Author : Mr Radhakrushna Shatri |
The word Gou which means a cow in Sanskrit, is derived originally from the verb Gama, which is, To Go. Gati in Sanskrit means speed, or also wealth, or salvation. The mother Earth is also called Gou in Sanskrit, and the earth is the place where all the living beings reside, including the peculiarly shaped Cow, which is the source of life and nutrition for many types of living beings.
According to American research, cow’s stomach is a rich source of vitamin B, and her milk as well as urine contains rich nutritional values. Her feces are rich manure for agriculture. In the AtharvaVed, cow is described as the mother of Adityas, daughter of Vasus, and the very soul of the people. She is the belly button of Amrut, and the Madhukasha that produces Havisya replete with golden colored ghee. A Yajna is performed with the sacrifice of the cow and it produces clouds and rains which produce grains which living beings live on.
There is a description of cow in a Mantra in the RigVed, which says that a tame, innocent cow should not be killed, she is the mother of the Rudras, daughter of Vasus, and the sister of the Adityas. She is the belly button of Amrut, and the center of immortality.
All dark or black colored things are said to be inauspicious and a bad omen, but the sight of a black cow as well as her milk is very auspicious.
The Vedic tradition prohibits and abhors the killing of a cow.
Veds command that anyone who kills a cow should be driven out of a state.
The YajurVed considers a cow as incomparable, meaning that she has unlimited qualities and virtues. Cow is considered to be the mother of all. There is no concept of eating a cow’s meat in the Veds. In fact, the Holy Koran says that eating cow meat brings many kinds of illnesses and diseases.
Cow milk enriches the generative powers of man or woman. If a woman is given Ayurvedic herbal powders mixed with cow’s milk during her menstrual periods, she produces a son. This has been my own experiment which I performed. In the epic Raghuvansh written by the great poet Kalidas, Emperor Dilip had served Nandini the divine cow. He served her for 21 days and he, with his wife Queen Sudakshina, drank the milk received in blessing, which enable them to produce Raghu, their son. The cow power is divine, it resides in the Golok, which is higher even then Vaikunth. Its shadow envelopes the earth. The Vraj Mandal where cows reside is also a piece of the Golok. Cow’s feces and urine contains tremendous curing properties. A man who worships cows does not have to bear the torture of Lord Yama after death.
One of the names of Lord Krishna is Gopal, which literally means a cowherd. He is always beneficent for his devotees.
Cow was born before the universe. It is the duty of the Indian people to protect cows.
The word Gou which means a cow in Sanskrit, is derived originally from the verb Gama, which is, To Go. Gati in Sanskrit means speed, or also wealth, or salvation. The mother Earth is also called Gou in Sanskrit, and the earth is the place where all the living beings reside, including the peculiarly shaped Cow, which is the source of life and nutrition for many types of living beings.
According to American research, cow’s stomach is a rich source of vitamin B, and her milk as well as urine contains rich nutritional values. Her feces are rich manure for agriculture. In the AtharvaVed, cow is described as the mother of Adityas, daughter of Vasus, and the very soul of the people. She is the belly button of Amrut, and the Madhukasha that produces Havisya replete with golden colored ghee. A Yajna is performed with the sacrifice of the cow and it produces clouds and rains which produce grains which living beings live on.
There is a description of cow in a Mantra in the RigVed, which says that a tame, innocent cow should not be killed, she is the mother of the Rudras, daughter of Vasus, and the sister of the Adityas. She is the belly button of Amrut, and the center of immortality.
All dark or black colored things are said to be inauspicious and a bad omen, but the sight of a black cow as well as her milk is very auspicious.
The Vedic tradition prohibits and abhors the killing of a cow.
Veds command that anyone who kills a cow should be driven out of a state.
The YajurVed considers a cow as incomparable, meaning that she has unlimited qualities and virtues. Cow is considered to be the mother of all. There is no concept of eating a cow’s meat in the Veds. In fact, the Holy Koran says that eating cow meat brings many kinds of illnesses and diseases.
Cow milk enriches the generative powers of man or woman. If a woman is given Ayurvedic herbal powders mixed with cow’s milk during her menstrual periods, she produces a son. This has been my own experiment which I performed. In the epic Raghuvansh written by the great poet Kalidas, Emperor Dilip had served Nandini the divine cow. He served her for 21 days and he, with his wife Queen Sudakshina, drank the milk received in blessing, which enable them to produce Raghu, their son. The cow power is divine, it resides in the Golok, which is higher even then Vaikunth. Its shadow envelopes the earth. The Vraj Mandal where cows reside is also a piece of the Golok. Cow’s feces and urine contains tremendous curing properties. A man who worships cows does not have to bear the torture of Lord Yama after death.
One of the names of Lord Krishna is Gopal, which literally means a cowherd. He is always beneficent for his devotees.
Cow was born before the universe. It is the duty of the Indian people to protect cows.
Tag Names : Rugveda,Ved |