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God endows eternal and ample resources of knowledge and science to human beings through Vedas. In India, particle and a person is delegated/possessed knowledge of Vedas. However, it’s potential application is limited to the extent of pronouncement/by-hart among generations, thus they are totally abstain from and part with the application of knowledge for the common good and well-fair of the human beings. Gurukuls are meant for the same but they are also dominated by the said practice and hence, the pragmatic application is still not tapped.

Vedas contains description of all those substances in detail including scientific composition responsible for and transformation of universe from non-manifestation to manifestation stage. ‘Somas’ substance is part and parcel/one of it, described as stated.

Somas is a main substance to produce movables and im-movables. Sage Maduchanda in Regveda, 1/5/5 presented a theory with the help of his sine incantation and in electric science with the medium of Gayatri Chand. Somas is described as a substance derived from the gas and solar electricity.

Atharva Ved Sukta 20/69 is contained same thing in support of above matter. However this lore is based on Gayatri Chand, therefore will liable jointly to Brahman and version of East direction.

Saga Kandavo Meghatithi principle : This principle is mentioned in Regved 1/23/1 accordingly gas science is developed with the medium of Gayatri Chand and Somas is described as a substance which possesses room to all such items moving here and there.

Sage Angiras Savya principle : Regveda 1/53/6 is covered Somas. Electric science is developed through the medium of Trishtup Chan and through Somas principle of preparation of valuable and precious products. Being it is based on Trishtup Chand is co-ordinated with Kshatriya Varn and South direction.

Sage Paruchhed : As per Atharva Ved Chapter 20/21/6 and Regved 1/135/6, it is mentioned in Vayu Vidnyan/Gas science with the medium of Ashti Chand,

Somas is termed as immortal and top class wealthy substance. This also contains the principles of rays named Shukra and a substance Aahav formed in water termed as Aspu. Further to above, this chapter also included rays named Rashyabhaih alongwith Mitravarun Vidnyan in the Mandal Sukta 137.

Sage Agasti : as per Regved 1/168/3, Sage Agasti’s Marut Vidnyan clears the analysis of Somas substance in the medium of Swarashtra Trishtup Chand. Vishwamitra’s describes principle of Soma substance in Regved 3/32/5 in the form of Nichru Trishtup Chand.

Some lines are also devoted on the principle of formation of Kosh and Kalash on the basis of drops/pieces of cloud/rain, which is utilized in making internal structure/layer of item, which is in the form of microscopic/smallest substance. This topic is also available in Atharva ved 20/8/3, and in Aytrey Brahman 6/3/3.

It is Sage Vishwamitra’s Electric Science/Vidyut Vidnyan developed in Regved 3/36/3 and 4 has covered some peculiar principles which are represented by Chand, Trishtup, and Pankti. Experiment and analysis of water named Shav along with water named Bal and Dhan. Experiment and principle of to produce same/as above is given in the one Bhed out of eight Bheds of Chana Pashya Tikarma. This topic has thrown some light in Nirukt 6/23, Gopath Brahman, and Uttararchaka 3/4.

Vishwamitra’s sins in Regved 3/46/4 are meant for Vidyut Vidnyan, involved analysis of Somas in the medium of Tristhup Chand relates to light and embryo science.

Sage Trasadasyu Paurukutsya :In his Atma Vidnyan/soul science, has advocated the theory of Somas principle in consideration of water named Sah and Valo through the medium of Trishtup Chand of Regved 4/42/6. This further states the principle of shaking of Suryalok and Bhumilok.

Sage Vabhru Ratreya, Regved 5/30/10 is a doctrine of substances Somas experimented with Jiva/living and solar power. In the matter of experiment Indra, by nature stands for cathod and in the medium of Virat and Trishtup Chanda by using Ima water and one of the substances mentioned in Nighantu 5/2 and electrical fire named Asya.

Sage Swastyatreya : Has sign incantations experiment and principle of Somas production with Mitra Varn in Regved 4/49/1 in the medium of Vishwe Dev Devta’s Viratshtik Chand. Dadhyasir is also experienced as per Regved 1/5/6; 1/131/2; 1/32/4, 25/22/3.63/16 : 101/12; M.Du.283A. 20/68/3 Bale incident is also connected with this.

Sage Vashishta : As per Regved 1/32/4, in Vidhyut Vidnyan, he has presented doctrine of substance Somas impulses missels and Astras etc.

Sage Shashakarnah Kanvah : As per Regved 8/8/14, in his theory of Ashvino Vidnyan presente in the form of Bruhati Chand and experiment of Iame Udak’s/Water 2 or lout of 101 elements is given, (Vichandu 2/4 is contained special experiment of one substance out of 84 substances) Along with Somas experiment of Bhed 1or2 out of last 11 elements. This Bhed is Turvash/.

Sage Kumasuti Kand: Describes principle of generation and manufacture of Somas in his theories of Vidhyut Vidnyan through the medium of Gayatri Chand. It is generated with the help of Andiv Vidhyut and Vayu/Gas named Mamatvat.

Sage Sukaksha : In his theory of Vidhyut Vidnyan, developed through Gayatri Chand (Rgaved 8/83/6), and through Somas in the area of electricity and with the help of Asit Kashapo Devlo and or with the help of Sage sine incantations Pavaman Som Devata through the medium of Gayatri Chand, Somas is the bestower of Raye wealth, extremely fast electrical power named Rathaita, sustaining rays and powers by up-lifting force as a sub agent, original power of Adi-Prakriti.

This chapter is a part of Samved Utterivark Khand Mantra/ incantations 1116-1121 annexed by change in serial nos.

In Regved 8/21/2 principle of Kshamash change in to Aarda with the assistance of Vidhut has been given.

In Regved 8/2281 principle of nature’s description in consideration to Somas is presented.

In Regved 8/124/1-1 is devoted for the principle of purity through Dunday named impured Dipty and a water named Aasu.

In Regved 8/31/1-6, 8/32/1-6, 8/33/1-6 of Sages Gautam, shavashya, has presented separate principles of Somas substance. This chapter is there in Samaved as well, 4.11; 161, 168-11; 164-66.
In Regved 8/63/15 Somas substance is annexed to Dadhyashir through the medium of Gayatri Chand by Nidruvih Kashyap Sage.
In Regved 5/22, Sage Mrugnayni Jamradvrri has presented principle of somas substance functioned in the state of Paraveerth and in Avarvart, which is in Samved too 1163-65. Vasu Bharadwaj Sage has presented a principle of Somas in Regved 8/611/5 in the form of Jagati Chand, Vyashya varn and south direction. Praskanv Sage also furnished principle of Somas in the medium of Pati Chand, Regved 8/852. Satrashray Sage in Regved, 8/101/1 has given east-while Somas substance principle under chapter Pavaman Som Devata on the basis of Karan in the form of Virat Bruhati Chand. Kashyap Sage presented his theory of Somas in Samved 1034, mixed with Purush Rupa and one peculiar substance out of 31 peculiar substances (Vidhandu 5/6). This is stated in Regved as well 8/64, and T.B. 13/1/5. In Samaved 1102, Sage Manu has presented Somas substance through Anustup Chand, having Shudra Varn and north direction holding sun light. This chapter is also involved in Regved 8/101/1, 12;16. As mentioned in Regved 2121 by Sage Amit Devalo Somas is having earth and light and too in Regved 8/10. In Samved 1248, as per Nrumegh Sage principle, if we charge Somas by electricity then will control space, earth, and Dhon-Lok. This chapter is also in Regved 8/88. Bharadwaj Sage has given his article on Somas substance living in the central zone of Jalashaya/water. This chapter is also covered in Regved 8/101/1, S.P. 12,1313, T.B. 2/6/1/1, S.B. 12/8/2/4.

After studying, we come to the conclusion and proved that Somas is a great and cardinal substance of nature. The said will be proved again after the co-ordination of modern science with Vaidic Grant studies. Now, world experts should come forward to make invention and to manifeast their search articles is only the objective set. Hopeful Indian Universities and Education Ministry will divert their efforts in the search work.


 Title : Vedas A Resourceful Treasure of Movables and In movables Author : Mr Chail Bihari Goyal

Read In Hindi

God endows eternal and ample resources of knowledge and science to human beings through Vedas. In India, particle and a person is delegated/possessed knowledge of Vedas. However, it’s potential application is limited to the extent of pronouncement/by-hart among generations, thus they are totally abstain from and part with the application of knowledge for the common good and well-fair of the human beings. Gurukuls are meant for the same but they are also dominated by the said practice and hence, the pragmatic application is still not tapped.

Vedas contains description of all those substances in detail including scientific composition responsible for and transformation of universe from non-manifestation to manifestation stage. ‘Somas’ substance is part and parcel/one of it, described as stated.

Somas is a main substance to produce movables and im-movables. Sage Maduchanda in Regveda, 1/5/5 presented a theory with the help of his sine incantation and in electric science with the medium of Gayatri Chand. Somas is described as a substance derived from the gas and solar electricity.

Atharva Ved Sukta 20/69 is contained same thing in support of above matter. However this lore is based on Gayatri Chand, therefore will liable jointly to Brahman and version of East direction.

Saga Kandavo Meghatithi principle : This principle is mentioned in Regved 1/23/1 accordingly gas science is developed with the medium of Gayatri Chand and Somas is described as a substance which possesses room to all such items moving here and there.

Sage Angiras Savya principle : Regveda 1/53/6 is covered Somas. Electric science is developed through the medium of Trishtup Chan and through Somas principle of preparation of valuable and precious products. Being it is based on Trishtup Chand is co-ordinated with Kshatriya Varn and South direction.

Sage Paruchhed : As per Atharva Ved Chapter 20/21/6 and Regved 1/135/6, it is mentioned in Vayu Vidnyan/Gas science with the medium of Ashti Chand,

Somas is termed as immortal and top class wealthy substance. This also contains the principles of rays named Shukra and a substance Aahav formed in water termed as Aspu. Further to above, this chapter also included rays named Rashyabhaih alongwith Mitravarun Vidnyan in the Mandal Sukta 137.

Sage Agasti : as per Regved 1/168/3, Sage Agasti’s Marut Vidnyan clears the analysis of Somas substance in the medium of Swarashtra Trishtup Chand. Vishwamitra’s describes principle of Soma substance in Regved 3/32/5 in the form of Nichru Trishtup Chand.

Some lines are also devoted on the principle of formation of Kosh and Kalash on the basis of drops/pieces of cloud/rain, which is utilized in making internal structure/layer of item, which is in the form of microscopic/smallest substance. This topic is also available in Atharva ved 20/8/3, and in Aytrey Brahman 6/3/3.

It is Sage Vishwamitra’s Electric Science/Vidyut Vidnyan developed in Regved 3/36/3 and 4 has covered some peculiar principles which are represented by Chand, Trishtup, and Pankti. Experiment and analysis of water named Shav along with water named Bal and Dhan. Experiment and principle of to produce same/as above is given in the one Bhed out of eight Bheds of Chana Pashya Tikarma. This topic has thrown some light in Nirukt 6/23, Gopath Brahman, and Uttararchaka 3/4.

Vishwamitra’s sins in Regved 3/46/4 are meant for Vidyut Vidnyan, involved analysis of Somas in the medium of Tristhup Chand relates to light and embryo science.

Sage Trasadasyu Paurukutsya :In his Atma Vidnyan/soul science, has advocated the theory of Somas principle in consideration of water named Sah and Valo through the medium of Trishtup Chand of Regved 4/42/6. This further states the principle of shaking of Suryalok and Bhumilok.

Sage Vabhru Ratreya, Regved 5/30/10 is a doctrine of substances Somas experimented with Jiva/living and solar power. In the matter of experiment Indra, by nature stands for cathod and in the medium of Virat and Trishtup Chanda by using Ima water and one of the substances mentioned in Nighantu 5/2 and electrical fire named Asya.

Sage Swastyatreya : Has sign incantations experiment and principle of Somas production with Mitra Varn in Regved 4/49/1 in the medium of Vishwe Dev Devta’s Viratshtik Chand. Dadhyasir is also experienced as per Regved 1/5/6; 1/131/2; 1/32/4, 25/22/3.63/16 : 101/12; M.Du.283A. 20/68/3 Bale incident is also connected with this.

Sage Vashishta : As per Regved 1/32/4, in Vidhyut Vidnyan, he has presented doctrine of substance Somas impulses missels and Astras etc.

Sage Shashakarnah Kanvah : As per Regved 8/8/14, in his theory of Ashvino Vidnyan presente in the form of Bruhati Chand and experiment of Iame Udak’s/Water 2 or lout of 101 elements is given, (Vichandu 2/4 is contained special experiment of one substance out of 84 substances) Along with Somas experiment of Bhed 1or2 out of last 11 elements. This Bhed is Turvash/.

Sage Kumasuti Kand: Describes principle of generation and manufacture of Somas in his theories of Vidhyut Vidnyan through the medium of Gayatri Chand. It is generated with the help of Andiv Vidhyut and Vayu/Gas named Mamatvat.

Sage Sukaksha : In his theory of Vidhyut Vidnyan, developed through Gayatri Chand (Rgaved 8/83/6), and through Somas in the area of electricity and with the help of Asit Kashapo Devlo and or with the help of Sage sine incantations Pavaman Som Devata through the medium of Gayatri Chand, Somas is the bestower of Raye wealth, extremely fast electrical power named Rathaita, sustaining rays and powers by up-lifting force as a sub agent, original power of Adi-Prakriti.

This chapter is a part of Samved Utterivark Khand Mantra/ incantations 1116-1121 annexed by change in serial nos.

In Regved 8/21/2 principle of Kshamash change in to Aarda with the assistance of Vidhut has been given.

In Regved 8/2281 principle of nature’s description in consideration to Somas is presented.

In Regved 8/124/1-1 is devoted for the principle of purity through Dunday named impured Dipty and a water named Aasu.

In Regved 8/31/1-6, 8/32/1-6, 8/33/1-6 of Sages Gautam, shavashya, has presented separate principles of Somas substance. This chapter is there in Samaved as well, 4.11; 161, 168-11; 164-66.
In Regved 8/63/15 Somas substance is annexed to Dadhyashir through the medium of Gayatri Chand by Nidruvih Kashyap Sage.
In Regved 5/22, Sage Mrugnayni Jamradvrri has presented principle of somas substance functioned in the state of Paraveerth and in Avarvart, which is in Samved too 1163-65. Vasu Bharadwaj Sage has presented a principle of Somas in Regved 8/611/5 in the form of Jagati Chand, Vyashya varn and south direction. Praskanv Sage also furnished principle of Somas in the medium of Pati Chand, Regved 8/852. Satrashray Sage in Regved, 8/101/1 has given east-while Somas substance principle under chapter Pavaman Som Devata on the basis of Karan in the form of Virat Bruhati Chand. Kashyap Sage presented his theory of Somas in Samved 1034, mixed with Purush Rupa and one peculiar substance out of 31 peculiar substances (Vidhandu 5/6). This is stated in Regved as well 8/64, and T.B. 13/1/5. In Samaved 1102, Sage Manu has presented Somas substance through Anustup Chand, having Shudra Varn and north direction holding sun light. This chapter is also involved in Regved 8/101/1, 12;16. As mentioned in Regved 2121 by Sage Amit Devalo Somas is having earth and light and too in Regved 8/10. In Samved 1248, as per Nrumegh Sage principle, if we charge Somas by electricity then will control space, earth, and Dhon-Lok. This chapter is also in Regved 8/88. Bharadwaj Sage has given his article on Somas substance living in the central zone of Jalashaya/water. This chapter is also covered in Regved 8/101/1, S.P. 12,1313, T.B. 2/6/1/1, S.B. 12/8/2/4.

After studying, we come to the conclusion and proved that Somas is a great and cardinal substance of nature. The said will be proved again after the co-ordination of modern science with Vaidic Grant studies. Now, world experts should come forward to make invention and to manifeast their search articles is only the objective set. Hopeful Indian Universities and Education Ministry will divert their efforts in the search work.


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About Translator:Dr. Anil Athavle
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