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In spite of the loss of numerous books on religion , the flow of study of the ancient Hindu religion continued in India. The tradition of following the shastras never stopped, nor did the creation of books on shastras , sutras ,comments ,criticism etc. on the religion. Even the thought processes generated by the books that were lost in the passage of time continued.

It is impossible that the shadow of death will fall upon the elixir-like flow of thoughts of the well being and all round welfare of all human beings of this universe that have been coursing through the multitudes of pious Hindu followers, that originated from the eternally loving, caring heart of the Almighty and was further enhanced and spread all around by the pious Indian ascetics and Rishis with their own penances , study and pious ways of life.

Religion is the centre , the core of the Indian life. Every facet , every aspect of the Indian life is ruled and governed by the religion. All activities in India are performed only after keeping the religion at the core of things with utmost respect. The organization of the Indian family , Indian society, as well as the nation , the control of its economics, duties etc., the rights and duties of all the different cadres of men and women in this vast land regarding education , health , agriculture , arts commerce , their actual practices and philosophy , study of sciences, history , literature etc., are all based on religion. It is the religion that has kept bound together each and every aspect of the life of innumerable men and women with different tastes, physical , mental and intellectual capacities , and also has provided them with role models in each aspect of life. Religion is the soul of India. India exists because religion exists. Whenever religion has lost its place of ominence , India lost its Indianness.

Religion has been the central pivot of Indian life since times immemorial, and has immortalized the Indian race on this planet. Other races , which could not or did not place their religion at the centre of life, emerged and perished with the emergence and death of their economic and military might. But the Indian race will never perish even if India becomes completely devoid of its economic and military might. The earliest generations of the Indian race have lent it immortality by originating a religion-based way of life in each and every aspect.The Indian race may become weak and powerless, it may become poor and penniless , but if it sticks to its religion , it will never perish , or lose itself into other races. In fact, after studying the history of the emergence and death of all the other human races in the world, if any race� yearns to becoming immortal by learning the skills and philosophy of making religion as the central pivot of its life and believing it implicitly , it will be compelled to learn to do from India.

There is a saying or a moral in Sanskrit , which literally means that the earth belongs to the one who conquers it, and only he is worthy of enjoying it. Inspired by this, many other races have conquered and ruled the world, thoroughly enjoyed its kingdom , even brutalized it , delivered untold hardships upon the weaker races , but only for a limited time. After their times elapsed , after the tides of time turned , all of them perished. The creators of the Hindu Puranas, by recording the emergence and death of untold demons, have explained quite explicitly the meaningfulness as well as meaninglessness of the above Sanskrit adage. The only mantra of immortality of a race as told by Lord Krishna is “There is Victory (or continued life) Where There� is Religion”. Even He based His immortal teachings on religion. It is only the race based on religion that has the blessings and backing of the God and thus earns immortality. Of course , it has to face the storms of hardships and poverty , but it emerges victorious in the final analysis of things.

Ancient Religion and Narrow-minded Religion

This is reason why wise leaders of the India race have endeavored to save the shastras through continuous calamities, many times even accepting death for this cause. Even in the times when the whole future seemed one continuous, unending tunnel of darkness, they did everything to maintain the continuity of the flow of religion based life without ever losing faith in seeing light at the end of the tunnel, they exerted themselves beyond limits and bore untold hardships, and finally got the rewards for it. Unreligious powers were defeated and victory banners of the religion fluttered high in the skies again and again.

The original religious shastras of India are not confined to a specific race or even a specific cadre or class. The ancient Hindu religion is no narrow faith, though many such narrow faiths have originated from it. Since times immemorial, the eternal , universal truths of the ancient Hindu religion have manifested themselves in various forms through such narrow faith , but the ancient Hindu religion has never kept limited itself like these. All narrow religions and faiths emerge by propagating a particular philosophy , a particular way of worship, way of life , ethics, and acquire following. All human beings have different tastes, talents, natures, intellects , but everybody yearns to make the human life meaningful. Thus every man and woman needs a way of worship, a way of life, and a religious faith suitable to his or her tastes , talents, nature, and intellect. This is why the ancient Hindu religion has always honored and even furthered all the other religious faiths, however narrow they may be. In order that there should be no conflicts between faiths, and everybody should advance peacefully towards his or her ultimate goals, it has always assisted them. The ancient Hindu religion has never posed hindrances in the path of development of these narrow faiths. It has always honored the freedom of choice of following the faith of his or her own wishes, depending upon the feelings, tendencies, tastes, nature, talents and intellect of each individual. The ancient Hindu religion has accorded full freedom to everyone regarding the choice of the way of worship, mentor student relations, or philosophy. It has accepted and preserved many conflicting philosophies, ways of worship, ways of following, ethics and morals in its broad bosom, and maintained the integrity of each and every one of them. Since prehistoric times, there have been countless narrow faiths that emerged out of the loving, caring bosom of the ancient Hindu religion, grew in stature , even competed and conflicted with each other,and became independent from the original tree. But the vast power and immortal life of the ancient Hindu religion went on just as it has been for the vast power and immortal life of the ancient Hindu Religion went on just as it has been for many thousands of years. At times, many such narrow faiths that originated from the ancient Hindu religion and grew on its elixir of life, preached its philosophy as their own, there by alienating themselves from the mother source, even conflicting and competing with it. The Buddhist faith is one such example. What they have done in India in history. But this storm too blew off, and the Hindu religion resurrected itself in the universe, revamping and brightening itself in the process. Later, many such new narrow faiths merged themselves beautifully with the mother source. The shastras at the base of the ancient Hindu religion are so broad, so great and so timeless, that it has never objected to any other narrow faith, let alone competing or conflicting with it. The basic principles and philosophies� of all the other narrow faiths exist in the Hindu religion with great coordination. It is the religion of the universe, of every human being on this planet. It is based on the soul of the universal man and the ultimate, eternal relationship of the human soul with the Almighty God. The ancient Hindu shastras show the different paths to become one with Him.

Vedas are the original , basic source of the ancient Hindu religion

The Vedas are not the creation of one person, one Rishi or one prophet. They do not preach a specific way of worship, one ‘izm’ , philosophy or way of life. On the other hand, based on the Vedas, many great personalities preached and propagated different ‘izms’ , philosophies , ethics and ways of life. There is a complete union of the human soul with the Great soul in the Vedas. At every juncture, the Great one has manifested Himself and shown the proper path to the humanity. He has manifested Himself in the� from of the Vedas through the wisdom, piety , and great intelligence of the Rishis. They are the medium , the harbingers of His eternal preaching. Since ancient times in this world; they have benen the source of inspiration for the human beings of the universe to understanding this eternal preaching about the eternal truth. The sun , the moon , the fire,the mountains , the rivers, the oceans , the dawn , the dusk , the day , the night , all have been existing on His instructions. These preachings do not take roots in the hearts and minds of the ordinary mortal human beings. The minds and intellects of the ordinary humans,muddied with all the human tendencies and emotions , are incapable of accepting these preachings. But through the Rishis, these preachings take forms of actual words and thus manifest themselves in the society for the well being of all. Based on the knowledge imparted by the Rishis, man is able to understand himself, his being and his soul. He is able to understand the real world, the hidden world, and the eternal soul that exists within the material world. He comes to know that there is only the one Eternal Great Soul that rules the universe, and that He resides in everything and everyone. He experiences the existence of the Eternally Beautiful , Timeless, All powerful Supreme One in the material world, and also comes to know about the knowledge , devotion and deeds necessary to surrender himself completely unto Him, and become one with Him.

 Title : The Shastras and ancient religion of India Author : Dr S.J. Diwakar

In spite of the loss of numerous books on religion , the flow of study of the ancient Hindu religion continued in India. The tradition of following the shastras never stopped, nor did the creation of books on shastras , sutras ,comments ,criticism etc. on the religion. Even the thought processes generated by the books that were lost in the passage of time continued.

It is impossible that the shadow of death will fall upon the elixir-like flow of thoughts of the well being and all round welfare of all human beings of this universe that have been coursing through the multitudes of pious Hindu followers, that originated from the eternally loving, caring heart of the Almighty and was further enhanced and spread all around by the pious Indian ascetics and Rishis with their own penances , study and pious ways of life.

Religion is the centre , the core of the Indian life. Every facet , every aspect of the Indian life is ruled and governed by the religion. All activities in India are performed only after keeping the religion at the core of things with utmost respect. The organization of the Indian family , Indian society, as well as the nation , the control of its economics, duties etc., the rights and duties of all the different cadres of men and women in this vast land regarding education , health , agriculture , arts commerce , their actual practices and philosophy , study of sciences, history , literature etc., are all based on religion. It is the religion that has kept bound together each and every aspect of the life of innumerable men and women with different tastes, physical , mental and intellectual capacities , and also has provided them with role models in each aspect of life. Religion is the soul of India. India exists because religion exists. Whenever religion has lost its place of ominence , India lost its Indianness.

Religion has been the central pivot of Indian life since times immemorial, and has immortalized the Indian race on this planet. Other races , which could not or did not place their religion at the centre of life, emerged and perished with the emergence and death of their economic and military might. But the Indian race will never perish even if India becomes completely devoid of its economic and military might. The earliest generations of the Indian race have lent it immortality by originating a religion-based way of life in each and every aspect.The Indian race may become weak and powerless, it may become poor and penniless , but if it sticks to its religion , it will never perish , or lose itself into other races. In fact, after studying the history of the emergence and death of all the other human races in the world, if any race� yearns to becoming immortal by learning the skills and philosophy of making religion as the central pivot of its life and believing it implicitly , it will be compelled to learn to do from India.

There is a saying or a moral in Sanskrit , which literally means that the earth belongs to the one who conquers it, and only he is worthy of enjoying it. Inspired by this, many other races have conquered and ruled the world, thoroughly enjoyed its kingdom , even brutalized it , delivered untold hardships upon the weaker races , but only for a limited time. After their times elapsed , after the tides of time turned , all of them perished. The creators of the Hindu Puranas, by recording the emergence and death of untold demons, have explained quite explicitly the meaningfulness as well as meaninglessness of the above Sanskrit adage. The only mantra of immortality of a race as told by Lord Krishna is “There is Victory (or continued life) Where There� is Religion”. Even He based His immortal teachings on religion. It is only the race based on religion that has the blessings and backing of the God and thus earns immortality. Of course , it has to face the storms of hardships and poverty , but it emerges victorious in the final analysis of things.

Ancient Religion and Narrow-minded Religion

This is reason why wise leaders of the India race have endeavored to save the shastras through continuous calamities, many times even accepting death for this cause. Even in the times when the whole future seemed one continuous, unending tunnel of darkness, they did everything to maintain the continuity of the flow of religion based life without ever losing faith in seeing light at the end of the tunnel, they exerted themselves beyond limits and bore untold hardships, and finally got the rewards for it. Unreligious powers were defeated and victory banners of the religion fluttered high in the skies again and again.

The original religious shastras of India are not confined to a specific race or even a specific cadre or class. The ancient Hindu religion is no narrow faith, though many such narrow faiths have originated from it. Since times immemorial, the eternal , universal truths of the ancient Hindu religion have manifested themselves in various forms through such narrow faith , but the ancient Hindu religion has never kept limited itself like these. All narrow religions and faiths emerge by propagating a particular philosophy , a particular way of worship, way of life , ethics, and acquire following. All human beings have different tastes, talents, natures, intellects , but everybody yearns to make the human life meaningful. Thus every man and woman needs a way of worship, a way of life, and a religious faith suitable to his or her tastes , talents, nature, and intellect. This is why the ancient Hindu religion has always honored and even furthered all the other religious faiths, however narrow they may be. In order that there should be no conflicts between faiths, and everybody should advance peacefully towards his or her ultimate goals, it has always assisted them. The ancient Hindu religion has never posed hindrances in the path of development of these narrow faiths. It has always honored the freedom of choice of following the faith of his or her own wishes, depending upon the feelings, tendencies, tastes, nature, talents and intellect of each individual. The ancient Hindu religion has accorded full freedom to everyone regarding the choice of the way of worship, mentor student relations, or philosophy. It has accepted and preserved many conflicting philosophies, ways of worship, ways of following, ethics and morals in its broad bosom, and maintained the integrity of each and every one of them. Since prehistoric times, there have been countless narrow faiths that emerged out of the loving, caring bosom of the ancient Hindu religion, grew in stature , even competed and conflicted with each other,and became independent from the original tree. But the vast power and immortal life of the ancient Hindu religion went on just as it has been for the vast power and immortal life of the ancient Hindu Religion went on just as it has been for many thousands of years. At times, many such narrow faiths that originated from the ancient Hindu religion and grew on its elixir of life, preached its philosophy as their own, there by alienating themselves from the mother source, even conflicting and competing with it. The Buddhist faith is one such example. What they have done in India in history. But this storm too blew off, and the Hindu religion resurrected itself in the universe, revamping and brightening itself in the process. Later, many such new narrow faiths merged themselves beautifully with the mother source. The shastras at the base of the ancient Hindu religion are so broad, so great and so timeless, that it has never objected to any other narrow faith, let alone competing or conflicting with it. The basic principles and philosophies� of all the other narrow faiths exist in the Hindu religion with great coordination. It is the religion of the universe, of every human being on this planet. It is based on the soul of the universal man and the ultimate, eternal relationship of the human soul with the Almighty God. The ancient Hindu shastras show the different paths to become one with Him.

Vedas are the original , basic source of the ancient Hindu religion

The Vedas are not the creation of one person, one Rishi or one prophet. They do not preach a specific way of worship, one ‘izm’ , philosophy or way of life. On the other hand, based on the Vedas, many great personalities preached and propagated different ‘izms’ , philosophies , ethics and ways of life. There is a complete union of the human soul with the Great soul in the Vedas. At every juncture, the Great one has manifested Himself and shown the proper path to the humanity. He has manifested Himself in the� from of the Vedas through the wisdom, piety , and great intelligence of the Rishis. They are the medium , the harbingers of His eternal preaching. Since ancient times in this world; they have benen the source of inspiration for the human beings of the universe to understanding this eternal preaching about the eternal truth. The sun , the moon , the fire,the mountains , the rivers, the oceans , the dawn , the dusk , the day , the night , all have been existing on His instructions. These preachings do not take roots in the hearts and minds of the ordinary mortal human beings. The minds and intellects of the ordinary humans,muddied with all the human tendencies and emotions , are incapable of accepting these preachings. But through the Rishis, these preachings take forms of actual words and thus manifest themselves in the society for the well being of all. Based on the knowledge imparted by the Rishis, man is able to understand himself, his being and his soul. He is able to understand the real world, the hidden world, and the eternal soul that exists within the material world. He comes to know that there is only the one Eternal Great Soul that rules the universe, and that He resides in everything and everyone. He experiences the existence of the Eternally Beautiful , Timeless, All powerful Supreme One in the material world, and also comes to know about the knowledge , devotion and deeds necessary to surrender himself completely unto Him, and become one with Him.

Tag Names : Ved
About Translator:Sou. Lalita Marathe
Other articles of this author :
1 The true nature of the Supreme Spirit of in Vedant
2 Veds and Globalization
3 Residence of Soul in Body as described in Vedas
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