Title : There is Idol worship in Vedas |
Author : Shri Rasik Bihari Manjul |
Every religion in the world has originated with the idea of the "Supreme Being" and it will remain so in the future as well. Worship is the only way a human being can stay connected to the Supreme Being And this closeness of human being with the Supreme Being, this unison and this proportion is called religion. This is the basis of every religion of the world. Even the atheists, with the only difference that instead of Supreme Being; they have been seen worshipping their Bodhisattva, Tirthankar. In whatever the Rishis of Vedas felt the presence of supreme Being; they started worshipping all those things such as Sun, Wind, Lord Indra because he could comprehend the strength behind light, water and rain. Human worshipped Lord Indra as the transparent strength until the first three ages. Till the third age (Dwapar) the idea of Supreme Being had been formed in peoples’ minds. Besides human study, human beings had started learning other things which Lord Krishna had told Arjuna, and Lord Krishna had stopped the trend of Lord Indra worship in his childhood and started a trend of worshipping himself in the name of Gowardhana worship. This is like coming out of the nature’s womb and realizing more transparent forms of the Supreme Being. But Vedas already had these changing of forms of Supreme Being.
Avatars and Idolatry
In his world-famous book, Shri Nagsharan Sing says – the story of Vishnu’s Vaman Avatar is found in many hymns of Rig-Veda. It is mentioned here that Vishnu had done a circumambulation of this world. He put his feet in three ways and the part occupied by the dust of his foot is called "Earth". It is further said that in Vaman Avatar, Vishnu had covered all three worlds. He had covered the universe in three steps. Vishnu alone had covered the whole universe in three steps ( In Trivikramavatara, Vishnu had covered the whole world only in one step (2.54.24). In Vaman Avatar, Vishnu had covered three worlds in three steps.
In Aitareya Brahmin of Rigveda, we find some description about this – when the distribution of the world between Gods and demons took place, that time Lord Indra said that the area covered by Vishnu in his three steps will go to the Gods and the rest will go to the demons. Demons also agreed to this. And Vishnu covered the whole universe in three steps. Shatpath Brahmin (1.2.5) says, demons said that the area which Vishnu (Vaman Avatar) will occupy in his sleep will be given to the Gods and the rest will go to the demons. And Gods agreed to this. Vishnu occupied the entire world, which in turn went to Gods.
We find the same story in Puranas. Therefore, Puranas are also called as Veda-Bhashya. Thus the basics of the roots of the stories of Dadhichi, Pruthavan, Ven, Naahun, Urvashi, Pururava, Yadu, Manu, Mandhata, Pruthrusharva, Studas, Chyavan are found in Vedas and they are also found in Mahabharata, Valmikeya Ramayana, and Puranas. It is said that with the help of history and Puranas, Vedas should be expanded.
People having half or no knowledge and selfish people are trying to exploit Hindu culture. It is hard for the people having zero knowledge to understand the Vedas.
Roots of idolatry are also found in Rig-Veda. It says that previously idols used to be made of wood. Wood decays fast. This is the reason ancient idols are not found these days and these people with no knowledge comment on idolatry. It becomes clear from Rigveda (4.32.23) that idols were worshipped. Thus this hymn mentions the idolatry which is further described in Puranas.
Except for the above-mentioned investigations, no learned in Vedas says that Vedas do have or present idolatry, but that idolatry is not allowed by Vedas. The name of Swami Dayanand comes first in people with such thoughts. Acharya Priyavratha Vedvachaspati gives the same opinion about this. In Ekadash Samullas of Satyarthaprakash, Swami Dayanand says that Vedas do not mention a word about idolatry or rendition of the idols. Saparayagachchikramakayam (Yaju 40.8) calls Supreme Being as incorporeal and having no form. A hymn of Yajurveda (32.3) clearly says that there is no image of the Supreme Being with this logic, two classes – one of orthodox Hundus who believe in idolatry and the other class is of Aryan Hundus who do not believe in idolatry.
Another example is – one fifth-fifth hymn of 10th mandal of Rigveda, composed by a woman called Vaganmruni who says, I am the lord of the universe, I make a creature able to experience the fruits of their deeds, wealth is also given by me, I am the soul and life, I am omniscient being only one I am present in different forms and aspects. I am conversant with everything. Nobody can rule over me. The entire universe is my excellence. Don’t we worship this Goddess of Rigveda now?
Vedas are God’s won words. Will God ever ask himself to worship him?
When Vedas treat Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra equally, will they treat women partially? If not, then why a woman is not allowed to read Vedas? Swami Vivekanand insisted that Shudras learn Sanskrit and Vedas and be Brahmins. Does birth decide the race? Caste is decided by ones’ deeds.
Taittiriya Brahmins have always insisted that the one who does not know Vedas can never know the Supreme Being.
Some hymns of Rigvedas, 10th mandal, 22nd Sukta repeatedly mention Vaman Avatar, but the people will say that God does not have any form because there is no such hymn mentioning forms of God in Vedas.
Vedas are not understood only by words. The content is also very, important. 16th hymn of the Sukta tells about Vishnu covering the whole universe in three steps, which is to protect the world from demons, in which Vishnu covered seven worlds including earth.
A question can also arise that why Vishnu covered the entire universe only in three steps. Couldn’t he do that in one step? Dayan Bhashya says, covering the universe in three steps
limits the power of Supreme Being? Why Supreme Being has to cover any area when the whole universe is his?
The meaning of the hymn is not automotive but human. Hymns are explained with human emotions and can not be explained with computer.
In brief, the hymn says that universe is made of three basic elements. And making these elements standards, God has measured the world. Science is in designing of the world, in how much proportion these elements come or depending upon their characteristics, the world had been designed. This is the importance of number no. 3, that means Vishnu’s three steps.
Hymn no. 4 and 5 say from the element earth, seven units were arranged in a specific order.
This hymn also raises a question and the following hymn answers it.
Vishnu was very brave. Mahabharata Arvind says that even in ancient days people used to get knowledge of religion, culture and the Supreme Being from Rishis and this was not wrong because Vedas had basics of all the things to take place or to be developed are present in Vedas.
Everything has been developed. Hymn was previously called Brahma. Then Brahma was the one who was close to Vedas, and then Brahma is an expression of development of nature.
Today son of Shiva, Ganesh, is called authentic. They should read this hymn of Yajurveda.
Perhaps some people say that Krishna Mandir of Dwarikapuri used to be Surya Mandir in ancient times. Being a writer, I always hear this thing.
Truth is worshipping of some form of incorporeal, self-oriented being selfless, worship of Supreme Being, Trimurti (Durga, Ganesh, ten forms of Vishnu), believing in creditability of Vedas, importance of disinterested deed, the other world, consequences of the deeds, pilgrimage and devotion, temples and idols, knowledge, worship, and religion all are parts of Hinduism, which formed together and have been together, the thought of change then is also considered as a sin and it is said to consider the Vedas ideal, belief in different ways of doing one thing and worship are the elements of any religion.
In worship that incorporeal creator of Vedas in the form of image of Veda, I imagine him in human form for worshipping. This is the way I worship. Is it against Vedas?
Even if idolatry and Avatar are not mentioned in Vedas, still the idea of Avatar came from Vedas and Vedas have their own literature from Vishnu to Vaman. Even the other world, Devyan and Pitruyaan are also mentioned in Vedas. Rebirth of soul is also found in Vedas. In 1232/3 it is clearly mentioned that one part of human is intact. Other hymn says that all the creatures are survivors of their deeds.
There is not any mention of heaven and hell in Vedas; however, in Shatpath Brahmin in Yajurveda Rishis pray that "Oh Lord Agni, give me the power that my prayer reaches its destination. I want to achieve truth and want to go away, from lie and fake. Thus it is clear that this indication is not for heaven but for some place higher or holier than heaven.
Vayu Puranas say Purana was made first and then Vedas. Shatpath Brahmin that Avtaras before Vaman (Meen, Kurma, Varah, Narshimha) were of Brahma and after supremacy of Vishnu they were called Vishnu Avatars.
Our destitute of quality also is superior to other religion. The one who accepts other’s convenient business is outcaste.
Every religion in the world has originated with the idea of the "Supreme Being" and it will remain so in the future as well. Worship is the only way a human being can stay connected to the Supreme Being And this closeness of human being with the Supreme Being, this unison and this proportion is called religion. This is the basis of every religion of the world. Even the atheists, with the only difference that instead of Supreme Being; they have been seen worshipping their Bodhisattva, Tirthankar. In whatever the Rishis of Vedas felt the presence of supreme Being; they started worshipping all those things such as Sun, Wind, Lord Indra because he could comprehend the strength behind light, water and rain. Human worshipped Lord Indra as the transparent strength until the first three ages. Till the third age (Dwapar) the idea of Supreme Being had been formed in peoples’ minds. Besides human study, human beings had started learning other things which Lord Krishna had told Arjuna, and Lord Krishna had stopped the trend of Lord Indra worship in his childhood and started a trend of worshipping himself in the name of Gowardhana worship. This is like coming out of the nature’s womb and realizing more transparent forms of the Supreme Being. But Vedas already had these changing of forms of Supreme Being.
Avatars and Idolatry
In his world-famous book, Shri Nagsharan Sing says – the story of Vishnu’s Vaman Avatar is found in many hymns of Rig-Veda. It is mentioned here that Vishnu had done a circumambulation of this world. He put his feet in three ways and the part occupied by the dust of his foot is called "Earth". It is further said that in Vaman Avatar, Vishnu had covered all three worlds. He had covered the universe in three steps. Vishnu alone had covered the whole universe in three steps ( In Trivikramavatara, Vishnu had covered the whole world only in one step (2.54.24). In Vaman Avatar, Vishnu had covered three worlds in three steps.
In Aitareya Brahmin of Rigveda, we find some description about this – when the distribution of the world between Gods and demons took place, that time Lord Indra said that the area covered by Vishnu in his three steps will go to the Gods and the rest will go to the demons. Demons also agreed to this. And Vishnu covered the whole universe in three steps. Shatpath Brahmin (1.2.5) says, demons said that the area which Vishnu (Vaman Avatar) will occupy in his sleep will be given to the Gods and the rest will go to the demons. And Gods agreed to this. Vishnu occupied the entire world, which in turn went to Gods.
We find the same story in Puranas. Therefore, Puranas are also called as Veda-Bhashya. Thus the basics of the roots of the stories of Dadhichi, Pruthavan, Ven, Naahun, Urvashi, Pururava, Yadu, Manu, Mandhata, Pruthrusharva, Studas, Chyavan are found in Vedas and they are also found in Mahabharata, Valmikeya Ramayana, and Puranas. It is said that with the help of history and Puranas, Vedas should be expanded.
People having half or no knowledge and selfish people are trying to exploit Hindu culture. It is hard for the people having zero knowledge to understand the Vedas.
Roots of idolatry are also found in Rig-Veda. It says that previously idols used to be made of wood. Wood decays fast. This is the reason ancient idols are not found these days and these people with no knowledge comment on idolatry. It becomes clear from Rigveda (4.32.23) that idols were worshipped. Thus this hymn mentions the idolatry which is further described in Puranas.
Except for the above-mentioned investigations, no learned in Vedas says that Vedas do have or present idolatry, but that idolatry is not allowed by Vedas. The name of Swami Dayanand comes first in people with such thoughts. Acharya Priyavratha Vedvachaspati gives the same opinion about this. In Ekadash Samullas of Satyarthaprakash, Swami Dayanand says that Vedas do not mention a word about idolatry or rendition of the idols. Saparayagachchikramakayam (Yaju 40.8) calls Supreme Being as incorporeal and having no form. A hymn of Yajurveda (32.3) clearly says that there is no image of the Supreme Being with this logic, two classes – one of orthodox Hundus who believe in idolatry and the other class is of Aryan Hundus who do not believe in idolatry.
Another example is – one fifth-fifth hymn of 10th mandal of Rigveda, composed by a woman called Vaganmruni who says, I am the lord of the universe, I make a creature able to experience the fruits of their deeds, wealth is also given by me, I am the soul and life, I am omniscient being only one I am present in different forms and aspects. I am conversant with everything. Nobody can rule over me. The entire universe is my excellence. Don’t we worship this Goddess of Rigveda now?
Vedas are God’s won words. Will God ever ask himself to worship him?
When Vedas treat Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra equally, will they treat women partially? If not, then why a woman is not allowed to read Vedas? Swami Vivekanand insisted that Shudras learn Sanskrit and Vedas and be Brahmins. Does birth decide the race? Caste is decided by ones’ deeds.
Taittiriya Brahmins have always insisted that the one who does not know Vedas can never know the Supreme Being.
Some hymns of Rigvedas, 10th mandal, 22nd Sukta repeatedly mention Vaman Avatar, but the people will say that God does not have any form because there is no such hymn mentioning forms of God in Vedas.
Vedas are not understood only by words. The content is also very, important. 16th hymn of the Sukta tells about Vishnu covering the whole universe in three steps, which is to protect the world from demons, in which Vishnu covered seven worlds including earth.
A question can also arise that why Vishnu covered the entire universe only in three steps. Couldn’t he do that in one step? Dayan Bhashya says, covering the universe in three steps
limits the power of Supreme Being? Why Supreme Being has to cover any area when the whole universe is his?
The meaning of the hymn is not automotive but human. Hymns are explained with human emotions and can not be explained with computer.
In brief, the hymn says that universe is made of three basic elements. And making these elements standards, God has measured the world. Science is in designing of the world, in how much proportion these elements come or depending upon their characteristics, the world had been designed. This is the importance of number no. 3, that means Vishnu’s three steps.
Hymn no. 4 and 5 say from the element earth, seven units were arranged in a specific order.
This hymn also raises a question and the following hymn answers it.
Vishnu was very brave. Mahabharata Arvind says that even in ancient days people used to get knowledge of religion, culture and the Supreme Being from Rishis and this was not wrong because Vedas had basics of all the things to take place or to be developed are present in Vedas.
Everything has been developed. Hymn was previously called Brahma. Then Brahma was the one who was close to Vedas, and then Brahma is an expression of development of nature.
Today son of Shiva, Ganesh, is called authentic. They should read this hymn of Yajurveda.
Perhaps some people say that Krishna Mandir of Dwarikapuri used to be Surya Mandir in ancient times. Being a writer, I always hear this thing.
Truth is worshipping of some form of incorporeal, self-oriented being selfless, worship of Supreme Being, Trimurti (Durga, Ganesh, ten forms of Vishnu), believing in creditability of Vedas, importance of disinterested deed, the other world, consequences of the deeds, pilgrimage and devotion, temples and idols, knowledge, worship, and religion all are parts of Hinduism, which formed together and have been together, the thought of change then is also considered as a sin and it is said to consider the Vedas ideal, belief in different ways of doing one thing and worship are the elements of any religion.
In worship that incorporeal creator of Vedas in the form of image of Veda, I imagine him in human form for worshipping. This is the way I worship. Is it against Vedas?
Even if idolatry and Avatar are not mentioned in Vedas, still the idea of Avatar came from Vedas and Vedas have their own literature from Vishnu to Vaman. Even the other world, Devyan and Pitruyaan are also mentioned in Vedas. Rebirth of soul is also found in Vedas. In 1232/3 it is clearly mentioned that one part of human is intact. Other hymn says that all the creatures are survivors of their deeds.
There is not any mention of heaven and hell in Vedas; however, in Shatpath Brahmin in Yajurveda Rishis pray that "Oh Lord Agni, give me the power that my prayer reaches its destination. I want to achieve truth and want to go away, from lie and fake. Thus it is clear that this indication is not for heaven but for some place higher or holier than heaven.
Vayu Puranas say Purana was made first and then Vedas. Shatpath Brahmin that Avtaras before Vaman (Meen, Kurma, Varah, Narshimha) were of Brahma and after supremacy of Vishnu they were called Vishnu Avatars.
Our destitute of quality also is superior to other religion. The one who accepts other’s convenient business is outcaste.
Tag Names : Puran,Ved |
About Translator:Sou Lalita Marathe |