nirdesh
3 Jivan Ko Safal Kaise Banaye
4 Surya Or Aditya
5 Parmeshwar Sab Ko Sukh Dukh Maptol Kar Deta He
6 Ushakal Me Jagkar Surya Sevan Ke Labh
7 Jivan Bhr Dugdh Pan Ke Labh
8 Ved Me Sadgruhastho ke Liye Nirdesh
9 Smarniya Tathya
10 Ved Ka Bahudha Chrchit Rognivarak Avam Dirghayu Pradsutra
11 Atam Sambodhan
12 Yadyana Japyadnesmi Geeta
13 Vedon Me Paap Ki Charcha Bhi He
14 Ved Me Nirdhith Karmo Ke Udaharan
15 Women in Indian Culture
16 Kamdhuk varda vedmata
17 Atyaya anadinaam Om Ya Brahma Or Prachlit Naam Eshvar Ya Radra
18 Ek Devta Ke Tin Naam
19 Vishnu Or Tvashta
20 Kamnapurti Me Sahhayak Vedmantra
21 Swasth Va Dirgh Jivan Ke liye Avashak Tattvs
22 Stuti Se Adrush Atmbal Prayati Ka Drush
23 Parmeshwar Ke Upnaam Padharth
24 Rut ke Anek Arth
25 Parmeshwar Ke Anshik Guno Ke Pratinidhi Devo
26 Vaidic Sapat Maryadon Par Vichar
27 Ved Ke Sarvakalik Ashirvad
28 Yajurved Ka Swadhay Yajurved Me Rashtr Vyavtha
29 Vedon Ki Rushikaye Or Bhartiya Sanskriti
30 Vaidic Shasan Ke Prarup Ki Zalak
31 Brahma Ke Saat Naam
32 Druk ek ma madal se
33 Kamdhuk varda vedmata Bhay Nivarak Mantra
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