Title : Vaidic Philosophy Of Dev Tatva |
Author : Mangilal Mishra |
In Hindi and the other Indian languages, the world (Devta) has became of similar meaning (synonym) of the word (God).but it is not so, in Sanskrut language. In Sanskrit (Devta) is theFeminine word and (Devi) is the Feminine form of the word (Dev). In Rigveda every mantra (chant) points out, the METRE, “Devta” “SAGE” related to it, and the use of that mantra in vaidic deeds. Though, 'Devta' word is Feminine, the names that follow, are generally masculine. For example, the Devta of a certain Mantra, is “INDRA' of another Mantra is 'VISHNU' of certain other one is 'RUDRA' There may be some special reason of adjoining Feminine title with the masculine names.
If the creator of Mantra, had the aim of stating that, that Mantra is related to a particular God, he would have used the word DEV straight ways why should he write DEVTA. Actually in vaidu literature, the meaning of the word DEVTA is different from DEV. Let us turn towards Vedas. Vedas is not the volume of philosophy, there is no guessing or reasoning no meaning of (Science) no arguments in that. But , it is one meditation, which is explained in complete Vedas, and that it self is the basic support of Vaidic principles and advice.
This world is eternal and infinite. There was not any period when it was not there. There will not be any period, when it will not exist. How can we imagine the start of it which has no commencement ? Still it is believed , that the power of the Universe, is external, but its state is changeable, In that transposition, one state occurs, when the complete Universe, shrinks, and attains its original form. This stage is known as ….. (contraction) or ….. (Doomsday). All the physical substances, get into their minutest form.
In that state, no difference exists in the day, night, the earth, lustre, water, wind, sky. No organ exists, no mind exists, no Gods exist. Everything is invisible and unseparated. According no Nasadiya Sukta (10,12) “ “ In that state, we cannot even say that, it was false or true” uklnklhUuks lnk{khr~ rnkuhe~
But, this stage cannot remain throughout. There were souls also in the world that united and became one with the “SUPREME POWER” The deeds of those countless souls, since birth, had some effects. These accomplishments, have to bear their fruit, because the “KARMA-SIDDHANT” is inevitable. The souls had to been happiness and sorrow again, and they wanted the new world for that. Hence, the Supreme creates the Touchstone, tram or and speed in it self, as if the sleeping person yawns (by stretching his limbs). This supreme God, with the body is known as “Hiranya Garbh” fgj.;xHkZ% leorZrkxzsA The Study of Vedas, makes it clear, that in the beginning, there was one power, one DEV or DEVTA, one good substance, which attained many forms :ia :ia izfr:ia cHkwo The whole universe is its form only, which is Nectar, and deathless or external. Only the “YOGIS” (Sages) can experience that.
In the beginning of the creation of the World, it was divided into three(3) forms. One Devta was transformed into three – AGNI DEVTA, VATO DEVTA and SURYA DEVTA. The Agni is controlling the lower “Earth” the VAYU is controlling the Middle “SKY” and the “SUN” is directing the higher “Heaven”. The fire burning on the EARTH, the Air that gives pleasure to the body and the SUN shining in the Sky, are the symbols, and the external forms of Agni, Vayu and Surya.
As the world expanded and progressed, the expansion and progress of “PARASHAKTI” of the Supreme was also inevitable. It was one vkuhnokra Lo/k;k rnsde~ But according to situation, it appeared in many forms. In order to create pleasures and sorrows, of the souls, and to fulfil their passions and needs, it is necessary to do many types of work. According to that only, SHAKTI attains its form. The Heat electric current the strength of muscles, Hunger, Thirst, the energy behind the movement of pulse, the brilliancy, the awakening of KUNDALINI by Yogis, are all the forms of Shakti.
These different forms of Shakti are called “DEVTA” in Vedas, these “DEVTA” are described in different forms of Nature, and the Masters of Shakti or the great symbols of Shakti who have captured Shakti. There are many forms of Shakti and hence Devta also are numerous. The word DEVTA is feminine, as it is the synonym of shakti Devta are numbereless. It is impossible vfXu nsork okrksnsork lw;ksZ nsork oloks nsork c`gLifr nsorsUnzks nsork o:.kksnsork These are 12 names but it does not mean that there are only 12 devta. There are 49 MARUT, while RUDRA are numberous thousands and the particular number of all the God's is not stated.
To continue the masculine names like INDRA etc. with the Feminine word “DEVTA” is the special Vaidic tradition. The meaning of INDRA is ANDRI SHAKTI meaning of VISHNU is VAISHNAVI SHAKTI and the meaning of RUDRA is RAUDRI SHAKTI Whatever may be the actual form of these Shaktis, when the name of INDRA etc. is combined with the name of Indra etc is combined with the Mantra, it does not point towards a particular God, but it suggests the 'Tatva Shakti'. The conclusion is not at a number of places in Vedas, the word is the synonym of those spots suggest the particular differnces of Para Shakti of Devatas. The Agni, Vayu, (Air) Aditya, Indra etc, are not the names of persons, but the names of Shaktis.
There are numerous forms of SHAKTI. The counting of DEVATAS is not possible. Veda describes the way of awakening those shaktis and Devtas. The man cannot himself find the way of their awakening and taking work from them. This is the secret of the Scientific Philosophy of “DEVTA” in human life.
In Hindi and the other Indian languages, the world (Devta) has became of similar meaning (synonym) of the word (God).but it is not so, in Sanskrut language. In Sanskrit (Devta) is theFeminine word and (Devi) is the Feminine form of the word (Dev). In Rigveda every mantra (chant) points out, the METRE, “Devta” “SAGE” related to it, and the use of that mantra in vaidic deeds. Though, 'Devta' word is Feminine, the names that follow, are generally masculine. For example, the Devta of a certain Mantra, is “INDRA' of another Mantra is 'VISHNU' of certain other one is 'RUDRA' There may be some special reason of adjoining Feminine title with the masculine names.
If the creator of Mantra, had the aim of stating that, that Mantra is related to a particular God, he would have used the word DEV straight ways why should he write DEVTA. Actually in vaidu literature, the meaning of the word DEVTA is different from DEV. Let us turn towards Vedas. Vedas is not the volume of philosophy, there is no guessing or reasoning no meaning of (Science) no arguments in that. But , it is one meditation, which is explained in complete Vedas, and that it self is the basic support of Vaidic principles and advice.
This world is eternal and infinite. There was not any period when it was not there. There will not be any period, when it will not exist. How can we imagine the start of it which has no commencement ? Still it is believed , that the power of the Universe, is external, but its state is changeable, In that transposition, one state occurs, when the complete Universe, shrinks, and attains its original form. This stage is known as ….. (contraction) or ….. (Doomsday). All the physical substances, get into their minutest form.
In that state, no difference exists in the day, night, the earth, lustre, water, wind, sky. No organ exists, no mind exists, no Gods exist. Everything is invisible and unseparated. According no Nasadiya Sukta (10,12) “ “ In that state, we cannot even say that, it was false or true” uklnklhUuks lnk{khr~ rnkuhe~
But, this stage cannot remain throughout. There were souls also in the world that united and became one with the “SUPREME POWER” The deeds of those countless souls, since birth, had some effects. These accomplishments, have to bear their fruit, because the “KARMA-SIDDHANT” is inevitable. The souls had to been happiness and sorrow again, and they wanted the new world for that. Hence, the Supreme creates the Touchstone, tram or and speed in it self, as if the sleeping person yawns (by stretching his limbs). This supreme God, with the body is known as “Hiranya Garbh” fgj.;xHkZ% leorZrkxzsA The Study of Vedas, makes it clear, that in the beginning, there was one power, one DEV or DEVTA, one good substance, which attained many forms :ia :ia izfr:ia cHkwo The whole universe is its form only, which is Nectar, and deathless or external. Only the “YOGIS” (Sages) can experience that.
In the beginning of the creation of the World, it was divided into three(3) forms. One Devta was transformed into three – AGNI DEVTA, VATO DEVTA and SURYA DEVTA. The Agni is controlling the lower “Earth” the VAYU is controlling the Middle “SKY” and the “SUN” is directing the higher “Heaven”. The fire burning on the EARTH, the Air that gives pleasure to the body and the SUN shining in the Sky, are the symbols, and the external forms of Agni, Vayu and Surya.
As the world expanded and progressed, the expansion and progress of “PARASHAKTI” of the Supreme was also inevitable. It was one vkuhnokra Lo/k;k rnsde~ But according to situation, it appeared in many forms. In order to create pleasures and sorrows, of the souls, and to fulfil their passions and needs, it is necessary to do many types of work. According to that only, SHAKTI attains its form. The Heat electric current the strength of muscles, Hunger, Thirst, the energy behind the movement of pulse, the brilliancy, the awakening of KUNDALINI by Yogis, are all the forms of Shakti.
These different forms of Shakti are called “DEVTA” in Vedas, these “DEVTA” are described in different forms of Nature, and the Masters of Shakti or the great symbols of Shakti who have captured Shakti. There are many forms of Shakti and hence Devta also are numerous. The word DEVTA is feminine, as it is the synonym of shakti Devta are numbereless. It is impossible vfXu nsork okrksnsork lw;ksZ nsork oloks nsork c`gLifr nsorsUnzks nsork o:.kksnsork These are 12 names but it does not mean that there are only 12 devta. There are 49 MARUT, while RUDRA are numberous thousands and the particular number of all the God's is not stated.
To continue the masculine names like INDRA etc. with the Feminine word “DEVTA” is the special Vaidic tradition. The meaning of INDRA is ANDRI SHAKTI meaning of VISHNU is VAISHNAVI SHAKTI and the meaning of RUDRA is RAUDRI SHAKTI Whatever may be the actual form of these Shaktis, when the name of INDRA etc. is combined with the name of Indra etc is combined with the Mantra, it does not point towards a particular God, but it suggests the 'Tatva Shakti'. The conclusion is not at a number of places in Vedas, the word is the synonym of those spots suggest the particular differnces of Para Shakti of Devatas. The Agni, Vayu, (Air) Aditya, Indra etc, are not the names of persons, but the names of Shaktis.
There are numerous forms of SHAKTI. The counting of DEVATAS is not possible. Veda describes the way of awakening those shaktis and Devtas. The man cannot himself find the way of their awakening and taking work from them. This is the secret of the Scientific Philosophy of “DEVTA” in human life. |
Tag Names : Ved |
About Translator:Dr. Anil Athvale |