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Vedas are the support of our ancient tradition. Our history is ancient and dates back to the period of Vedas. The philosophical aspects created for the well being of man have their roots in the Vedas. Vedas and Indian ness share a natural relationship.

B. Shankarachayra has explained in Gitabhashya about the religion proposed by veda that, "God created the world and also created great saints like Marichee and others and gave them the knowledge of world objects as described in the Vedas. On the other hand, he also created Sanaka, Sanandana etc. and taught them the knowledge of renouncement, retirement.

The religion in the Vedas is of two types. One is related to attachment to worldly objects and other is that of retirement and repose. Its detailed explanation in given in a very uncommon way which can also be called as the definition of religion. The great saints Kanada has defined religion in his Vaisheshic Darshan as, "Religion is that which can prove the existence and salvation. Existence means progress, worldly accomplishments and salvation means final liberation, absolution. Acharya has explained the same thing in the following way, "Existence in this world and attaining progress and salvation are the goals in life of human beings and that itself is religion." This religion should be followed by the Brahmins and also by the four classes. Only progress or only salvation is not approved by Vedas. Vedas demand a combination of two.

In Ishawasya Upanishada both salvation and existence are said as equally knowledgeable. One must comprehend knowledge and ignorance both. One who knows them conquers death by ignorance and gets immortality by knowledge. Here the ignorance means the knowledge of material, mortal world and knowledge means knowledge of the universe.

Whatever is required by man to live in this world is material knowledge. All things like farming to physics and practical knowledge to politics are essential for the wurvival of man. All these are called ignorance. These can help one to conquer death. Death means grief. Lack of knowledge, poverty and pain make the living person like a dead one.

With lack of knowledge, health and prosperity the man becomes worthless, thus not doing anything for himself and for the family and the society. These grieves and worries can he conquered only by material knowledge which in turn makes one's life full of knowledge, it gives prosperity, happiness and peace. Gaining immortality and conquering death are two entirely different things. It is easy to attain universal knowledge if life is without any attributes. There is no produced or unproduced obstacle in the path of attaining salvation. All the duties to be done in this life have been completed, so they have reached a conclusion. One has work without ego. The work which is in the form of good and bad has no effect on the supernatural. The work is a means of purifying the mind so it gives man the capacity to attain salvation.

But if only one knowledge is learned for people who want to achieve only salvation or only material progress it is said- One who worships ignorance lives in total darkness and people go in more darkness who only worship knowledge.

It's a very strange thing that one who worships knowledge also goes in a spell of darkness. The darkness attained by worshipping ignorance is understandable. But the darkness achieved by worshipping knowledge in not understandable, it is more serious and deep. This is the mystery of the definition of religion.

If we do not retire or get away from sadness or grief then how will we progress in life? The word'Shanti' meaning peace is uttered three times. First time it is said for spiritual peace, second time for material peace and the third time for peace from things brought about by the evil spirits.

One must aspire of living a life of 100 years when one is doing his work. Work of any kind, like practical, ritual or worship related does not get closely united with ego. Its an ancient stiry that Lord Krishna gave the advice of Karma (Work) to Visawan, who is a descendent of kingly tradition and capable of making material progress.

This is the moral form of the vedic thought process. The Indians are already aware of the biographies and life histories of the famous 'Rajarshis' who have practiced it. Just like 'Gruhasthashram' meaning the life of a householder is the basis of all Ashrams or religious orders of a Brahmins life, in the same way the religion of Rajarshis is the basis of detachment, basis of religion is retirement and the basis of salvation is knowledge. When the nation is safe and sound because of the kings weapon only then science and meditation can be done.

The sons and grandsons of great people like Prajapati Maharishi Marichee, Atri, Angira, Pulatsya, Phulaha, Kratu, Vashishtha, became the promoters of the royaldynasty. The promoters for the path of salvation were Sanak, Sanandana, Sanatana, Sanatkumar and their disciples Mahagyani, Mahasiddha, Brahmavishwa etc.

The od himself has practiced both existence and salvation in the Adi period. The 'Karmayoga' propounded by Veda is about the combination of three principal qualities. The basis of Vedanta religion is living life without expecting anything out of life. Attachment with worldly objects is beneficial to the society, retirement or detachment is for attaining personal salvation. Vedic rites and rituals are not an obstacle in the process of retirement or even worldly pleasure. Religion, wealth, desire these three classes and naturalism are beneficial to life. The fourth class that is salvation is beneficial to the soul, which is achieved by Yoga. This is Vedanta; the final part of the Vedas which is the Upanishadas called as Bramhavidya.

Upnishads contain advice not only by Bramharshis that is sages who are Brahmins by birth but also by Rajarshis - sages who previously belonged to a royal family. The state of Indians has deteriorated because of Indian philosophy, Vedas, Vedanta or spirituality. People became indifferent to the material world, they believed that everything that exists is an illusion and it is false. They deprived themselves of everything and brought about popverty. Knowledge of worship, salvation, Vedas, Sacrifice etc. is futile.

People who believe in the theory that one should leave the material world and just indulge in worship and praise of God can never make progress in life. This thought is well known in todays world. Many historians propagate this theory considering the material progress of the Western world. This will be a baseless idea if we believe that our ancient history or legend never existed. The narratives from the history about the prosperity and science would become imaginary. The forbidding resolutions passed by the foreign rulers ruling India became firm.

Macaulay has said about history and nation that, "If you wish to destroy a nation, destroy its history first and the nation will be destroyed on its own."

In India, Vedas and vedism still exist today. There is some magic which will never destroy the identify of Indians.

The framework and structure of the Indian philosophystill exists today. It was brought to its full use from all its angles, and that is ancient history. From seeing the structure one can easily get a very good idea of the past and no one can easily get mislead.

 Title : Vedism and Partial Form Of History Author : Vasantrao Vakil

Read In Hindi

Vedas are the support of our ancient tradition. Our history is ancient and dates back to the period of Vedas. The philosophical aspects created for the well being of man have their roots in the Vedas. Vedas and Indian ness share a natural relationship.

B. Shankarachayra has explained in Gitabhashya about the religion proposed by veda that, "God created the world and also created great saints like Marichee and others and gave them the knowledge of world objects as described in the Vedas. On the other hand, he also created Sanaka, Sanandana etc. and taught them the knowledge of renouncement, retirement.

The religion in the Vedas is of two types. One is related to attachment to worldly objects and other is that of retirement and repose. Its detailed explanation in given in a very uncommon way which can also be called as the definition of religion. The great saints Kanada has defined religion in his Vaisheshic Darshan as, "Religion is that which can prove the existence and salvation. Existence means progress, worldly accomplishments and salvation means final liberation, absolution. Acharya has explained the same thing in the following way, "Existence in this world and attaining progress and salvation are the goals in life of human beings and that itself is religion." This religion should be followed by the Brahmins and also by the four classes. Only progress or only salvation is not approved by Vedas. Vedas demand a combination of two.

In Ishawasya Upanishada both salvation and existence are said as equally knowledgeable. One must comprehend knowledge and ignorance both. One who knows them conquers death by ignorance and gets immortality by knowledge. Here the ignorance means the knowledge of material, mortal world and knowledge means knowledge of the universe.

Whatever is required by man to live in this world is material knowledge. All things like farming to physics and practical knowledge to politics are essential for the wurvival of man. All these are called ignorance. These can help one to conquer death. Death means grief. Lack of knowledge, poverty and pain make the living person like a dead one.

With lack of knowledge, health and prosperity the man becomes worthless, thus not doing anything for himself and for the family and the society. These grieves and worries can he conquered only by material knowledge which in turn makes one's life full of knowledge, it gives prosperity, happiness and peace. Gaining immortality and conquering death are two entirely different things. It is easy to attain universal knowledge if life is without any attributes. There is no produced or unproduced obstacle in the path of attaining salvation. All the duties to be done in this life have been completed, so they have reached a conclusion. One has work without ego. The work which is in the form of good and bad has no effect on the supernatural. The work is a means of purifying the mind so it gives man the capacity to attain salvation.

But if only one knowledge is learned for people who want to achieve only salvation or only material progress it is said- One who worships ignorance lives in total darkness and people go in more darkness who only worship knowledge.

It's a very strange thing that one who worships knowledge also goes in a spell of darkness. The darkness attained by worshipping ignorance is understandable. But the darkness achieved by worshipping knowledge in not understandable, it is more serious and deep. This is the mystery of the definition of religion.

If we do not retire or get away from sadness or grief then how will we progress in life? The word'Shanti' meaning peace is uttered three times. First time it is said for spiritual peace, second time for material peace and the third time for peace from things brought about by the evil spirits.

One must aspire of living a life of 100 years when one is doing his work. Work of any kind, like practical, ritual or worship related does not get closely united with ego. Its an ancient stiry that Lord Krishna gave the advice of Karma (Work) to Visawan, who is a descendent of kingly tradition and capable of making material progress.

This is the moral form of the vedic thought process. The Indians are already aware of the biographies and life histories of the famous 'Rajarshis' who have practiced it. Just like 'Gruhasthashram' meaning the life of a householder is the basis of all Ashrams or religious orders of a Brahmins life, in the same way the religion of Rajarshis is the basis of detachment, basis of religion is retirement and the basis of salvation is knowledge. When the nation is safe and sound because of the kings weapon only then science and meditation can be done.

The sons and grandsons of great people like Prajapati Maharishi Marichee, Atri, Angira, Pulatsya, Phulaha, Kratu, Vashishtha, became the promoters of the royaldynasty. The promoters for the path of salvation were Sanak, Sanandana, Sanatana, Sanatkumar and their disciples Mahagyani, Mahasiddha, Brahmavishwa etc.

The od himself has practiced both existence and salvation in the Adi period. The 'Karmayoga' propounded by Veda is about the combination of three principal qualities. The basis of Vedanta religion is living life without expecting anything out of life. Attachment with worldly objects is beneficial to the society, retirement or detachment is for attaining personal salvation. Vedic rites and rituals are not an obstacle in the process of retirement or even worldly pleasure. Religion, wealth, desire these three classes and naturalism are beneficial to life. The fourth class that is salvation is beneficial to the soul, which is achieved by Yoga. This is Vedanta; the final part of the Vedas which is the Upanishadas called as Bramhavidya.

Upnishads contain advice not only by Bramharshis that is sages who are Brahmins by birth but also by Rajarshis - sages who previously belonged to a royal family. The state of Indians has deteriorated because of Indian philosophy, Vedas, Vedanta or spirituality. People became indifferent to the material world, they believed that everything that exists is an illusion and it is false. They deprived themselves of everything and brought about popverty. Knowledge of worship, salvation, Vedas, Sacrifice etc. is futile.

People who believe in the theory that one should leave the material world and just indulge in worship and praise of God can never make progress in life. This thought is well known in todays world. Many historians propagate this theory considering the material progress of the Western world. This will be a baseless idea if we believe that our ancient history or legend never existed. The narratives from the history about the prosperity and science would become imaginary. The forbidding resolutions passed by the foreign rulers ruling India became firm.

Macaulay has said about history and nation that, "If you wish to destroy a nation, destroy its history first and the nation will be destroyed on its own."

In India, Vedas and vedism still exist today. There is some magic which will never destroy the identify of Indians.

The framework and structure of the Indian philosophystill exists today. It was brought to its full use from all its angles, and that is ancient history. From seeing the structure one can easily get a very good idea of the past and no one can easily get mislead.

Tag Names : Upnishad,Eshavsya ,Eshavsya
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