Title : Image of the world according to vedas |
Author : Mr Radhakrushna Shastri |
Read In Hindi
Theorists of different religion have accepted the science of word. Everybody believes in word and who do not should also start believing. The very example of this is wireless, which can reach to the Supreme Spirit. Words are blessings of Lord Brahma, which are coordinated. The words of chants or hymns of any cast or religion are the way to process of killing, fascination, extirpation, and conjuration. The words when used to perform the work of an arrow to achieve the goal.
Vindictive and passionate people misuse the words. This leads to decrease in the power of words. After performing the process of killing the word power weakens. Atharva Veda also describes incantation. My great-grandfather who used to vision the beautiful women in all three worlds. He has written a hymn, which returns any trick by enemy. Curses and blessings given in regard to truth and settlement also work. A word is a weapon without a weapon.
There is a hymn to return the curse given by enemy. The word is unstained and it is natural. In Taiyakaran Bhushan, a word is a form of Brahma, which is unstained and it is holy and pure. It is expulsion which is respectable and adorable. Vakya Padiya says, any knowledge is this world cannot be without words. Knowledge becomes apparent and glittering with the help of words. Vedas is a word, and it can be proved with root. Vedic words are thoughtful, beneficial, and knowledgeable. The Vedas of Muslim religion is Kurana, while praying (Namaz) fingers are placed in both ears and "Allah" is said or pronunciation, which is world. In Christian religious book, it is written that previously it was an aphorism. That was converted as Jesus. These evidences also has a base of debate. Vedas were obtained from a pastor tradition. And it was converted in a script. Vedas were scripted on palm leaves initially. Now, the tradition of paper has taken place. Vedas are Supreme Being. Words are the way of form of him. In other religion too, words are considered holy and the form of Supreme Being. But what is truth and what is perpetual.
In the Arabic book, Hadish, it is written that Muslim religion is totally opposite to Hindu religion; on this, Pandit Jagannath proved Hindu culture as ancient and eternal in the royal court of the king. Not only Hindu culture, but also the base of culture of the whole universe is Vedas. All literature is a form of God as well as a Vedic meter. According to Yadnyavalkyam, Om has s divine power in it. There is no difference between "Gayatri" and "Om". "Omiti Brahma", "Brahma Gayatri" are still considered standards. According to Shrimad Bhagvat, upon meditation by Brahma, the sound of only two alphabets "I" and "P" was audible. A hymn from Veda tells the same thing. After final annihilation, the religious Supreme Being created two things i.e., good deeds and truth. The Supreme Being also created day and night as well as seas, time because of which the creatures on the earth stay under control. After this the sun, moon, heaven, earth, sky, Maharlok (the fourth of the upper world) were created. Gayatri mantra has seven mystic words, Om, Bhu, Om Bhuva, Om Swaha, Om Maha, Om Janah, Om Tapah, Om Satyam. There are seven layers. We offer prayers in evening, morning, noon, afternoon, 9 o’clock at night, five times a day. In the same way, Muslims offer their Namaz (prayers) five times. The characteristic and truth is that Hindu culture is ancient with the basis of previously described standards. God is visible as well as invisible, as well as invisible, he has a form as well as he is not apparent without any form. Naar is the son of Nar (God). And staying in this Naar is Lord Brahma is Narayana, which is the main part of Gayatri Mantra. In Christian religion soul was first floating on water. Hindu and Christian religions agree with each other.
Hindu philosophy says memories are originator of Vedas and history and Puranas are identity of Vedas. Atharva Vedas has hymn meaning the same. History and Puranas are the firth Vedas.
Description and punishment in Vedas
Veda Purush was only one. After, Shri Krishna Dwaipayan Vyas divided Vedas in four parts: 1. Rigvedas 2. Yajurvedas 3. Damveds (Atharvavedas), and Krishna Yajurveda was made in fragments.
Acharya Mammat describes exhortation "Prabhu Sammit" is a royal mandate. In a royal mandate or in Vedas order, common conclusion cannot be made. Whatever the discipline or punishment, it has to be undergone. Vedic literature says, speak truth, follow the religion, study and implement Vedas, worship your father and mother, worship your teacher, there is no freedom without knowledge. There should be no violation, do not hurt anybody, offer homage/prayer every evening.
There is one thing, which can be thought over. There are two hymns which are opposite to each other. The meanings cannot be related. The first hymn says there is no way to get freedom without knowledge. The second hymn says dying in Kashi gives us freedom (Moksha). In this regard, when anyone dies in Kashi, he hears "Ram", which is the other name of knowledge and thus at the end both hymns are agreeable.
The punishments in Vedas, the punishment of Lord Brahma, is unchangeable. Wind blows at the fear of Lord, fire burns. The sun rises and moon showers light at night. Stars twinkle at night. All work on time. Nobody distracts from their duties. In the same way, we should also be firm on our duties. The Vedas order us to be dutiful, obedient, and dedicated. Vedas did not only rule India but also other countries like in Makka, we find two images of Shivalinga (emblem of Lord Shiva), in turkey we find 1200-feet high image of Shivalinga, Hedropolis, South America, Europe, Kombodia, Java, etc., have Shivalinga. In Indochina, we find a inscription, which is called Shivmantra. Lord Shri Krishna had ordered a cobra named Kaliya that you go to Ramandwip and leave Mathura. Ramandwip is knwon as Africa in today’s age. A friend of mine had visited Africa on a three-year tour, he told me that near Africa, there is a lake, which is very deep. In that lake, a sanke or cobra with a thousand heads was seen some time back. The government there tried to catch it to no avail. All these examples prove that the Vedic culture is extensive as well as ancient. When King Ven declared a war, "I am Lord Indra, I am Lord Varun, I am Lord Kuber, do not make fire oblations. I am an official for fire oblation. I am God. That time seeing all this improper conduct and wickedness, Rishi destroyed Ven. And a new king was produced by churning the body of Ven. A Sanskrit word Arya has become a nation or a country now. Arya is used for horse.
A hymn in Geeta says: A person who considers soulful and soulless, animate and inanimate as the same, he becomes free from any kind of greed or distress.
The other hymn says, the one who imagines or sees all animals or creatures in himself and himself in all creatures skeptism and indecisiveness go away. This hymns also coordinates the hymn in Geeta.
Goswami Tulsidas says all humans should come together and protect each other and earth, we all should eat together. All become brave, we will not hate anybody. This is the purpose of Vedas. With this power of unity, India became free and independent. On the basis of these standards love and worship became evident. Love between husband and wife is a symbol of unity, which is also said in Yajurveda hymn.
Hey Lord, you are father, understand and explain as father. Adhavyu tell his wife, I accept you in coition. Give me son and grow them up. Our family grow and be prosperous. Wife stays happily wit husband and always stay happily with husband and always stay young with her husband. These hymns do not have a statement about divorce. Indian women are considered as a source of power. Unity is described as Shivashakti Sachchidanand calls it as a 16th art. The joy of unity gives happiness of world conquer. Our culture also guides and inspires other cultures. Religion and politics are interrelated. Diplomacy is a different thing. Politics does not have harassment and canniness. Politics is made for well-being of nation, politics which follows religion, which does not have selfishness. These are the characteristics of politics. Where does nation’s happiness lie? We find the thought over this in Chanakya’s, fhief minister, hut who is busy counting the pages under a small lamp. A cloth called "Uttariya" is an Indian type of clothing, which enabled Chandragupta Mourya sit on throne. Science believes religion, money, desire, freedom. In today’s the sequence is changed. After money comes the religion in today’s time. There cannot be any religion without money. The love of money and materialistic things began the disaster. Humans started fighting against nature, which caused many calamities.
The faith on religion became limited only to money and materialistic things. People started seeking happiness in wrong things. Vedic hymn has Shivasankalpmantra, which calms and stabilized the mind and the hymn has slow phase in many places. Today human has mixed qualities of vindictive and passionate people. He eats fast, talks fast, walks fast, and works hurriedly because of which he is in odd or difficult situation. Vedas tell us to save ourselves from these things and according to Vedic culture to work with patience.
Ushniya (turban) and Uttariya are ancient types of clothing.
A statement of Yadnya (fire sacrifice) is given in Yajurveda, i.e., substances, God and sacrifice. Substances contain Somrus, Purodash, Ghee, Yavagu, Havish, Odan, Tandul, fruits, etc., God, Lord Indra, etc. Oblation can be with or without purpose. There are oblations for rain, to get the heaven which is Agnihhotra. Abhidnyan Shakuntal describes the hermitages of Kanva Rishi. Rishis of fire sacrifice in hermitages. Oblation is also a deed.
Tradition of Teacher-Disciple
In Vedic time, hermitages used to be away from towns where Rishis used to stay. Their arrangements were made by kings. In hermitages oblations took place early morning and in the evening. There used be cows, hermitages also had deers. Disciples used to chant Vedic hymns in the mornings. They used to worship teacher or pastures. They used to water the plants, herbs, shrubs. In the time of King Raghu, there was a pastor named Vartantu. Kauts was his disciple. There used to be many students or disciples studying in a hermitage. There were no fees taken from the students. However, teachers arranged food, clothes, etc., for them. Students followed chastity. When Kauts had obtained all the knowledge from Guru (pastor) Varatantu, he requested that he accepts gurudakshina (fees). Aacharya said, disciple the way you have served me and worshipped me have paid me fees. Still Kauts was not listening. On this guru said I have taught you 14 sciences or attainments, you give me 14 million coins. That time Kauts came to King Raghu. Raghu had sacrificed all his wealth in an oblation named "Ashwamegha Yadnya". Kauts had some earthen posts with him. On Raghu’s asking Kauts told him, Maharaj! I had come with a wish of getting 14 million coins from you for my Guruji (teacher), but I cannot do anything. The king said I am brave and strong. Tomorrow, I will attack Alkapuri. Do not worry. Take rest. This plan of king Raghu was heard by a demi-God who told it to Kuber. On Kuber’s orders demi-Gods showered Ayodhya with gold that night. Kauts counted 14 millions coins and only took what he needed leaving the rest of the coins. King said, this is not my wealth, you take the remaining coins as well, Kautz did not accept this. Poet Kalidaas writes who is admirable- Kauts who did not take more than what he required to give it to his teacher or King Raghu who asked Kauts to take all the wealth. This is ideal. And today’s teacher-student have wide gap between them.
Ancient food, clothes, etc.
In ancient time, there were a lot of trees and houses were made from wood. Oblation used to take place with the same fuel. The smoke from fire sacrifice purified the atmosphere. Fire sacrifices took place in a large number. Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya chanted Gayatri Mantra. People respected religion, which ruled. They used to breed cows. Camels, oats, elephants, horses, bulls, etc., were also kept. We also find the mentioning of cow milk in yadnya (oblation) context. Palm tree were used for writing in place of paper. Those who used to stay in jungle wore clothes made of tree leaves. A hymn praises trees which were being used, e.g. people. Etc. trees, sun, cows, and air give us substance of essence. Madhu stands for honey. The food of Righis included rice, roots, fruits. A hymn in Atharvaveda says barely and rice be bracing. Both these foods destroy tuberculosis. So barely and rice are used in oblation, which kills the germs and bacteria in atmosphere, increases the glory. If Janeu (a sacred thread worn by Brahmins) is put on the ear at the time of urination, it cures diseases like diabetes. The pulse of nose near the ear gets pressed with that pressure. In the same way wearing a waist belt prevents abdominal cramping and pain. Karna Vedh Sanskar, i.e., making a hold in the ear settles down the all the desire and temptation. The secrets told by Vedas are complete with scientific reasons.
The Royal Punishment And Politics
Yadnyavalkya says, the king should appoint a priest having the knowledge of Atharvaveda for the arrangements for ministers of kings well as for the punishments in case they make any mistake. The king should also appoint detectives to know the power and other tricks laid by the enemies. The king should chant offer prayers in the evening, then entertain himself and then should listen to the reports of detectives. He should forgive Brahmins and punish the enemies. The sins what people in the kingdom do, half of the sin goes to the king and the king takes the sixth part of it. Six times virtue and six times sin. Dharmashala orders, mother, father, hermits, learned should not be punished. Other criminals should be punished. The king should not accept bribe. In regard to punishments to Brahmins, Narad says that Brahmins should be snatched away of all their belongings and sent out of nation.
Vedas prohibit selling of girls, boys or bridegrooms. It is suicide and not a donation or liberality Mitakshara says the one who corrupts after being a hermit should server the king. According to Mitakshara, if a robbery takes place, it should be compensated by a police station of that area or the head of the village. If the thief is not able to pay, it should be compensated by the king. Punishments for the night robbers should be to cut their hands and they should be executed and it is a royal order. There is not statement that describes punishment for the small street robberies.
The descriptions in Smruti Vedas are satisfactory. Ramayana-Manjari has a description. On a tree there lived an owl and a vulture which had an argument. They went to the royal court. Vulture said, Shri Rama, I stay on that tree since the time of Varah Avatar (the second incarnation of Lord Vishny). Owl said I stay on the tree since the time of the final annihilation. Shri Rama said, the residential or dwelling official of the tree. In the government, the part of the tree could have been owned by a vulture. Kind Jahangir had given the punishment of execution to his Queen for the reason of death of washerman. This is politics of India.
Self feeling is a nation. There is Vedic hymn, which says, oh Lord Agni, those who wants their share, those who want other’s share, do not give them share. Our nation does not want any wealth from anybody. The nation is complete, whole. Finally the only wish is, the people in the nation stay happily and peacefully.
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Read In Hindi
Theorists of different religion have accepted the science of word. Everybody believes in word and who do not should also start believing. The very example of this is wireless, which can reach to the Supreme Spirit. Words are blessings of Lord Brahma, which are coordinated. The words of chants or hymns of any cast or religion are the way to process of killing, fascination, extirpation, and conjuration. The words when used to perform the work of an arrow to achieve the goal.
Vindictive and passionate people misuse the words. This leads to decrease in the power of words. After performing the process of killing the word power weakens. Atharva Veda also describes incantation. My great-grandfather who used to vision the beautiful women in all three worlds. He has written a hymn, which returns any trick by enemy. Curses and blessings given in regard to truth and settlement also work. A word is a weapon without a weapon.
There is a hymn to return the curse given by enemy. The word is unstained and it is natural. In Taiyakaran Bhushan, a word is a form of Brahma, which is unstained and it is holy and pure. It is expulsion which is respectable and adorable. Vakya Padiya says, any knowledge is this world cannot be without words. Knowledge becomes apparent and glittering with the help of words. Vedas is a word, and it can be proved with root. Vedic words are thoughtful, beneficial, and knowledgeable. The Vedas of Muslim religion is Kurana, while praying (Namaz) fingers are placed in both ears and "Allah" is said or pronunciation, which is world. In Christian religious book, it is written that previously it was an aphorism. That was converted as Jesus. These evidences also has a base of debate. Vedas were obtained from a pastor tradition. And it was converted in a script. Vedas were scripted on palm leaves initially. Now, the tradition of paper has taken place. Vedas are Supreme Being. Words are the way of form of him. In other religion too, words are considered holy and the form of Supreme Being. But what is truth and what is perpetual.
In the Arabic book, Hadish, it is written that Muslim religion is totally opposite to Hindu religion; on this, Pandit Jagannath proved Hindu culture as ancient and eternal in the royal court of the king. Not only Hindu culture, but also the base of culture of the whole universe is Vedas. All literature is a form of God as well as a Vedic meter. According to Yadnyavalkyam, Om has s divine power in it. There is no difference between "Gayatri" and "Om". "Omiti Brahma", "Brahma Gayatri" are still considered standards. According to Shrimad Bhagvat, upon meditation by Brahma, the sound of only two alphabets "I" and "P" was audible. A hymn from Veda tells the same thing. After final annihilation, the religious Supreme Being created two things i.e., good deeds and truth. The Supreme Being also created day and night as well as seas, time because of which the creatures on the earth stay under control. After this the sun, moon, heaven, earth, sky, Maharlok (the fourth of the upper world) were created. Gayatri mantra has seven mystic words, Om, Bhu, Om Bhuva, Om Swaha, Om Maha, Om Janah, Om Tapah, Om Satyam. There are seven layers. We offer prayers in evening, morning, noon, afternoon, 9 o’clock at night, five times a day. In the same way, Muslims offer their Namaz (prayers) five times. The characteristic and truth is that Hindu culture is ancient with the basis of previously described standards. God is visible as well as invisible, as well as invisible, he has a form as well as he is not apparent without any form. Naar is the son of Nar (God). And staying in this Naar is Lord Brahma is Narayana, which is the main part of Gayatri Mantra. In Christian religion soul was first floating on water. Hindu and Christian religions agree with each other.
Hindu philosophy says memories are originator of Vedas and history and Puranas are identity of Vedas. Atharva Vedas has hymn meaning the same. History and Puranas are the firth Vedas.
Description and punishment in Vedas
Veda Purush was only one. After, Shri Krishna Dwaipayan Vyas divided Vedas in four parts: 1. Rigvedas 2. Yajurvedas 3. Damveds (Atharvavedas), and Krishna Yajurveda was made in fragments.
Acharya Mammat describes exhortation "Prabhu Sammit" is a royal mandate. In a royal mandate or in Vedas order, common conclusion cannot be made. Whatever the discipline or punishment, it has to be undergone. Vedic literature says, speak truth, follow the religion, study and implement Vedas, worship your father and mother, worship your teacher, there is no freedom without knowledge. There should be no violation, do not hurt anybody, offer homage/prayer every evening.
There is one thing, which can be thought over. There are two hymns which are opposite to each other. The meanings cannot be related. The first hymn says there is no way to get freedom without knowledge. The second hymn says dying in Kashi gives us freedom (Moksha). In this regard, when anyone dies in Kashi, he hears "Ram", which is the other name of knowledge and thus at the end both hymns are agreeable.
The punishments in Vedas, the punishment of Lord Brahma, is unchangeable. Wind blows at the fear of Lord, fire burns. The sun rises and moon showers light at night. Stars twinkle at night. All work on time. Nobody distracts from their duties. In the same way, we should also be firm on our duties. The Vedas order us to be dutiful, obedient, and dedicated. Vedas did not only rule India but also other countries like in Makka, we find two images of Shivalinga (emblem of Lord Shiva), in turkey we find 1200-feet high image of Shivalinga, Hedropolis, South America, Europe, Kombodia, Java, etc., have Shivalinga. In Indochina, we find a inscription, which is called Shivmantra. Lord Shri Krishna had ordered a cobra named Kaliya that you go to Ramandwip and leave Mathura. Ramandwip is knwon as Africa in today’s age. A friend of mine had visited Africa on a three-year tour, he told me that near Africa, there is a lake, which is very deep. In that lake, a sanke or cobra with a thousand heads was seen some time back. The government there tried to catch it to no avail. All these examples prove that the Vedic culture is extensive as well as ancient. When King Ven declared a war, "I am Lord Indra, I am Lord Varun, I am Lord Kuber, do not make fire oblations. I am an official for fire oblation. I am God. That time seeing all this improper conduct and wickedness, Rishi destroyed Ven. And a new king was produced by churning the body of Ven. A Sanskrit word Arya has become a nation or a country now. Arya is used for horse.
A hymn in Geeta says: A person who considers soulful and soulless, animate and inanimate as the same, he becomes free from any kind of greed or distress.
The other hymn says, the one who imagines or sees all animals or creatures in himself and himself in all creatures skeptism and indecisiveness go away. This hymns also coordinates the hymn in Geeta.
Goswami Tulsidas says all humans should come together and protect each other and earth, we all should eat together. All become brave, we will not hate anybody. This is the purpose of Vedas. With this power of unity, India became free and independent. On the basis of these standards love and worship became evident. Love between husband and wife is a symbol of unity, which is also said in Yajurveda hymn.
Hey Lord, you are father, understand and explain as father. Adhavyu tell his wife, I accept you in coition. Give me son and grow them up. Our family grow and be prosperous. Wife stays happily wit husband and always stay happily with husband and always stay young with her husband. These hymns do not have a statement about divorce. Indian women are considered as a source of power. Unity is described as Shivashakti Sachchidanand calls it as a 16th art. The joy of unity gives happiness of world conquer. Our culture also guides and inspires other cultures. Religion and politics are interrelated. Diplomacy is a different thing. Politics does not have harassment and canniness. Politics is made for well-being of nation, politics which follows religion, which does not have selfishness. These are the characteristics of politics. Where does nation’s happiness lie? We find the thought over this in Chanakya’s, fhief minister, hut who is busy counting the pages under a small lamp. A cloth called "Uttariya" is an Indian type of clothing, which enabled Chandragupta Mourya sit on throne. Science believes religion, money, desire, freedom. In today’s the sequence is changed. After money comes the religion in today’s time. There cannot be any religion without money. The love of money and materialistic things began the disaster. Humans started fighting against nature, which caused many calamities.
The faith on religion became limited only to money and materialistic things. People started seeking happiness in wrong things. Vedic hymn has Shivasankalpmantra, which calms and stabilized the mind and the hymn has slow phase in many places. Today human has mixed qualities of vindictive and passionate people. He eats fast, talks fast, walks fast, and works hurriedly because of which he is in odd or difficult situation. Vedas tell us to save ourselves from these things and according to Vedic culture to work with patience.
Ushniya (turban) and Uttariya are ancient types of clothing.
A statement of Yadnya (fire sacrifice) is given in Yajurveda, i.e., substances, God and sacrifice. Substances contain Somrus, Purodash, Ghee, Yavagu, Havish, Odan, Tandul, fruits, etc., God, Lord Indra, etc. Oblation can be with or without purpose. There are oblations for rain, to get the heaven which is Agnihhotra. Abhidnyan Shakuntal describes the hermitages of Kanva Rishi. Rishis of fire sacrifice in hermitages. Oblation is also a deed.
Tradition of Teacher-Disciple
In Vedic time, hermitages used to be away from towns where Rishis used to stay. Their arrangements were made by kings. In hermitages oblations took place early morning and in the evening. There used be cows, hermitages also had deers. Disciples used to chant Vedic hymns in the mornings. They used to worship teacher or pastures. They used to water the plants, herbs, shrubs. In the time of King Raghu, there was a pastor named Vartantu. Kauts was his disciple. There used to be many students or disciples studying in a hermitage. There were no fees taken from the students. However, teachers arranged food, clothes, etc., for them. Students followed chastity. When Kauts had obtained all the knowledge from Guru (pastor) Varatantu, he requested that he accepts gurudakshina (fees). Aacharya said, disciple the way you have served me and worshipped me have paid me fees. Still Kauts was not listening. On this guru said I have taught you 14 sciences or attainments, you give me 14 million coins. That time Kauts came to King Raghu. Raghu had sacrificed all his wealth in an oblation named "Ashwamegha Yadnya". Kauts had some earthen posts with him. On Raghu’s asking Kauts told him, Maharaj! I had come with a wish of getting 14 million coins from you for my Guruji (teacher), but I cannot do anything. The king said I am brave and strong. Tomorrow, I will attack Alkapuri. Do not worry. Take rest. This plan of king Raghu was heard by a demi-God who told it to Kuber. On Kuber’s orders demi-Gods showered Ayodhya with gold that night. Kauts counted 14 millions coins and only took what he needed leaving the rest of the coins. King said, this is not my wealth, you take the remaining coins as well, Kautz did not accept this. Poet Kalidaas writes who is admirable- Kauts who did not take more than what he required to give it to his teacher or King Raghu who asked Kauts to take all the wealth. This is ideal. And today’s teacher-student have wide gap between them.
Ancient food, clothes, etc.
In ancient time, there were a lot of trees and houses were made from wood. Oblation used to take place with the same fuel. The smoke from fire sacrifice purified the atmosphere. Fire sacrifices took place in a large number. Brahmin, Kshatriya, and Vaishya chanted Gayatri Mantra. People respected religion, which ruled. They used to breed cows. Camels, oats, elephants, horses, bulls, etc., were also kept. We also find the mentioning of cow milk in yadnya (oblation) context. Palm tree were used for writing in place of paper. Those who used to stay in jungle wore clothes made of tree leaves. A hymn praises trees which were being used, e.g. people. Etc. trees, sun, cows, and air give us substance of essence. Madhu stands for honey. The food of Righis included rice, roots, fruits. A hymn in Atharvaveda says barely and rice be bracing. Both these foods destroy tuberculosis. So barely and rice are used in oblation, which kills the germs and bacteria in atmosphere, increases the glory. If Janeu (a sacred thread worn by Brahmins) is put on the ear at the time of urination, it cures diseases like diabetes. The pulse of nose near the ear gets pressed with that pressure. In the same way wearing a waist belt prevents abdominal cramping and pain. Karna Vedh Sanskar, i.e., making a hold in the ear settles down the all the desire and temptation. The secrets told by Vedas are complete with scientific reasons.
The Royal Punishment And Politics
Yadnyavalkya says, the king should appoint a priest having the knowledge of Atharvaveda for the arrangements for ministers of kings well as for the punishments in case they make any mistake. The king should also appoint detectives to know the power and other tricks laid by the enemies. The king should chant offer prayers in the evening, then entertain himself and then should listen to the reports of detectives. He should forgive Brahmins and punish the enemies. The sins what people in the kingdom do, half of the sin goes to the king and the king takes the sixth part of it. Six times virtue and six times sin. Dharmashala orders, mother, father, hermits, learned should not be punished. Other criminals should be punished. The king should not accept bribe. In regard to punishments to Brahmins, Narad says that Brahmins should be snatched away of all their belongings and sent out of nation.
Vedas prohibit selling of girls, boys or bridegrooms. It is suicide and not a donation or liberality Mitakshara says the one who corrupts after being a hermit should server the king. According to Mitakshara, if a robbery takes place, it should be compensated by a police station of that area or the head of the village. If the thief is not able to pay, it should be compensated by the king. Punishments for the night robbers should be to cut their hands and they should be executed and it is a royal order. There is not statement that describes punishment for the small street robberies.
The descriptions in Smruti Vedas are satisfactory. Ramayana-Manjari has a description. On a tree there lived an owl and a vulture which had an argument. They went to the royal court. Vulture said, Shri Rama, I stay on that tree since the time of Varah Avatar (the second incarnation of Lord Vishny). Owl said I stay on the tree since the time of the final annihilation. Shri Rama said, the residential or dwelling official of the tree. In the government, the part of the tree could have been owned by a vulture. Kind Jahangir had given the punishment of execution to his Queen for the reason of death of washerman. This is politics of India.
Self feeling is a nation. There is Vedic hymn, which says, oh Lord Agni, those who wants their share, those who want other’s share, do not give them share. Our nation does not want any wealth from anybody. The nation is complete, whole. Finally the only wish is, the people in the nation stay happily and peacefully.
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