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Worshipping of God and deeds

Gayatri is considered as root or mother of Vedas. Gayatri means prayer in admiration or invocation and turn doing our deeds in that way and this hymn should be considered as one thing not dividing it in admiration, worship, and prayer, which indicates order of the duties to be performed and sacrifice of the things, which are considered forbidden.

Invocation, worship, and oblation are related to each other.

Invocation (Stuti): Explanation or description of someone’s qualities

or drawbacks and thought is invocation.

Worship (Upasana): Someone whom we consider as ideal, whom we

feel should we should be like, to be close, and the

one who inspires us to learn something.

Prayer (Prarthana): Prayer is offered to one who has the qualities we

would like to have.

If we do not learn or take anything from the person we worship, that worship and prayers are useless. And we know about the qualities and power of someone. I.e., when we have not heard and understood the qualities and strength of the person, worship and prayer are futile.

Oblation: an attempt to achieve something or to possess qualities or a try to be like someone is deed. If we worship and pray someone and if we do not try to take the good points from the one whom we worship or to be like him, then that whole act is a lie. That admiration or prayer is such a case will be useless. We will not succeed.
Many a times with worshipping, we experience benefits from it and we ourselves start praising and believing in it. For example, we feel warm just by sitting next to fire, and when we need warmth, we start praying and worshipping Agni (fire). Without any purpose, selfless worship is also done to show the gratitude, but the prayer is not offered only when it is needed, but if the prayer is not for us and contains well being of others, it is also considered selfless.


Admiration and prayer are clearly visible in Vedic hymns, but is does not show the worship in it. In a hymn in Yajurveda 30-3, invocation of sun in the form of Savita Devi and prayer of taking away the wicked and sinful and bringing good are clear. But without worship of sun, rid from bad produced by cold and achievement of qualities of warmth are
not possible and the prayer will just be waste, thus the worship is considered essential and inferable and thus it is not visible.

Hymns indicate rules about making the body strong and live longer, but the discussion of these rules to be implemented is not done considering it as essential and inferable.

After all these things, Yajurveda has some hymns which present invocation, prayer, worship, and oblation in separate forms.

With the help of these examples, all the hymns in Vedas can be classified.

Thus Vedatrayi and Veda Chatushtya can be considered as two types of Vedas.

Gayatri is the mother of Atharvashruti.
In a hymn in Yajurveda 32-1, God has been admired with different powerful names. In other hymn in Yaju 33-36 sun is called as creator of light and the one who takes away all the darkness.

A hymn in Yajurveda 11-14 inspires to worship and thus call Lord Indra at the time of any deed, war or any other times, which can be benefited through worship. Whereas the other hymn in Yaju 22-11 calls admires Savita Devi for accomplishment of the purpose.

In a hymn in Yajurveda 22-22, a prayer is offered for overall bell being of the nation.

A hymn in Yajurveda 11-80 prays for the demolishment of enemies of society, jealous, and critics.

A hymn (Yajurveda 40-2) has rules for being active throughout the life. It also indicates that normally deeds keep humans occupied, but if he does the deeds selflessly and without expectations, deeds do not get clung.

A hymn in Yajurveda 17-68 says that when great learneds perform an oblation for worldly well being, it does not contain any wish; they get closer to the Supreme Being and thus reach in God’s world.

A hymn in Yajurveda 33-86 calls Lord Indra as handsome and foresighted. It prays for the humans to be disease-free and happy.

Oh Lord, nobody is and never will be as holy and as great as you. We wish for the prosperity of the world with being as active as horse and as polite as cow. And out worship will be fulfilled when you come to us or we come to you.

Oh Lord, you are the creator of peace and happiness, who lightens this world. I wish I be like you as creator of peace and happiness and guide of the society. You are brave, forgiving, and source of energy. Protect me from death making me like you.

Oh Lord, you are knowledgeable of everything, show us a right path to make the world prosperous, take away the sin and cruelty from us so that we can worship you more and more.

Oh forgiving lord, you are deterrent of all bad qualities. Make me strong so that I travel along the path shown by you to live a long life.

Keep spreading your light with sun in day and with night with the splendor of Agni. All the creatures treat each other with love and with self-wisdom choose their food. None of them should be the victims.
A Rishi who does not believe in the ignorance prays and worships you. You are prosperous and glorious; make me prosperous and glorious like you. The oblations are also necessary with prayers.

Oh lord of the universe, nobody can create sentient and lifeless, emotions and forms except you, and nobody can know it except you. The wish with which we worship you and try to please you, fulfill that wish and make us prosperous.

We religious humans appeal you for prosperity. We are protectors of truth and politeness.

We do not eat, do not kill and believe in nonviolence and we devote ourselves to our duties, we worship you.

There are some oblations to be done with these hymns:

1. Not to eat meat of flesh.
2. Meditation.
3. Prohibition of violence, cruelty, etc.
4. Attempt in being like we invocate God.

Without any wish in mind, without any pleading or prayer, invocation of God is the true worship.

You are creator of happiness and make body healthy.
You are creator of peace and give peace to the mind.
You are the source of delight, and also you make the soul delightful.
I salute to God who takes care of welfare of the world.

Let all world rest in peace. Water and food without getting polluted give satisfaction to everybody. May human knowledge be utilized for well being and peace of all. And thus there be peace everywhere.

Order of invocation, worship, oblation and prayer:
1. Devotion and thought of God’s qualities.
2. Going near Him with the wish of possessing those qualities.
3. Learning those with devotion or imitation of the same.
4. Praying to God; being unable to be too close to God.
A. Knowing the power of our acknowledgement and praying

without any selfish intention.

B. Attempt or deeds for well being and in taking away grieves

of others.

C. Pray something from God, King, or ruler for society, nation or

the world being selfless.

D. Worship comes in all of these. We finish this chapter with a selfless
prayer from Rigveda, which says Oh lord, you reside in me. You
destroy those who want to hurt us.


 Title : REVIEW OF YAJURVEDA Author : Shri Manohar Vidhyalar

Worshipping of God and deeds

Gayatri is considered as root or mother of Vedas. Gayatri means prayer in admiration or invocation and turn doing our deeds in that way and this hymn should be considered as one thing not dividing it in admiration, worship, and prayer, which indicates order of the duties to be performed and sacrifice of the things, which are considered forbidden.

Invocation, worship, and oblation are related to each other.

Invocation (Stuti): Explanation or description of someone’s qualities

or drawbacks and thought is invocation.

Worship (Upasana): Someone whom we consider as ideal, whom we

feel should we should be like, to be close, and the

one who inspires us to learn something.

Prayer (Prarthana): Prayer is offered to one who has the qualities we

would like to have.

If we do not learn or take anything from the person we worship, that worship and prayers are useless. And we know about the qualities and power of someone. I.e., when we have not heard and understood the qualities and strength of the person, worship and prayer are futile.

Oblation: an attempt to achieve something or to possess qualities or a try to be like someone is deed. If we worship and pray someone and if we do not try to take the good points from the one whom we worship or to be like him, then that whole act is a lie. That admiration or prayer is such a case will be useless. We will not succeed.
Many a times with worshipping, we experience benefits from it and we ourselves start praising and believing in it. For example, we feel warm just by sitting next to fire, and when we need warmth, we start praying and worshipping Agni (fire). Without any purpose, selfless worship is also done to show the gratitude, but the prayer is not offered only when it is needed, but if the prayer is not for us and contains well being of others, it is also considered selfless.


Admiration and prayer are clearly visible in Vedic hymns, but is does not show the worship in it. In a hymn in Yajurveda 30-3, invocation of sun in the form of Savita Devi and prayer of taking away the wicked and sinful and bringing good are clear. But without worship of sun, rid from bad produced by cold and achievement of qualities of warmth are
not possible and the prayer will just be waste, thus the worship is considered essential and inferable and thus it is not visible.

Hymns indicate rules about making the body strong and live longer, but the discussion of these rules to be implemented is not done considering it as essential and inferable.

After all these things, Yajurveda has some hymns which present invocation, prayer, worship, and oblation in separate forms.

With the help of these examples, all the hymns in Vedas can be classified.

Thus Vedatrayi and Veda Chatushtya can be considered as two types of Vedas.

Gayatri is the mother of Atharvashruti.
In a hymn in Yajurveda 32-1, God has been admired with different powerful names. In other hymn in Yaju 33-36 sun is called as creator of light and the one who takes away all the darkness.

A hymn in Yajurveda 11-14 inspires to worship and thus call Lord Indra at the time of any deed, war or any other times, which can be benefited through worship. Whereas the other hymn in Yaju 22-11 calls admires Savita Devi for accomplishment of the purpose.

In a hymn in Yajurveda 22-22, a prayer is offered for overall bell being of the nation.

A hymn in Yajurveda 11-80 prays for the demolishment of enemies of society, jealous, and critics.

A hymn (Yajurveda 40-2) has rules for being active throughout the life. It also indicates that normally deeds keep humans occupied, but if he does the deeds selflessly and without expectations, deeds do not get clung.

A hymn in Yajurveda 17-68 says that when great learneds perform an oblation for worldly well being, it does not contain any wish; they get closer to the Supreme Being and thus reach in God’s world.

A hymn in Yajurveda 33-86 calls Lord Indra as handsome and foresighted. It prays for the humans to be disease-free and happy.

Oh Lord, nobody is and never will be as holy and as great as you. We wish for the prosperity of the world with being as active as horse and as polite as cow. And out worship will be fulfilled when you come to us or we come to you.

Oh Lord, you are the creator of peace and happiness, who lightens this world. I wish I be like you as creator of peace and happiness and guide of the society. You are brave, forgiving, and source of energy. Protect me from death making me like you.

Oh Lord, you are knowledgeable of everything, show us a right path to make the world prosperous, take away the sin and cruelty from us so that we can worship you more and more.

Oh forgiving lord, you are deterrent of all bad qualities. Make me strong so that I travel along the path shown by you to live a long life.

Keep spreading your light with sun in day and with night with the splendor of Agni. All the creatures treat each other with love and with self-wisdom choose their food. None of them should be the victims.
A Rishi who does not believe in the ignorance prays and worships you. You are prosperous and glorious; make me prosperous and glorious like you. The oblations are also necessary with prayers.

Oh lord of the universe, nobody can create sentient and lifeless, emotions and forms except you, and nobody can know it except you. The wish with which we worship you and try to please you, fulfill that wish and make us prosperous.

We religious humans appeal you for prosperity. We are protectors of truth and politeness.

We do not eat, do not kill and believe in nonviolence and we devote ourselves to our duties, we worship you.

There are some oblations to be done with these hymns:

1. Not to eat meat of flesh.
2. Meditation.
3. Prohibition of violence, cruelty, etc.
4. Attempt in being like we invocate God.

Without any wish in mind, without any pleading or prayer, invocation of God is the true worship.

You are creator of happiness and make body healthy.
You are creator of peace and give peace to the mind.
You are the source of delight, and also you make the soul delightful.
I salute to God who takes care of welfare of the world.

Let all world rest in peace. Water and food without getting polluted give satisfaction to everybody. May human knowledge be utilized for well being and peace of all. And thus there be peace everywhere.

Order of invocation, worship, oblation and prayer:
1. Devotion and thought of God’s qualities.
2. Going near Him with the wish of possessing those qualities.
3. Learning those with devotion or imitation of the same.
4. Praying to God; being unable to be too close to God.
A. Knowing the power of our acknowledgement and praying

without any selfish intention.

B. Attempt or deeds for well being and in taking away grieves

of others.

C. Pray something from God, King, or ruler for society, nation or

the world being selfless.

D. Worship comes in all of these. We finish this chapter with a selfless
prayer from Rigveda, which says Oh lord, you reside in me. You
destroy those who want to hurt us.


Tag Names : Yajurved
About Translator:Sou Lalita Marathe
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